Chapter 06 | The Sudden News

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𝐉 𝐔 𝐍 𝐆 𝐊 𝐎 𝐎 𝐊 ' 𝐒   𝐏 𝐎 𝐕

Today the meeting was overall okay and good Yn seems attentive , kinda really impressed I didn't have to tell her to take notes and details she did her own. It's nice. And there comes Miss. Roedriver I am sick of this woman whenever deals and meetings she is late. I mean can't you woke a little early a day , this people are really careless and not being attentive causes loss in business . 

Not to mind more It's time to catch up the next meeting ! It's tiring , devastating but we have to do , right ? Running of from what we fear off  We should say 1.2.3 and let's jump ! Haha ! I do like that . I picked up my coat from the chair head board and headed outside of the cabin , we have to drive. 

𝐄 𝐍 𝐃  𝐎 𝐅  𝐉 𝐔 𝐍 𝐆 𝐊 𝐎 𝐎 𝐊 ' 𝐒     𝐏 𝐎 𝐕

" Meeting ends ! " Mr. Calmber announced . Shaking hands with each other both Mr. Park Jimin and Mr. Kim Taehyung stood up . " Nice to have a work with you Mr. Kim and Mr. Park !" Mr. Calmber said shaking hand with both. " We are glad too." Jimin said while Taehyung nodded in agreement . A sweet smile plastered in their faces , an amicable , sweet smile. Leaving the meeting room behind both Taehyung and Jimin came out from the building of the multi- national building . " Keys ?" Taehyung asked to his driver making Jimin a little surprised Taehyung really hates to drive the car himself , he does it rarely but after doing a heavy mental pressured meeting . 

" You're going to drive ?" Jimin asked his best friend in a surprised tone. " Yes ! Actually I am going ... I mean something private you know." Taehyung said in a shy manner , the smile he holds while saying those words is shy one , somehow an invisible blush tint visible in his cheeks . " pErSonAl ?" Like an intoxicated person spells words in mischief the same tone is in Jimin's voice. Invading upon friend's privacy is always an interesting topic. As we all need spice in our life . " Hm." He has not the further audacity to spell more to best friend , causing it will lead to his loss as he knows his friend very very much. 

" Go go ! All the best Tae Tae." Jimin screamed when Taehyung sat on the driver's seat and closed the door , that much awkward sentence from a big business diva made some workers to look behind at Jimin's angelic face. " It's. Kim. Taehyung !" Taehyung said rolling down the glass of door , greeting his teeth upon Jimin's statement , this Park Jimin and Kim Seokjin never leaves a single chance to embarrass the other members . " Yes Yes ! Tae Tae Darling !" Saying it in a sassy Jimin ran towards his car , cause he don't want to loose his height anymore. Rotating his head from left to right in irritation Taehyung drove off from the place. 

" I am coming." It's Taehyung's voice , he ended the call and placed into the phone strand . His car is running in the highway with a super speed , the amicable sweet smile in his lips dried somewhere leaving a neutral , serious face behind, eyes are not babmi and big doe eyes anymore, they turned into dark gazed dangerous one , the eyebrows are clenched in a manner giving all over a dark vibe , a dangerous aura. This Two persons are different this is Kim Taehyung not Tae Tae. 

Turning the car to the left he ran his car through the most wrong place of the whole city , The South Side , Side of Crime , that name is given by media and some politicians for the bad reputation the side of this city holds . Some where coming in this side , sun also stops to giving it's light to this area , everything seems dark and horrific , radiating a negative energy . The car is still running in a hyper speed , after a couple of Minutes . The car of famous Business Icon KIM TAEHYUNG 's car stopped infront of a big broken building. 

Dragging out the gun from the box , Taehyung settled it behind his suit under the white ironed shirt he is wearing. The positive and safe aura he radiates turned into totally opposite , his total existence screams only one word , DANGER ! Forwarding his steps he climbed through the broken stairs of the building.

Coming at the third floor. Taehyung saw the guards standing in both sides of the door , holding guns. " Who are you?" One of them asked , they are more heighted and well build body holders , seems like fighters . " Tell your boss , V is here." Taehyung said , they both looked at each other , nodding at the sentence , one of them went inside to infrom his boss . " Come inside." The one who went inside came within some minutes and stated. 

" Welcome welcome !" As soon as Taehyung entered in the room , an old man stated , sitting in the royal chair , the building may looks like broken one from outside but the most luxurious from inside , everything is decorated with high priced furniture , expensive showcases and showpieces , several guns are hanging from the wall they are also part of the expensive showpieces . Many body guards are present there with guns. " No no ! no need to check him." The old man said , to the body guard who approached Taehyung in an order to check him up whether he has guns or not. 

" The thing is important enough that the great V aka KIM TAEHYUNG , Himself came here." The man said standing up from the chair. " I don't speak rubbish , come to the point." Taehyung said dragging up a chair from the opposite of the royal chair Taehyung settled himself. " Whos' the target ?" The old one said sitting infront of Taehyung . " JEON JUNGKOOK aka CEO of Jeon Industries ." Taehyung said. 

" Are you believing me in that serious matters ?" The old one chuckled , placing the cigar between his lips . " Aren't you the expert one in this matters Mr. Karl Sebastian ?" Taehyung said in smirk .  


The meeting is completed and well done one , I already gained a good from Sir though Sir mumbled it smally but I heard , Sir is shy person the days I passed working with him I understood the thing that he is a shy person , not really fuckers like others. I used to think all the rich persons are fuckers behind the amicable mask but I think I was wrong , Sir is not like he really behaves so good with everyone. 

Currently we are sitting in the cabin of CEO of Jeon Industries , I am here in the couch doing some works and Mr. tareq is with me helping to finish and submitting the monthly selling data , deals data , loss , profits of different departments . It's exhausting but somehow the working manner of Sir. Jeon really inspires me the much he puts effort to finish the works , he is really dedicates himself to thing he does , it's really inspiring . I didn't notice that I was looking at Sir for so long. 

My sense came back with the acted cough of Mr. Tareq oh! Gwash ! Now what he is thinking about me ? " Done !" Mr. Tareq is the one who said first but I also told same word within some minutes , I am really learning fast fast ! I looked at Sir and he also finished the document pdf he was checking , it seems so the way he exhaled the last breath and loosened the neck tie it was telling that. 

" Miss YN , can you please turn on the TV ?" Mr. Jeon said , I think he is really exhausted from the work load , wait I am tired also maybe a sweet cold coffee along with burger and fries can clear this up , I will soon go to canteen after dropping the papers at my cabin.

I nodded and stood up from the couch , reaching to the electrical switch board , I turned on it , grabbing the remote from the side table I turned on the device . At first the news channel came , and after hearing the breaking news somehow my heart stopped beating. 

" BREAKING NEWS : The famous business woman Miss Roedriver found dead in her own house , the dead body found in her bathroom , bathtub was filled with blood and her body was pale and sinking between the blood , The body is already send to hospital . The SHO of Seoul Branch Mr. Kim Namjoon already gave a short speech saying , that , they are expecting  the blood in the bathtub is her own blood as her body was looking so pale , her face had many scars and eyeballs are pulled out from socket leaving a deadly scene behind , her body had not a piece of cloth and the murder wrote something with knife on her back , the word V." 

A/N : I am late cause first I had to plan this chapter and second I was busy with studies , I am so sick with studies I am studying one end and forgetting the other end like why the syllabus is so big ! Btw how's the chapter ? Thank you so much a lot lot , we crossed 1.22K reads and 210 votes already and it's only 6th chapter at a point after messing up with SINISTER SEDUCTION storyline I thought to leave writing but this gave me again hope to write. Stay with me and stay tuned for next < 3

This chapter is boring I know but I will try to drag some spices in next I wrote it in hurry. 

DEDICATIONS :  sirengirlstx sania2937

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