Chapter 08 | The Secret MMS

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𝐉 𝐔 𝐍 𝐆 𝐊 𝐎 𝐎 𝐊' 𝐒 𝐏 𝐎 𝐕

Standing in front of Police Station somehow I am feeling I am a criminal. Since last two days I have a fever inside me, coming and going, today feeling a little better I finally came out of house, heading towards office, today I am feeling like sinner, just because today I will tell Yn to sign off from the post, she is not in a fault but still that's all the minimum I can do to save her from death. I stopped at way to office, at this police station to consult with Namjoon Hyung before taking any step, he is the intelligent one always guides me in the hard situations. 

Stepping inside the police station the first thing came up to my eyes are the couples of handcuffs, it must hurt a lot they are made of metals. Everyone here knew me already as since Hyung joined here I am coming here since, whenever I need to decide something urgent or something I forget to ask, I ran here. Going through the hallways I finally came to Hyung's cabin.

Knocking a couple of times finally, Hyung muttered a little Come in for me. Pushing the heavy door, I entered. My body became so weak that it was hard for me to push this door, which was pretty easy for me. "Good Morning Hyung." Dragging a chair from its place, I placed myself into it. This room is pretty cold I don't know why. " Hey Kookie! How's Your health?" Hyung asked, He has been my role model since very first. 

I always want to be like him, calm, cool, intelligent, and humble. I wanted to become a police officer too but as I am the only heir I am forced into this, we have to love our work, Hyung's advice still roams around my head. " I am fine Hyung! Jin Hyung prescribed some medics and I hope I will be fully healthy after some days." I retorted, Hyung flashed a calm dimple smile, well it's not a sin to say that if someday I will turn into a homosexual person, Namjoon Hyung will be the reason. " So you are here? sudden?" Hyung asked turning off the pages of some case files, and finally ended up closing them. The dustbin here is full of waste, no doubt, destroy king for a reason though. 

" Um. I took a decision and I don't know if it's a good one or not. So, some advice?" I never felt so nervous till now, cause I think that I was doing wrong. " Okay, so what's that?" Hyung asked back. " I thought to tell Yn, to resign from the post," I said in a small manner, the confident tone is missing and I am well known for it, I am still waiting for the reaction of Hyung but there's nothing, he is calm as usual. " But why?" I was expecting the same question but with a little more expression, but he is calm and looks like he is trying to understand in which mental state I am passing from. 

" I just want to save her life, as mine is full of dangers, like I don't want her dead at the last. Because of the maniac person." I explained, somehow the eyes from the SUV crossed in my mind, chilling my blood to bones. Hyung's reaction was not expected from me. He let out a deep sigh, before putting off his glasses from nasal cartilage. Though how much I will try to act as a mature or responsible person, an adult one for Hyungs I am always small. I think only my anger issues work on the Company, not here. 

" Listen Jungkook! Understand first." Namjoon Hyung whenever he is serious always calls by full name. " You can't do this, how much risk though here? Cause we still don't know who's the mysterious person behind all of this, this can be Yn too. Anyone, everyone is under suspicious eyes." Namjoon Hyung has a point, anyone can be the reason and if suddenly I tell her to resign, if she is the reason she can do anything and if she is not then it will draw attention towards her. But thinking that she can be reason and I am spending time with her, is chilling my bones up. Life is Horrible, it's not Conjuring which is the most horror, it's our life, Anything can happen anytime.

" Kookie! Think just if she is the real one, then if you tell her to resign she can do anything, moreover, it will be hard to catch her, we are still not confirmed, we still need to watch upon everyone, either the real person till now ever hurt you, so my advice is that, look for some days then we will rethink." Wanting to be like Hyung impacted me, and my thinking became the same as his. I am not in relief yet, but much more than before.

" Thank you a lot, Hyung. I am going now." Sliding up the chair I stood up from the seat. Hyung also stood up from his place, well it's a sign of respect to walk off with someone to the gate. Hyung is my inspiration for a reason. I pulled out the door to walk out, as we both were walking through the small corridor, a slight laughing sound came to my ears. I am not scared as this is not a haunted place but not comfortable too as there are many types of criminals here. 

" You think you will be safe right?" I almost jumped after hearing it, quickly glancing upon Namjoon Hyung, I noticed he had also the same reaction as me, perplexed, where did the sound come from? Looking at the row of cells on our right side, I noticed an old woman, sitting on her bed, wearing an orange cell uniform looking at me, with her red eyes, does she have any infections or her eyes are that dangerous? I am scared of the way of looking it's not friendly either. 

" You think that you will be alive till the end? You silly boy! You will not see the sun till the end, A person from your loved one will throw daggers! Haha!" Her laughing is like they are pulling my soul through my ears, the fever that went a while ago, is coming again, I can feel my body heating up suddenly, and sweat beads started forming upon my forehead. Why I am feeling so suffocated in this blazer and shirt? I can't breathe I need fresh air. Things are hazing beside me, " Your loved one will throw daggers !" That's the last thing I heard before everything went black. 

𝐄 𝐍 𝐃   𝐎 𝐅   𝐉 𝐔 𝐍 𝐆 𝐊 𝐎 𝐎 𝐊 ' 𝐒   𝐏 𝐎 𝐕

"How's Kookie right now?" Jimin asked, sitting beside Jungkook, who just sifted to a personal cabin from the general ward. "He is fine, nothing serious happened, just cause of fever food uptake was not proper and adequate, blood pressure became low and blackout," Jin explained, arranging the needed medicines in the drawer. Jin owns the whole hospital, so it makes no sense that Jungkook has to buy those medicines. 

" I was tensed so much," Taehyung said, looking over the sleeping Jungkook in the bed, while he was on the couch, everyone was present here, except Yoongi, he went to buy some needed fruits for the younger one. Yoongi doesn't express his love over words, but it's proved but the work he will do for the person. " Nothing to be tensed Taehyung I already told nurses to give him high doses of Calpol, I thought 650mg would be high doses prescribed 500mg, but as it's not working so have to use high doses," Jin said, sitting beside Taehyung. 

" You know what Namjoon?" Jhope asked looking at Namjoon. "What?" Namjoon replied. " I don't trust this doctor, I still doubt how he passed MBBS along MD, I think we should take Kookie into another hospital. " Jhope said while Jin started fuming in anger. " YAH! *insert Jin's rap* HOW DARE YOU HUH? HOBI I WILL KICK YOU OUT FROM THE WINDOW AND WHEN YOUR LEG WILL BE BROKEN I WILL NOT PLASTER IT UP! HUH! YOU DUMB!" Jin's whole face became red due to the intense scream he gave. While the sleeping Jungkook started moving a little due to the high volume coming in his ears. 

" You guys shut up! You are disturbing Kookie! I swear if he will wake up, I will kick you all." Taehyung blurted, somehow Taehyung was angry at them for creating such a loud mess while the small one was sleeping soundly. "Okay! Okay!" Jin said, sitting back in his position. " Your love for Kookie Increasing day by day, You never cared for me this much," Jimin said, creating a small pout, gaining attention from best friend is always a hot topic. And when your soulmate starts to care less about you, somehow there's an uneasiness inside the mind, remains. 

"Stop drama! Chim! I never cared much or less, as he is going through so much it's needed to look upon him specially." Taehyung said, picking up the orange juice glass from the table, Jin started giving him side eyes, which he ignored. This juice, Jin bought for Jungkook to make him feed whenever he woke up but this 95-liner bustard, just dared to finish it up. "By the way Taehyung, you were not in a room yesterday night. Where were you?" Jimin said, looking at Taehyung. " Me? I was in the room." He pointed a finger towards himself and replied. " Nope, you're not!" Jimin said rotating his head as no. 

" I was in the room, just went out to drink some water, as you decided to finish the jug earlier," Taehyung said, in his famous sassy style. While Jimin rolled his eyes at him, he is really pissed off by this sassy behaviour. 

" We shouldn't bicker so much around a sleeping person, read the nursery manners book." Yoongi entered the room with two plastic bags in his hand filled with different types of fruit, from Watermelon to Bananas, Beet, berries, nuts, Citrus fruit, Pomegranate, everything needed to increase blood pressure. There was a pin-drop silence for a moment, Yoongi himself broke it. 

" I collected a parcel from reception, someone sent something for Jungkook." Yoongi said placing the small box before the boys on the table. " Again a note!" Taehyung said, separating the note from the box. They opened the box and a plain pen drive, came out from the box.

" My dear Kookie,

                                       I am so sorry, I never expected that you would be a soft-hearted person. I am so sorry that you're admitted to the hospital, Though your so-called brother Kim Seokjin, I have to admit he is not a good doctor or either you will not be admitted there. Just inform your brother to take care of you nicely or I will show him how to take care. By the way, since I wanted to gift you something, I gifted you the most entertaining thing for me, I personally like this view so much. I hope you will like it too. There are no questions about what you do in the gym for two hours at the start of your day, obviously, your well-built body is the answer to this.

                                                Enjoy the view, and don't dare to delete or destroy the pen drive, darling I have 100 copies saved here. Love you. Eat healthy and get well soon.

                                                                                                                            -- Your die Heart Lover. "

" What was that?" Jhope asked, almost everyone is confused by the message here. " We can't say anything, play the pen drive." Namjoon said, reaching to his laptop Taehyung quickly inserted into the portal, playing up the video. Everyone almost gasped by seeing this, no one expected that a person can go this low, quickly turning off the laptop, everyone was so stunned to speak, cause it's the footage of a secret camera installed in Jungkook's bathroom, it recorded everything, it shouldn't. 

A/N : I am late, I have mocks running over my head, so just busy with study and stuffs and whoever wants to ask what I do, I wanted to tell I told the bare minimum about medicines here and I think everyone knows it. This chapter was a little awkward, I know but I just wanted to show that stalking for both genders can be dangerous, either it boy or girl. Stalking has no limits rather than madness. We crossed 1.82k views ! woah ! Thank you a lot. Let's see what I can bring for next. 

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