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"Wakey, wakey~" A happy voice sang amidst the painful pounding in her head, followed by a series of incessant poking.

"Fuck off...!" Shiina quietly whined, blindly swatting the finger away while she tried to bury her face further into her pillow.

There were two separate chuckles, sounding a lot like Ken and Minato. Then, there was a cheerful bark and suddenly her face was being licked all over. Knowing that it was Koromaru, she didn't bother to swat him away and instead opened her eyes.

The light violently attacked her, making her let out a whine and close her eyes again.

"Oh no you don't," Ken said, sounding way too amused by the situation. "It's time for you to get up now! We have school, remember?"

Against her will, she cracked her eyes open and squinted enough to clearly see Minato holding Koromaru up to lick her face while Ken stood beside him, grinning and all.

"I don't wanna," she groaned.

"That's too bad. Your hangover's all on you, so suck it up." Ken told her. "Just get ready, alright? Akihiko's preparing you a hangover cure at the moment."

She perked up. "A hangover cure?"

"I wouldn't get too excited about it," Minato chimed. "We saw the ingredients... Good luck."

"I don't care about the ingredients," Shiina said, raising up from the dead. "As long as it gets rid of this pounding in my head, I'm all for it. Now shoo, unless you want a strip show."

Both boys (with Koromaru in hand) hurried out the room, blushing furiously. As carefully as possible as to not aggravate herself further, she readied herself for a new day of hell.

When she got to the living room though, she immediately regretted not staying in bed the second she saw just what Akihiko's 'hangover cure' was.

"Why... why is it grey?" She asked wearily, pointing at the glass full of liquid grey slop that he had poured out from the blender.

"Don't worry about it," he said in a tone that made her worry ten times more. "Just drink."

"I... I think I'm good, I'll just take some pain killers—"

"—Drink it." He insisted with a dark smile. "It'll help you, but also punish you. But you deserve it for going out and getting drunk passed midnight."

"Don't do this, please," she begged him. "I-I'll give you all my money!"

He shook his head. "Nope. 'Sides, I can just steal more from Endeavor's bank account."

"Speaking of bank account, we should set one up for Minato now that he has a new name." Ken added.

Shiina turned to Minato eagerly. "Oooh, you have a new name? What is it?"

"Yuki Makoto. You would've known it had you been here last night." He said bluntly.

"So mean..." She mumbled.

Akihiko slid the Hangover Cure of Doom towards her. "Now drink."

She stared at the grey slob with true fear in her eyes. Even though it was several feet away from her, she could still smell the deathly stench it emitted. Cautiously, she reached down to grab it, half expecting the slush to reach out and eat her whole. When it didn't, she slowly brought it to her lips while holding her breath.

"Drink all of it." Akihiko said sternly.

She let out a pathetic whimper before bracing herself and gulping the entire thing down with no pause. She slammed the glass down once she was finished, breathing heavily. Four pairs of eyes watched her expectantly. For a second, nothing happened... but then it all hit her at once.

"Urk—!" Shoving a hand over her mouth to keep the vomit in, she sprinted for the kitchen and threw up in the sink.

"It's horrible, but that's the point of it. It makes you vomit the hangover away." Akihiko stated, leaning against the wall with a satisfied look on his face.

"You're a monster." Minato sighed, walking over to help pull Shiina's hair back so she could freely flip Akihiko off.

"Thanks," she said weakly, wiping her mouth with water.

"No problem. Consider us even."

"Ohhhhh no. You owe me a little more than this. I changed your pee bag, Minato." She said loudly.

"Please stop reminding me about that," he muttered, his expression pleading.

After a whole five minutes of her throwing her guts out, she suddenly felt loads better. "What the fuck...?" She mumbled, touching her head where the pain used to be.

"See, I told you all you had to was barf the hangover away." Akihiko said smugly. "Bet you wish you never went drinking, huh?"

She grumbled defiantly at him and flipped him off for a second time.

Now that her hangover was gone, she was all ready for school. Unfortunately, Akihiko's Hangover Cure of Doom had a terrible after taste that almost seemed permanent too. The putrid taste stayed on her even when she reached homeroom.

"Shiina, how are you feeling?" Shouto asked her.

She paled immediately. "W-what? Who told you about my hangover?!"

He blinked in confusion. "Hangover...?"

She paled even more when she realized her mistake. He wasn't talking about last night, he was talking about Akira!

Ohhhh fuck.

Fortunately for her, Shouto had a very limited knowledge in modern lingo. "Oh, do you mean 'hang over' as in being hung over the news of Kurusu's departure? I was with you when the news was delivered, remember? Are you sure you're feeling alright...?"

Her shoulders sagged with relief. "O-oh! Uh, yeah! I'm totally fine, hahaha. Anyways, can I copy your homework?"

"You didn't do it last night?"

"Nope. I was, um... drowning myself in misery." And booze, she mentally added.

He gave her a disappointed frown. "You need to start doing your homework, Shiina. Our exams are next month."

She waved him off. "That's still so far away, I'll be fine."

He gave her a blank look. He knew his sister well and he knew that she definitely was not going to be fine. She'd procrastinate on studying until the very last minute and spend that last minute complaining about how she'd fail (which is exactly what would happen).

Nevertheless, he handed her his homework and allowed her to copy it while she thanked him a million times. She finished two minutes before Aizawa stepped in, and she immediately tensed up as she remembered what happened last night.

A part of her grew pissed at the thought of him daring to call Endeavor on her, but then she reminded herself that Aizawa didn't know how much of a dick he was, so it wasn't really his fault. A larger part of her was worried about what he'd say. He did find her drunk after all.

Thankfully, he didn't do anything other than make a brief glance in her direction. In fact, he acted like nothing was amiss until it was time for him to switch over with Present Mic.

She sighed in relief as the English lesson began. Maybe Aizawa decided to forget about it...

After school, she realized how wrong she was.

"I'll give you a million bucks to forget that ever happened."

Aizawa stared at her. "I'm gonna forget that you just tried to bribe your way out of this—"

"—Five million?"

"I'm not going to accept any money, and I don't even wanna know how you managed to acquire that amount." He deadpanned. "Look, what you did was a serious thing—"

"—You're going to call the cops on me, aren't you?" She interrupted with narrow eyes. "Good luck with that. You'd have to explain to them how you let me go with some other guy."

He sighed heavily. Would she just let him finish?

"I did some thinking," surprisingly she didn't cut him off with some rude, sarcastic comment about him thinking. He had to give her kudos for that. "And you've always been impressive combatant-wise amongst the rest of your class."

"Well yeah, duh," she said as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. "But what does this have to do with keeping your mouth shut?"

"Talk with a little more respect, I am your teacher, remember?"

"Uh huh." She said, which didn't make him feel any better.

He sighed for the millionth time since the conversation started. "I want to make a deal with you: I'll keep my mouth shut in exchange for your assistance. Basically, I want you to help me train Shinsou by sparring with him."

Shiina perked up. Aizawa would keep his mouth shut about her drinking while underage, and she got to beat up one of her friends? Count her in!

"You got a deal, sensei!" She said way too eagerly.

Her good mood instantly vanished once he brought up the topic of her father yesterday.

"I noticed that you and the other man—Sanada—reacted rather harshly when I mentioned your father. Anything I should know about that?" He asked suspiciously.

"Nope." She lied swiftly.

"If you're having problems at home, then I should know about it. As your homeroom teacher, I have a Duty of Care for all my students." He told her.

"There's nothing going on at home. My home life is great." She said, and it was the honest truth. Aizawa just didn't know that she was talking about a different home life.

He scrutinized her, trying to show any signs of lying before deeming her words honest. He relaxed just slightly. "Alright good. Hopefully you don't have any plans after school because you're sparring with him now."

"I have to go to work at seven." She chirped, happily following him out the door.

"We won't be training for long." He assured.

Shinsou's emotionless expression quickly turned to confusion when he saw Shiina enter the training field with Aizawa.

"Kiberi? What are you doing here?" He asked, blinking owlishly.

Instead of answering him, Shiina flounced over to his direction and squealed, squishing his face in her hands. "Ooooh, look at your pretty skin! You look so—cute!" She gushed, reveling at how red he was turning. She could literally feel the heat in her palms. "Your eye bags are getting better, Shinsou~ I barely even noticed them! Nfu, I really am a miracle worker, huh?"

"I listened to your instructions," he mumbled shyly, prying her hands away.

She glomped him. "I love a good boy who listens!" She exclaimed.

"K-Kiberi!" He stammered, blushing furiously. Not only could he feel her chest squished against his, but Aizawa was literally just a few feet away—!

"Kiberi, get off of him before he passes out from embarrassment. You can't spar him if he's unconscious." Aizawa scolded in his usual exhausted tone.

"Wait, spar?" Shinsou asked once she finally got off of him.

"Yep," she grinned deviously. "Not only am I your beautician, but I'm your fitness trainer now! Isn't that great?"

"You're not his fitness trainer, you're just his sparring partner." The older man corrected.

Shinsou was still lost about the whole thing. "Wait, hold on. Why are you...?"

"To be honest, I only agreed to this deal in order to keep Aizawa sensei from outing me for underage drinking—"


"—But when I found that he wanted me to spar you, I was even more eager to accept!" She explained cheerfully.

Shinsou turned to his mentor, his jaw agape. "You... you want me to spar with Kiberi?" He didn't know how to feel about it. He had never really seen her fight and while she didn't look like a challenge, something about her aura just screamed 'danger!'.

The lazy smirk Aizawa gave him in addition to her (bloodthirsty?) grin didn't exactly help to make him feel safe.

"We're going to have so much fun, Shinsou~" She purred.

He gulped.

Thankfully, the sparring session didn't happen right away. He still had his warm ups to do of course, but he was tense the entire time since he now had an audience. He had no doubt that if he messed up in anything that Shiina wouldn't hesitate him to tease him endlessly about it (which was hypocritical since she could barely do a push up, but whatever).

After twenty minutes, it was finally time for what he dreaded the most: sparring.

He found himself standing in front of Shiina a few feet away, and gulped once again at the predatory gleam in her eyes.

"Same rules as always, Shinsou. No maiming, no killing, and either of you can tap out if you need to." Aizawa stated.

Shinsou shot him a look. 'No maiming' and 'no killing' was never a rule between them since they both had common sense to not brutally harm the other. Shiina, however... Well, she was a whole different story.

"So... no claws?" Shiina asked.

"No claws." Aizawa confirmed.

She pouted in disappointment before shrugging. "Aw, fine. There are other ways to make you bleed."

I'm so fucked, Shinsou thought.

"Start." Aizawa announced, and that was the beginning of Shinsou's hell.

Taking advantage of his distract state, the red haired girl lunged at him and slammed him onto the ground within seconds, much to his chagrin.

He let out a whine of frustration as he tried to pry his arm away from her, but it felt like she was trying to literally dislocate his shoulder. He had no choice but to tap out.

"I thought I taught you better than that, Shinsou." Aizawa said as the boy got up to his feet, wiping his dirt-stained cheek.

"Sorry, I got distracted." He mumbled.

"That's not a good excuse."

"I know, I know," Shinsou grumbled, feeling like a child being scolded.

"Shake yourself off, we'll be starting the next round soon." He said before walking off.

Oh yippee, he thought sarcastically. Shiina, however, looked to be having the time of her life. Beating people up must be one of her favorite hobbies, he guessed.

"You ready to go again, loser?" Shiina asked with her usual shit-eating grin.

He rolled his eyes at the insult. "Yes. Just get on with it already."

He really should've known better than to say that. Because five seconds into their next fight he was sporting a bloody nose, his left eye was blurry from when she punched him there, and his stomach was aching after she delivered a merciless kick to him.

One swift jab to the throat was all she needed to take him down again.

"That was so impressive, Shouto!" She said, clearly not meaning a thing she said. "I mean, you lasted much longer than last time!"

It was a three minute fight.

"You're worse than Aizawa..." He wheezed, rubbing his poor windpipe. "At least he keeps the insults to a minimal..."

"Yeah, yeah, stop complaining and get up." She rolled her eyes playfully before yanking him back up to a standing position. "Are you actually going to spar me or will you just stand there and be my punching bag?"

He sent her a fierce glare that faltered when the blood from his nose dripped onto his lips. Gross. He wiped it away and sent her a weak glare. "Shut up, let's start again. I'll do better this time."

"Oh I hope so," she winked. "Wouldn't want to fall asleep in the middle of this sparring session."

He rolled his eyes. "Oh shut up."

Their next few sessions were better than the previous ones. At least he managed to last more than five minutes before being taken down by her. As they fought, Shinsou couldn't help notice a few things about Shiina's fighting style. Judging by her mischievous and sly nature, he always thought she'd be more sneaky while fighting.

But that wasn't it at all.

Shiina's style was more 'up in your face'. It was wild, vicious, and fast-paced, leaving very little room for break for her opponents. She fought with little restraint and seemed to be going purely on instinct. Sometimes he'd catch her going for fatal areas on his body, but then she'd stop before she could land the hit and switch targets to somewhere safer.

Funny... It was almost as if she didn't know how to not kill someone during a fight...

After three hours of sparring (with a few breaks in-between of course, Aizawa wasn't a monster unlike someone she knew), poor Shinsou had yet to beat her. He did land some good hits on her at least, but he really wanted to beat her just once.

He spent the entire break glaring at her. She gave him a smug smirk before turning her attention back to her hair, tending to it obsessively as usual. As he watched her, a light bulb suddenly lit over his head.

He knew the perfect way to beat her.

It was a dirty trick... But she wasn't behind using dirty tactics anyways. He grimaced at the memory of their twenty-third sparring session where she had brutally jammed her knee into his groin. He was in so much pain that even Aizawa allowed them a fifteen minute break rather than a ten minute one.

"Alright, break's over. You two ready?" Aizawa asked.

"Yep!" Shiina beamed, gracefully standing up. A chalk contrast to Shinsou's sluggish form.

"Yeah..." He grunted.

"Good. Start now."

She made the first move, as always. He did his absolute best to block and dodge her painful hits, waiting for the perfect opportunity to make his move. When she stepped forward to punch him, he deflected it and reached out with his other hand. She leaned her head away as he expected her to, but it was just what he wanted. With her head now angled lower, he was able to clearly grab the hair tie wrapped all nice and pretty around her hair.

Heartlessly, he yanked it out and let the scarlet locks go free.

Her eyes widened comically.

"My hair—!" She cried out in terror, reaching behind her head to tend to it. Quickly, he grabbed her wrist and pulled her down, pinning her to the ground.

There was a brief pause of silence as Shinsou registered what had happened.

He did it... He finally defeated her!

"I... I beat you...!" He panted, eyes wide in amazement at his own achievement.

She was shocked by it too, but then her expression switched to something more flirtatious.

"You did~" She purred, pushing her head upwards so it would be inches away from her face. He couldn't seem to pry his eyes away from her pouty lips. "What are you going to do to me now, Shinsou~? I'm all yours, after all~"

He hastily released her, steam literally coming out from his ears as he struggled to hide his red face from. "D-don't say stuff like tha—Argh!" He shouted in surprise when she lunged at him, pinning him down.

"Nice try, Shinsou!" She said ever-so-sweetly as she maliciously twisted his arms behind his back. "But I still win, so suck on that!"

"Ugh..." He groaned, thumping his head against the ground in defeat. "Damn you..."

"Don't be a sore loser now, Shinsou!" She snickered, twisting his arms back just a smidge more.

"Ow, ow, ow...!" He moaned in pain.

"Alright, that's enough for today." Aizawa said, and Shinsou was free at last.

"You're impossible," he huffed, glaring at her while struggling to hide his embarrassment (he failed).

She stuck her tongue out at him and he wanted nothing more than to punch her in the face. "Maybe next time you'll beat me. Maybe. Hahahaha!"

"You suck," he mumbled petulantly.

"The two of you will be sparring again for the rest of the week," Aizawa stated as he walked towards them. "Shinsou, you repeatedly lost against a girl who can barely do a single push up, so you better train harder in the field and out of the field. Got it?"

"Yes sir," he nodded dutifully.

He then turned to the other student. "And Kiberi..." He trailed off.

She straightened up, beaming. "No advise to give me 'cause I'm so amazing, huh?"

"I was going to say to get your priorities straight," he deadpanned. "Fretting about your hair's going to get you killed out in the battlefield so either suck it up, or shave it all off."

She gasped. "Shave my hair—?! That's blasphemy!"

Aizawa internally groaned, wondering how on Earth calm and collected Shouto was the twin of Shiina.

"—And then the crazy fuck suggested that I shave my hair, can you believe him?!" Shiina complained as she prepared a caramel sundae for a customer.

Yusuke gasped in the middle of his cake decorating and turned to look at her. "He didn't."

"He so did, he's crazy, isn't he?"

"How can he suggest something so—so blasphemous!" He exclaimed, feeling equally as offended as she did. He felt it so much that he nearly screwed up in writing Happy Birthday! to Happy Biday!

"That's exactly what I said!" She nearly shouted as she finished making the order, slamming her scooper down in anger. She then plastered on a charming smile as she faced the customer at the front of the line, handing him his prized sundae.

"Enjoy and come back again!" She said in a friendly manner, though she was still raging on the inside.

He shyly smiled back at her before dumping a whole wad of cash in the tip jar. She bit back an evil laugh. She was getting richer and richer because of all the boners these idiots were getting for her.

Ah, the perks of being pretty.

She glanced over at Yusuke's side and eye-measured the amount of cash he had in his own tip jar, narrowing her eyes a little when she estimated that he had a little more than hers. She needed to change that.

(She couldn't help but be a little competitive over things like this)

So when the next customer stepped forward, she made sure to give him her most dazzling smile that left him in a stammering daze.

By the time they reached their break, she needed two jars to fit all her tips.

"My job sucks," Kaminari whined as he collapsed on a chair at their shared table. "I've never washed so many dishes before. Why are people so messy?"

"But the pros outweigh the cons, do they not?" Yusuke asked, gesturing to the large sundae Kaminari had made for himself.

Kaminari took a bite of his self-made Denki Deluxe and moaned in delight. "Oh yeah, definitely." He greedily scooped a bigger amount in his spoon. "So Kitagawa-senpai," he spoke, his mouth full. "Did you and Kiberi-chan meet through work? You guys are close."

"We were friends before," Yusuke replied with a knowing glint in his eyes. "We met at cafe Leblanc."

"Never heard of the place," the blonde commented.

"It's located in a shady alleyway so it doesn't surprise me," Shiina shrugged.

"What school do you go to? Kiberi-chan and I are UA kids," Kaminari puffed his chest out proudly.

Shiina shot him down with a blunt reply, "He knows that already."

"I attend Kosei High School for their splendid arts program." Yusuke answered.

Kaminari gasped in surprise. "You're an art kid?! Do you, like, paint and stuff? Think you can paint a portrait of me one day?" He asked eagerly.

Yusuke smiled. "Of course. However, my current goal is to create a nude painting of Shiina."

The smile was wiped off his face. "Wait, what."

"I've never met a specimen quite like her," Yusuke continued to gush, gazing at Shiina who was literally seated three feet away from him. "I thought Ann was the finest but then I met Shiina..."

"Um..." Kaminari swallowed uncomfortably.

"Her hair is as red as the blood of her enemies, her cerulean eyes are just like the sea—deadly, but beautiful, and her skin is as flawless as a marble statue." He sighed dreamily. "I must see more of her."

Kaminari's jaw dropped. He glanced over at Shiina and saw the blushing and pleased smile she wore on her face. Holy shit he's smooth...! He thought enviously. Just how does he do it?! I gotta learn more from this guy!

"You know," Shiina spoke up, her voice upbeat and perky. "Now that I'm not staying in You-Know-Who's house, we don't have to worry about my siblings getting in the way. We can totally schedule for that nude painting session you've been wanting!"

"What?!" Kaminari squeaked.

Yusuke's eyes sparkled with joy. "Truly?!"

She nodded. "Yep! Heck, we can do it tonight if you want. Right after we're done with our shifts!"

"WHAT?!" Kaminari's voice rose an octave higher if that was even possible.

He went ignored as Yusuke reached out and grasped Shiina's hands. "You have no idea how long I've been yearning for this moment!" He breathed out.

Shiina beamed. "What are friends for?"

"W-wait!" Kaminari blurted out, face beet red. "Are you guys serious?!"

Yusuke misunderstood his reaction. "Oh, I'm so sorry Kaminari-san, it was rude of me to not invite you. You can come as well if you wish."

That's not what I meant! He wanted to scream, but then registered his words. "...Huh...?"

"While you're not exactly my type of muse," Yusuke began. "I do admit that it's time I start expanding my horizons. I'm sure I can make a masterpiece out of you!" He nodded to himself, eyeing Kaminari up and down as if wondering how good he'd look in cubism.

"Isn't that great, Kaminari?" Shiina asked excitedly.

A light bulb lit over his head. He could see the Kiberi Shiina naked! Oh Mineta would be so jealous! Hell, everyone in UA would be jealous!

"Sounds fun!" He said, nodding enthusiastically.

"Let's go right now!" Shiina jumped to her feet. "Oh nii-chan would be so jealous! He's always been fond of you and your paintings Yusuke, even if he refuses to admit it!"

"Perhaps you can try inviting him?" Yusuke asked as Kaminari daydreamed, oblivious to the conversation.

"Good idea," Shiina nodded, then sent a quick text to Shouto.

Shouto almost fainted on the spot when he received a text from his sister while he was busy doing homework.

Shiina: Yusuke's gonna paint me nude and Kami's joining too! Come on over to Kosei, he's been wanting to do a nude painting of u for MONTHS!!!!

He typed back so furiously that he even had spelling errors.

sned me the adress now ill b there

Wait who is Kami? God?

Shiina: Kaminari

Im gonna steal dads car don't do anything

Still in his pajamas, he sped out of his room and bolted for the kitchen where all the keys were. Fuyumi was in there, chopping up some onions, and gave him a weird look as he burst through the doors.

"Shouto, what are you doing?"

"I'm going to save Shiina from making a mistake," he answered ominously, taking the familiar flame-patterned key from the wall.

Fuyumi set her knife down, a look of growing concern on her face. "Is that dad's key? Wait, why do you have—?! Shouto, you can't drive!"

"Yes I can, Shiina's been teaching me." He said.

She looked even more horrified. "How does Shiina know how to drive?!"

"I'll be back soon, nee-san." He said, hurrying out of the house.

"But you're still in your pajamas?!" She cried out, but he was already gone.

Shouto probably shouldn't have left his house in his pajamas and bedazzled, fuzzy slippers (gifted to him by Shiina), but who knew what Yusuke and Kaminari were doing to his sister at this very moment? He trusted Yusuke... sort of, but Kaminari? The second biggest pervert in class behind Mineta?


Luckily Endeavor's car had a GPS so he made it to Josei in no time. Even better was that the school had poor security. The gates for the dormitory were unlocked so he slipped in without any challenge. People didn't seem to care about the suspicious kid in his pajamas. The only problem he had was finding Yusuke's dorms because he forgot which room was his.

Oddly enough, a bunch of girls seemed to know which room was Yusuke's and they were more than eager to even lead him to their 'senpai'. Once the girls were gone, he promptly knocked (read: banged) on the door.

It swung open to reveal a (thankfully) clothed Shiina, a happy Yusuke, and a suddenly terrified Kaminari.

"Todoroki-kun," Yusuke smiled.

"Sho-chan!" Shiina beamed.

"T-Todoroki?!" Kaminari spluttered, stumbling back on a table. "What—what are you doing here?!"

"I came here to model," he said bluntly. "Kitagawa-san, instead of a nude painting, how about we try something else?"

Yusuke perked up. "Oh? What do you have in mind?"

Shouto gave Kaminari a deathly stare. "An execution scene."

— author's note —

The chapters have been so short and random lately but that's cuz I've been so eager to write about inaba which is what the next chapter's gonna be about!

Shiina will finally meet the Investigation Team!!! Her Harem is near it's completion!!!!

*the todofam wails in the distance*

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