Chapter 07 | The Dim Light

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  𝐉 𝐔 𝐍 𝐆 𝐊 𝐎 𝐎 𝐊 ' 𝐒     𝐏 𝐎 𝐕

Everything around me is wrapped with so many twisted questions why and only why? Nothing seems good, in the peace where I used to live somehow lost somewhere all is now regret. Am I really at fault?  For me, they are losing their life  I am confused but somehow disappointed in myself I am a failure to save those lives Neither did she flirt with me nor did I say a single unrelated word with business but still she was pushed toward death why?

I am feeling so horrific now, so many things happened for me and with me too but who's the person? why can't the person just take me instead of them? the weight of regret is too much. I am scared if things are going like this Yn will be also in danger. I can't be a bad person after knowing that she will be in danger and If I didn't save her, I would be not in a position to stand up for my ethics. The guilt will eat me up so it will be better if I  give her any excuse asking to leave the job.

It's unfair I know, but that's the bare minimum in my hands which I can do to save her life.

  𝐄 𝐍 𝐃  𝐎 𝐅  𝐉 𝐔 𝐍 𝐆 𝐊 𝐎 𝐎 𝐊 ' 𝐒     𝐏 𝐎 𝐕

As soon as he heard the news he came back home. In this mentality office is not a stable place. There are huge chance that he can break down emotionally in front of many employees. He doesn't want it. And here in front of the six if he cries like a baby no one gonna judge him by calling him a crybaby or a weak person. That's why family and friends have different circles.

" Relax Kook! I know it's a huge bunch of things happening since a time, but breaking down emotionally is not even an option if you will break down that easily it will be hard to catch the person. " Namjoon said though Namjoon's words have a specific and logical meaning it doesn't stand upon the surface of guilt and regret the weight of those two is very much. At this point, Namjoon is also confused having no reason to explain to Jungkook he is not the reason.

Namjoon tried hard to pull out just a few pieces of evidence to make Jungkook understand it's not a thing for he is to blame or he should blame himself he can't control the mishaps and he knows the person behind these. Everything is wrapped with double-sided questions if you're getting an answer there's another question resurfacing.

" Is there any reason other than me for her death? Any mafia or any business deal? NOTHING IT'S ONLY ME. " When a person is so frustrated he will always end up screaming letting out some of the uneasiness he is feeling inside him. With Jungkook same happened. Namjoon sighed, he had no explanation, not able to find any evidence to erase the burden over the younger head. He has a long life to live also.

" Listen, Kook! In apparent eyes sometimes we see what we shouldn't but as we can't see through people it seems we are at fault, everything happened for us. " After staying silent for a couple of conversations Yoongi finally opened his mouth, he loves to say things on the point with logic and ethics neither a little sugar coat nor a little harsh, he is always soft with the youngest especially. " Many times in life many people will try to blame you for those you can't control, they will try to put yourself down in your eyes, but never let them be successful. "

" But Hyung -" Jungkook tried to pull out a little brief of questions running in his mind, which somehow blocked the logic from entering his head. " I know it's hard to make your mind understand but do we have any other option? Just think in a way, nobody has the power to control birth or death. If we have then we will be god. But we are humans, It was their fate to have a death like that way, it's not your fault that they were attracted towards you, nor they were a fault, attraction can happen to anyone. Kook! Let the things go which you can't control, focus on that which you control." Yoongi said patting Jungkook's head, adoration and somehow rare emotion visible in his eyes Sympathy.

" Exactly I agree with Yoongi, otherwise Namjoon already said there are many reasons behind the murders, It can be business issues, personal problems, or many other just the murders happened after you met with them doesn't prove you're the reason, sometimes the probability of coincident are pretty high," J-hope said, will anyone be a better therapist either than your own best friends? Never sometimes they know you better than you " Jungkook! Stop procrastination for something you didn't attempt." Namjoon said building up the promise inside him that he would try his 110% best to find evident even a small one, to make the youngest a little bit clamer. 

" And if you're worried about yourself, then listen we six are here alive, if the person tries to harm you, first the person has to walk upon our six deaths then he/she can touch you. " Though Jin and Jungkook bicker a lot whenever some problems dance around Jungkook, Jin is the first person to stand beside him protecting him in every possible try he can. Do we need love when we have awesome friends? Probably No, god blessed friends are enough to make heaven for you. 

" Thank you a lot! A lot thanks!" The last words of Jungkook kind of mixed up together in his throat for the limp of emotions he is feeling, no he is not sad because he is feeling he is the reason, but he is happy crying from the heart for the awesome hexa-friends he found among of those fake trios. Though they are all older than him, though they scold him for being stubborn they are the ones who also can fight death and life battle to save him. He is feeling too many emotions within his heart which somehow overflow coming out through his eyes, Should he cry? 

" Come on! Let's give us a hug." It's Jimin who pulled him for a hug while others joined him too. Jungkook can't control the tears building in his eyes counting time to come out, does he want to mess up the moment by crying? Absolutely no! " You know you can cry! Sometimes we need to cry to feel better, boys also have emotions, and they also need to draw them out from their hearts. It's just a myth that boys shouldn't cry." Taehyung said, Love is a word to describe the feeling you have for a person, it has no specification that only will be used to describe feelings for the opposite gender, we can use the word to describe how much we love our sibling, our family, and our friends. Love is a universal word. If we use the word for same gender it doesn't mean we are homosexual, gay, or lesbian. And if we are homosexual or any other it's not a fault or a crime to be, variations are mandatory to balance upon entire world.

" Here's tissue kook! Clean up tears, cause we are ordering pickle burgers now. Yay!" Jimin said standing up from his place and doing the Anpanman move. " We are not going to eat pickles in burgers!" Taehyung said, standing up from his place too. " We will." " We will not." Jin sighed seeing these two fighting again. Yoongi sighed he hates too many loud sounds, and being irritated he asked, " Do we have a chance to win upon the villain having crackheads in our team? "

 A T  2 : 3 0 A M ,  N I G H T 

Night time is always the best time to do those things which are forbidden in daylight.

Taehyung and Jimin both are still staying with Jungkook, and the security management Namjoon provided is still allotted. The whole apartment of Jungkook more specifically known as Jeon Mansion, is now fully silent, with no bickering over pickles in a burger, either fighting over who will take the fluffy blanket, to why he lost the video game. Everything is silent. The guards of the mansion and the policemen are sleeping peacefully, the last thing they have is coffee, and the cups are still in their position beside them. 

The door of the left-handed room on the second floor opened suddenly. Modern furniture does not crack sounds in the joints of the door, it opens smoothly causing zero sound. A person came out from the room, a small torch in his hand, only Jimin and Taehyung were sleeping in that room then who was this? The dim light coming from the small ventilation in the corridor is making the eyes of the person abnormally shine. 

Lions and other animals whose eyes shine in the darkness, they have tapetum lucidum named a biological reflector system present in their eyes in the case of humans it's absent, but the figure that came out from the darkroom has a physical structure like humans. A little haziness and uneasiness hung upon the air for some minutes. The figure approached the door in front of it. Jungkook's room, where probably he is sleeping.

Clutching the doorknob, it opened the door, the room is silent, Jungkook is sleeping. The glowing eyes scanned the whole room, stopping upon the peaceful figure of Jungkook, sleeping soundlessly on the mattress, clutching the blanket with one fist. No one can say he is 26 years old by seeing the bread cheeks he made while sleeping. Will it be a sin to bite them? 

The figure also has an adoration for the sleeping one. The adoration a person has over someone whom you can love more than yourself. The figure started approaching the sleeping Jungkook with small steps, counting upon the thing that it shouldn't make a single noise. After some steps when it came beside Jungkook, the person kneeled down, looking directly at the sleeping face. If Sleeping Beauty has a male version it definitely Jungkook. Placing over his forehead the person mumbled, " Don't worry everything will be fine soon." 

Standing up from the position, stepping ahead, the person opened the balcony door, glancing upon the bread cheeky Jungkook for the last time, the person jumped off from the railing. 

I N  A  W A R E H O U S E , B U S A N 

" As long as I am alive no one can touch Jungkook. Then it's a rare thing to hurt Jungkook." A male voice echoed through the empty rooms of the warehouse, the voice has a tint of aging. Soon a gunshot heard also. This warehouse is empty but filled with so many sins happened here, still happening. The aged voice again echoed through the hall ways.

" Whoever will try to pull out the thought to harm Jeon Jungkook, will be pulled by death." 

A/N : Hey! How are you all ?? I know I am a little late giving updates but just I am stuck into tons of tests , backlogs and revisions. It's all happening too me, more over I am suffering from iron deficiency, so having uneasy ness and head spinning became pretty common to me.

Btw how's the chapter? Did you enjoy it? I hope I pulled out another surprise here.

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