I Sína (The Unknown)

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Needed for this chap-
* Apostrophes in italics are thoughts
Example: 'hello everyone! I hope you enjoy this, it's a story I've been pondering on writing.'
* Italics Without Apostrophes put emphasis on certain word(s)
Example: Run. Run!

I grew up listening to Classic Rock, though I'm only 25 yrs old so you'll find a random mix of songs on here!
(If you've read my other stories like What Once Was Lost {Hobbit Fanfic} Book 1, you probably know that.)

Her name will be revealed later in the chap!

"Blackbird singing in the dead of night
Take these broken wings and learn to fly
All your life
You were only waiting for this moment to arise
Blackbird singing in the dead of night
Take these sunken eyes and learn to see
All your life
You were only waiting for this moment to be free
Blackbird fly, blackbird fly
Into the light of the dark black night
Blackbird fly, blackbird fly
Into the light of the dark black night
Blackbird singing in the dead of night
Take these broken wings and learn to fly
All your life
You were only waiting for this moment to arise
You were only waiting for this moment to arise
You were only waiting for this moment to arise~"
-The Beatles, Blackbird

It was a foggy, cold, rainy night when a young red haired, dwarven child was found at the gates of the Blue Mountains. She couldn't have been older then twenty two, possibly twenty five. Though in human standards she looked only seven or so.

Hearing pounding at the gate, a guard opened the door to see no one their, he looked down at his feet and saw a young dwarrowdam (female dwarf) wrapped up in a dirty blanket, out cold. He felt her forehead. She was feverish. He quickly ran towards the healers. Girl in his arms, Speer laid forgotten on the ground.

Dwarrowdams are precious to the Dwarves in general because females are rare. Why would one leave a child out in the cold? Did they want her to die? No. If they did, than they wouldn't have brought the poor girl to the gate. Whoever it was, wanted the child to have a chance to live.

The guard finally reached the healers, setting her down carefully on a cot he went for a healer, not wanting to wake the others who were sleeping by shouting.
Minutes later, both returned.

The healer looked shocked and rushed over to the girl.
"Thank you for bringing her to me, Korgim." She spoke.
"It was the right thing to do, Merna. We both know that." Korgim replied.
"Indeed, it was. I best tend to her, and you best get back to your duties." Merna said.
He nodded and left.

Merna rushed to get new clothing for the unknown girl, and supplies to lower her fever. Being soaked was not helping her situation.
She first unwrapped the red headed girl from her filthy 'blanket', then undressed her from her nasty, worn clothes that desperately needed a wash.

Merna saw a note when she unwrapped the girl that read -
"To whoever that may find this -  take care of my child and give her a name. For I do not deserve to give her one. She needs someone that can take care of her, give her a permanent home, and food. That I could not provide."

The healer was in tears, the poor child. Merna tucked the note away, for later to show the King and the Prince's.

An hour had passed and she was now dressed, and the fever had lessened. Merna would stay by her side for the night. In the morning, if she was alright she would visit the King and the Princes.

Morning had broken and the girl's fever was gone, it was as if nothing had happened. The only proof that something did, was the note... That Merna knew of.

The child soon awoke, and was on alert. She slowly sat up and looked around, seeing the older Dwarven woman next to her.
"Wh-where am I, and who are you?" She asked.
Merna smiled, "You're at The Blue Mountains, my dear. And I am Merna I tended to you throughout the night."
"Thank you, Merna." She replied.
For the last thing the girl remembered was being knocked out...
"I'd like to bring you to our Prince's and King if that's okay with you?" Merna questioned.
She nodded. Confused on why they would want to see her.

Merna led her to where the Royals ruled the mountain. She was scared, and gripped Merna's hand tightly. Being three foot high in a huge mountain, was intimidating.
"Come on now, there's nothing to be afraid of." Merna spoke, coming to her level. "The Royals are rather nice, and treat us fairly."
The girl nodded, "okay." She spoke.

After a long trek, they reached the Royal Hall. It was similar to Erebor, but it had a floor beneath the entire room.
The walls were made of stone, and had a high ceiling. There were Three thrones the King's throne was the biggest. The eldest prince, the second, and the third prince the smallest.

"Now, when we approach remember to curtsy and bow your head in respect." Merna whispered.
"I don't think I know how to curtsy... But I'll try." She whispered back.
Merna smiled.

The two were soon in front of the three Royals. Merna curtsied and bowed her head, the young girl attempted to do the same wobbling on her feet making the youngest prince smile faintly at the cuteness of it.

The King, Thrór chuckled "Welcome, Merna. Who is it that you've brought with you?" He asked.
Merna looked up, "greetings my Lords. This young child came to us last night with a fever. She was found at the gates by Korgim. If she hadn't been found within the hour...." Merna looked at the small girl that was attempting to hide behind her legs. "-She might've passed." Merna continued her sentence.

"Does this child have a name?" King Thrór asked.
The girl shook her head.
"I have this letter, it was found with her." Merna spoke.
"Please, bring forth the letter."
The Royals read the letter over...
"To whoever that may find this - take care of my child and give her a name. For I do not deserve to give her one. She needs someone that can take care of her, give her a permanent home, and food. That I could not provide."

It was obvious what had to be done.

He folded the letter. "Child, please come here..." Thrór knelt down.
She shyly walked towards the seemingly towering Dwarves.
"What is the last thing you remember before waking up?" He asked.
"I was kn-knocked out, by a rolling pin. I hadn't done anything wrong, I washed all the windows, scrubbed and swept the floor... I don't know why they brought me here." She spoke.

The Royals were shocked at this news. 'Who would hit a child?'
"They did it so you would have a better life, young one." The elder prince, Thráin spoke.
"A better life?" She questioned.
"Yes, one with constant food, warmth, perhaps a family - siblings." He continued.
Her eyes lightened up. "Really?"
"Yes, really. Now all we have to do, is find you that family."
"Merna, would you take her in?" Thrór questioned.
She sighed. "I would, but I'm away from my quarters far too often and the healing halls are no place for a child."
"I think I might know someone." Spoke the youngest prince.
The other two Royals turned to him. "And who might you be suggesting, Thorin?" Thrór asked.
"My friend, Dwalin. He's been wanting to adopt for some time." Thorin spoke, arms crossed.
They looked between each other. "Thorin, would you ask Dwalin if he would adopt her, then?"
"Would it be alright if I take her to visit Dwalin so he doesn't adopt a stranger. They can get to know each other...If that's okay with everyone?" Thorin suggested.
They nodded. "Very well. Good luck, Thorin."
Merna came up to the child, "I shall see you around, alright?"
She nodded in return.


"Okay..." Once again, the girl was heading into the unknown, and was afraid.
Thorin took her hand and bent down to her level. "I wont let any harm become you, I promise." He spoke. "However, I'm about to take you to my best friend, and he's a great warrior who loves children so you'll be safe. I have no doubt that Dwalin will want to adopt you." Thorin finished, standing still holding her hand.
"What's this...Dwa-lin like?" She asked.
Thorin chuckled, "He appears as tough, unfriendly. But has a big heart." Thorin spoke, looking at her while they walked the halls.
"He also has a brother, named Balin. He's much older, very smart, and will be a great grandfather figure. He'll spoil you rotten." Thorin winked playfully.

They soon reached the end of the hall, she looked at Thorin. "What now?"
"This is their residence."
He knocked twice, some cursing was heard and the girl tensed, she grabbed onto Thorin's leg, afraid.
Thorin once again lent down to her level "He's just startled is all - I probably woke him. Dwalin's grumpy when he doesn't get enough sleep."
The cursing was coming closer, she tensed more.
"It's alright, like I promised no one will hurt you while I'm here."
The girl nodded, too scared to talk. - Thorin knew she probably got hit at her old home a lot.
"If you wish, you can hide behind me."
And so, she did.

The door opened sharply, "Blast it, what do you want!?" Dwalin yelled making her squeak.
"Calm down, Dwalin." Thorin ordered.
"I've come here on official business and I don't need you scaring her even more." He spoke sternly.
"Her?" Dwalin questioned.
"Yes, her. Now may we come in?" Thorin asked.
"Of course, I'll let Balin know you're here."
Thorin led the girl by the hand inside. - She was terrified and Dwalin would have to change that.
They went to the den, where two couches sat in front of a fireplace.
She sat next to Thorin, not wanting to leave his side - currently he was her security blanket.

(A/N Forget about the battle in this scene, and hugging... This is how Dwalin and Balin currently look. - Age wise.)

Dwalin and a grey bearded dwarf soon entered and as they did, both of their eyes widened.
"A lass? Where did you find her?" Balin asked.
Where as Dwalin stood, staring at her, making the girl squirm and clutch onto Thorin even more.
"Dwalin, enough. You're scaring her." Thorin ordered.
"My apologies, and I apologize if I scared you when you knocked little one." Dwalin spoke, softly.
"S'okay. I'm use to it." She spoke quietly, sadly.
All three turned to her.
"Use to it?" Thorin questioned. He was hoping he was wrong, that she wasn't beaten or yelled at, at her old home.
"Yes, my papa yelled at me, and mama too. I sometimes got hit with the rolling pin if I did something wrong. Though papa left us. They didn't give me a name, I was a mistake. - unwanted." A tear slipped from her eye.

Thorin pulled her up on his lap, and Dwalin took her spot on the couch, now facing her.
"Listen here young lady, you are not a mistake, nor unwanted in this household, or mountain. Got that?" Dwalin spoke.
She nodded.
"Dwalin's right. Here, we stick together. If you ever need someone to talk to, you can come to me okay?" Thorin promised.
"Aye, I agree with my brother - I believe he was also saying that we'll adopt her if that is indeed what you came here for?" Balin asked Thorin.
Thorin smiled, "Yes that's why we visited. She needs a home - and a name."
"Hm, how about Raelin?" Dwalin asked the girl.
Her eyes lit up, "Raelin...Ray-Lin. I like it!" She spoke, excited.
"Rae for short, then." Thorin said ruffling her red hair.
"Are you okay for now, Rae?" Thorin asked.
She nodded and hugged his waist as he stood. "Thank you, Thorin."
"Your welcome Raelin. Go now, get to know your new family. If you have problems, send for me." Thorin told her.
"Okay. Goodbye Thorin."

So~ What are your thoughts?
I personally can't remember if Thorin's family was alive in the Blue Mountains, or if it was just Thorin...?
But, anyhow in this story it's the Royal Family (Including Dis and later on Fili and Kili!)
Just a few chapters with Thrór and Thráin so no worries for those who hate story changes - (timeline type changes)

I'll adjust it later if I can think of a way... 🤔

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