Rya? (Her?)

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The door opened sharply, "Blast it, what do you want!?" Dwalin yelled making her squeak.
"Calm down, Dwalin." Thorin ordered.
"I've come here on official business and I don't need you scaring her even more." He spoke sternly.
"Her?" Dwalin questioned.
"Yes, her. Now may we come in?" Thorin asked.
"Of course, I'll let Balin know you're here."
Thorin led the girl by the hand inside. - She was terrified and Dwalin would have to change that.
They went to the den, where two couches sat in front of a fireplace.
She sat next to Thorin, not wanting to leave his side - currently he was her security blanket.

Dwalin and a white bearded dwarf soon entered and as they did, both of their eyes widened.
"A lass? Where did you find her?" Balin asked.
Where as Dwalin stood, staring at her, making the girl squirm and clutch onto Thorin.
"Dwalin, enough. You're scaring her." Thorin ordered.
"My apologies, and I apologize if I scared you when you knocked little one." Dwalin spoke, softly.
"S'okay. I'm use to it." She spoke quietly, sadly.
All three turned to her.
"Use to it?" Thorin questioned. He was hoping he was wrong, that she wasn't beaten or yelled at, at her old home.
"Yes, my papa yelled at me, and mama too. Though papa left us. They didn't give me a name, I was a mistake. - unwanted." A tear slipped from her eye.

Thorin pulled her up on his lap, and Dwalin took her spot on the couch, now facing her.
"Listen here young lady, you are not a mistake, nor unwanted in this household, or mountain. Got that?" Dwalin spoke.
She nodded.
"Dwalin's right, here, we stick together. If you ever need someone to talk to, you can come to me okay?" Thorin promised.
"Aye, I agree with my brother - I believe he was also saying that we'll adopt her if that is indeed what you came here for?" Balin asked Thorin.
Thorin smiled, "Yes that's why we visited. She needs a home - and a name."
"Hm, how about Raelin?" Dwalin asked the girl.
Her eyes lit up, "Raelin...Ray-Lin. I like it!" She spoke, excited.
"Rae for short, then." Thorin said ruffling her red hair.
"Are you okay for now, Rae?" Thorin asked.
She nodded and hugged his waist as he stood. "Thank you, Thorin."
"Your welcome Raelin. Go now, get to know your new family. If you have problems, send for me." Thorin told her.
"Okay. Goodbye Thorin."


Also needed for this chapter (and many to come)

* Apostrophes in italics are thoughts
Example: 'hello everyone! I hope you enjoy this, it's a story I've been pondering on writing.'
* Italics Without Apostrophes put emphasis on certain word(s)
Example: Run. Run!
* Any of Tolkien's languages will be translated in bold lettering with asterisks.
Example: "Mae Govannen" *Well Met*

Also, please remember the word Adad as it translates to Father/Dad.
I will remind you for a few chapters, and if Anyone forgets, just ask in the comments!
(In fact, if you're confused or have questions about anything please feel free to leave a comment!)
-Ash 🙂
Now, lets get started! *dances* 🎉

I was now nearing 35, my teenage years. I came to the Blue Mountains when I was 25.
I will forever remember the first day I arrived here. The day I awoke and met Merna, and when she brought me to the Royals. Thorin and I became fast friends. I couldn't thank them enough for saving me. Later that week I was introduced to the captain that found me, and I thanked him over and over. But the best part? I now had a permanent home, a family. A name. Raelin, daughter of Dwalin. Son of Fundin. And I also had an Uncle, Balin. Thorin was right about him spoiling me rotten, too. Both of them, actually.

But now that I was in my teenage years, Dwalin considered me old enough to begin training. Training to fight. He thought this for two reasons,
One: there was talk about the Dwarves trying to reclaim Moria, which I knew frightened him slightly, as he would go with Thorin. - Merna would take care of me until they returned, if it took place.
Two: He didn't want me to be defenseless in case I needed to defend myself.
He said to me once "All Dwarves, and Dwarrowdams *female dwarves* should know how to fight."

So, each morning he brang me to the training room and taught me with an ax, sometimes a sword, a bow or throwing knives.
Dwalin began teaching me with a bow, not long after I was accepted into their household.
Occasionally Thorin would watch and give tips, possibly help me in some way. I however wasn't ready to fight him yet.
It had been a month since I'd been training with them both. And I finally earned an ax of my own. I was over the moon.
I had earned my bow long ago.
That night he taught me how to take care of my ax.
Adad *dad* told me when we began training "You'll earn your weapon when the time comes, until then we fight with wooden or dull ones."
I accepted that, for it was only fair.

A few weeks later the Dwarves that knew how to fight left for the Battle of Azanulbizar. - The Battle of Moria. Those who couldn't fight, and those who weren't allowed lined up at the mountain's entrance as they left, saying their 'goodbyes' and 'goodluck', along with many other things. Sobbing was the main sound, along with marching. I saw Adad *dad*, uncle Balin and Thorin walking side by side and I tried to run up to them, tears brimming my eyes but Merna held me back. The three saw me and stepped out of line to say farewell.
"Be strong, my daughter. We will return soon enough." Dwalin spoke, cupping my cheek with tearful eyes.
"Farewell Raelin, don't forget to keep training." Thorin told me softly.
Balin walked up to me next "I'll keep an eye on them lass, don't you worry." He said, patting my head.
"Be careful, all of you. If you die, so will a part of me." I told each of them.
They nodded and got back in line, weapons holstered or over their shoulders.

I turned back to Merna, turning my head into her shoulder and starting to cry. I silently asked Aulë to let them be alright.

Months had passed and Merna stayed with me, when she was away I trained harder then ever before. The guard that saved me stepped in for Dwalin and Thorin, which made me sad at first - but at least I had someone to talk to.

We had received absolutely no news on what was going on during the battle, which unnerved many of us. But what could we do about it? Not much, if anything.

Sleep was elusive, and many a night did Merna have to give me a sleeping draught. She understood. My family had been taken away in a sense. And I, we didn't know if they were to return.

I was now officially 35, and a few weeks later the once familiar noice of marching was heard in the distance. I flew out of my room and toward the gate, as did many other people. When in line it was a heartbreaking sight... Thorin stood alone, leading the group. He was stoic. Emotionless. 'Where's his family?' I thought. Behind him were Dwalin and Balin. My heart soared. But, at the same time... It fell for those who were hurt, and lost their family members. Mixed emotions.

I rushed towards the three of them. However, I slowed as I got closer, unsure if Thorin wanted company.
"You're back." I said.
Dwalin engulfed me in a hug. "Hello my child." He said fondly.
Thorin smiled faintly, glad to see me.
I walked over and hugged him. "I'm glad you're okay, Thorin." He hugged me back. "Me too, neth min." *Young one.*
"Where's my hug, young lady?" Balin smiled.
I laughed and ran to Balin giving him a hug also "I was getting to you!"
"So, have you been training?" Balin arched an eyebrow.
"Of course I have! Harder than ever, actually." I spoke.
"We'll see about that." Dwalin said, smiling.
"-But first you three need to be checked over in the healing halls." Merna ordered. "Off you go. Now!" She ushered them off.
Merna turned around and winked in my direction.
I laughed.

Later that day, the brothers returned home and Dwalin demanded to see how my skills had improved.
So, naturally we headed to the all too familiar training room. I showed him what I learned while he was away, thanks to Korgim. Who was trained by Dwalin.
Adad *dad* was impressed by how much I learned over all, and said I had earned a sword.
Next, were the throwing knives. However just because I had earned these weapons didn't mean my training was over.
"Good, very good Rae!" Dwalin spoke, clapping his hands.
"So, what comes after I earn the throwing knives?" I asked.
"We keep training of course. Until your ready to fight Thorin." Dwalin replied.
I nodded.
"Did he lose his family during the battle?" I asked sadly.
Dwalin nodded "Yes, youngling. Thrór was beheaded by Azog the Defiler and Thorin took him on by himself, cutting off his hand. Though Thorin's father went missing. Possibly killed - we couldn't find him. Though he does have Dis." He explained.
"So few of you returned..." I said sadly.
"It was an ambush, Raelin."
"I'm sorry you had to suffer that, along with Balin and Thorin - everyone else too." I spoke looking down, a tear slipping from my eye.
"It's over now. Though Thorin most likely wouldn't mind your visits, to keep him company." Adad told me, hand on my shoulder.
"I'll keep that in mind, Adad."
We then headed back to our quarters for dinner.

On the other side of the mountain

"Fili, stop wrestling with your brother!" Dis ordered.
Dis was a single mother of two hyperactive, reckless boys.
They were a few years younger then Raelin, Kili just having turned 15 when she arrived.
A knock sounded on the door as she separated the boys.
"Behave." She ordered them.
Dis went to answer the door, it was her brother.
She ushered him in. He looked tired, she could tell. Though he tried to hide it for the boys.
They ran to him as soon as Thorin sat down.
Dis smiled, but kept an eye on him.
"You've returned, I'm glad." She spoke fondly.
Thorin sighed, picking both boys up and sitting them down on his knees. They were getting a little big for this.
"I am too, Dis." He said.
"How's the child, Raelin?" She questioned.
He smiled, "She's the same for the most part. Growing, learning. Concerned."
"Concerned?" Dis asked, confused.
"Yes, she was worried when I came back alone. She doesn't know about you, yet. Nor the boys." He explained.
"Ah, well I'm glad she cares about you, but perhaps she needs to be introduced to us..." Dis spoke, thinking.
"Who's Raelin, Amad? *Mom*" Kili asked, curiously.
"She's a friend of your uncle's, dear."
"Can we meet her?" Fili asked excitedly.
Dis sighed, rubbing her eyes.
"Someday." Thorin said for his sister.
"Thank you, Thorin." Dis laughed.

Suddenly Kili yawned.
Followed by his brother.
"Ah, time for bed I see!"
They shook their heads, wanting to stay up with Thorin.
"I'll visit again soon." He reassured them.
With sighs, and a nod from each boy. They walked to their bedrooms.
"Goodnight Uncle Thorin." They spoke in unison before they disappeared.
"Goodnight Fili, Kili." He responded.

Dis sat down in her diseased husbands arm chair, exhausted.
"Those two boys are going to give me grey hairs long before I should have them, I swear." She said laughing.
"I agree, they just might." Thorin laughed.
"I must be off to my quarters too, it's been a long few months." He spoke.
"If you need anything, you can always come here, Thorin." Dis said as she stood.
He nodded. "Thank you, Dis."

How was chap. 2? 🤔

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