Blind Date Part 1

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~Time Skip, About a Week Later, Sunday 7:54 AM, Todoroki's POV~

"A blind date?" I questioned, shooting a glare at Bakugo. "Half n' Half, we both saw you dancing with someone at the Masquerade Ball. And you looked a lot happier than we've ever seen you." Bakugo growled. Kirishima nodded. "It's official bro. You need a love life." He agreed. I placed my book down with a sigh. "And why are you of all people setting this up?" I questioned, looking at Bakugo. "Because I just so happen to know someone who I think you might enjoy the company of. He is also in desperate need of a love life. Point is I've known the guy for a while, and I can tell that you two will get along. Even if you don't end up dating, I'm sure he'll become one of your best friends, just like that." Bakugo explained, snapping is fingers to prove his point. "And has your 'friend' agreed to this?" I questioned. "Uh...." Bakugo trailed off before scoffing. "Freaking nerd doesn't have a choice in the matter." Bakugo grumbled under his breath. He got out his phone and stepped outside into the hallway. Me and Kirishima sighed a little as I face palmed. "Bet seriously Todoroki. You've got to get a love life. You're 22 now. These are the best years of your life. Spend them with someone." Kirishima said, concern in his eyes. I grumbled something under my breath before sighing. "Fine. I'll go through with this." I agreed. Kirishima smiled. "Thank you man." He said. Bakugo stormed back in. "Alright. Nerd's on board. Took a little convincing, and by convincing I mean screaming. But you've got a blind date." Bakugo said, giving me a thumbs up. "Great." I said, rolling my eyes slightly. "Anyways, I'd get going soon if I were you. He lives up in Yongen-Jaya. He's agreed to meet you by a cafe in the back roads." Bakugo added, jabbing a thumb at the door. I sighed a little again. "Fine." I grumbled, getting up and reaching for my bag. "Text him that I'll be there by..." I trailed off looking at the clock. "9:00." I said. They both nodded as I left the room.   

~Time Skip, 9:00 AM~

I walked into the back roads of Yongen-Jaya. I checked the watch on my wrist seeing that I was right on time. I was wearing a red v-neck with black detail, a brown coat and blue genes, and some black combat boots. I walked over to the cafe where I saw what I assumed was my date standing there. He wore a black leather tail coat over a black shirt with green detail. He wore blue genes and brown combat boots. I then recognized other features. Including fluffy black and green hair along with dark green eyes. "Midoriya?" I questioned. He looked over at me and stared in shock. "Todoroki?" He questioned. I nodded slightly, both shocked, and confused. "Wait, whoa, hold on a minute. How do you know Kacchan?" Midoriya questioned walking over to me. "You mean Bakugo right? He's my co-worker. We used to be classmates. How do you know him?" I questioned. "Childhood friends, er, I guess friends might be a strong word. We'd just hang out with eachother since our mom's were good friends." Midoriya explained. "Oh." I said. We both quickly avoided eye contact. "" Midoriya trailed off. "I-I heard Phantom showed up after I left the party. Are you alright?" He questioned. I jumped a little at the name Phantom. I cleared my throat a little. "Yes. I'm alright. Question is are you okay? You didn't run into him did you?" I questioned. Midoriya shook his head. "I had to leave directly after we parted ways. I had something to take care of that I had forgotten." He explained. For a second I could've sworn his eyes flashed red. But I brushed it off quickly. Just a trick of the light. I thought. That's when I noticed a small cat hiding around the corner, staring at us. " that your cat?" I questioned. Midoriya looked behind him at the black and white feline. "No, not really. He just shows up once in a while to bug us." Midoriya grumbled while sweat dropping. The cat meowed at him loudly before running over and jumping on his shoulder. It sat down, meowing something at him. Midoriya glared at him a little. "Now is not the time Morgana." He grumbled. Morgana, as I'm assuming his name is, looked over at me. His eyes widened as he meowed something loudly. Nearly falling off Midoriya's shoulder. "Oh will you relax! Geez, so dramatic." Midoriya grumbled. Morgana nipped his ear before slapping at his head. "Ow! You little pest!" Midoriya growled. He sighed a little. "Let's take this inside so I can get freaking Mona off my shoulder." He said. He stuffed his hands in his pockets before walking over to the door of the cafe. He opened the door, me following him inside. "FUTABA! GET MORGANA OFF OF MY SHOULDER!" Midoriya shouted. I closed the door behind us as a woman with orange hair sat up from behind the counter. "There you are Mona. God quit running off like that." She said. She hopped over the counter and took Morgana off of Midoriya's shoulder. She then made eye contact with me. "You are?" She questioned. "Um. Shoto. Shoto Todoroki." I introduced, bowing a little. She smirked slightly before shooting Midoriya a look. "Did someone finally get a date?" She questioned. His face exploded red. "Well I mean um, well, technically? My friend, er, childhood friend set this up and well, um." Midoriya tried explaining. "It's a blind date set up by one of my co-workers. Unknown at the time that me and Midoriya had met before." I explained. She nodded slightly before nudging Midoriya with what I can only describe as a Cheshire Cat smirk. "Well good luck with Akira 2.0 over here. We've been trying to get him on a date for a while now but he always finds some excuse to back out of it." She said. Midoriya growled low to himself. "What did I say about the 2.0 nicknames? I'm not Akira for Pete's sake people!" Midoriya said, raising his voice. Futaba just chuckled and ruffled his hair. "Poor, poor, salty little salt mine. Who mistook you for Akira this time?" She questioned. "First a couple of weeks ago it was this Mishima guy. Then, on my way here, this fortune teller chick called me Akira and asked when I got back! Gah! Can people not see that I have green eyes and I DON'T! WEAR! GLASSES!? My hair, is green people! Sure it's a blackish green! But it's not raven black!" Midoriya ranted. "Um. Should I ask?" I questioned. Futaba chuckled again. "You two go ahead and sit down. I'll be upstairs, call if you need me." She said before going to the stairs an leaving with a still meowing and flailing Morgana. Midoriya rubbed his forehead slightly before walking over to one of the booths and sitting down. "Go ahead and sit down." He said. I nodded and sat across from him. "So, who's Akira?" I questioned. Midoriya sighed in slight annoyance. 

"He's my father. He used to live here in Yongen-Jaya and I literally can't talk to a single person here who doesn't immediately think I'm him. Shop owners, his close friends, people he'd talk to around here, fast food employees, EVERYONE." Midoriya whined. "That sounds rough. I guess it's a good thing I don't look too much like my father. I don't think I'd be able to stand being confused for him." I growled. "Everyone I meet always sings my dad's praises. Constantly saying that he's a great man. And he is! Don't get me wrong. He did a good job of raising me...for the most part. And thanks to his close connections to people around here being his son gives me plenty of opportunities to meet people and form those same connections. But not a day goes by that I'm not called Akira 2.0 or Joker 2.0, sometimes both mind you. Sometimes people who just knew my father's last name will call me Midoriya thinking that I'm my father. Yes that's my last name, but I'm Izuku Midoriya. Not Akira Midoriya. It's disturbing hearing people I don't know suddenly call me Midoriya like they know me." He ranted. "In that case would you prefer me to call you Izuku instead?" I questioned. He stared at me in shock before blushing slightly. "Yeah. Yeah I would prefer that. Thanks." He said. I nodded. "You're welcome. And if you don't mind, call me Shoto. Personally I don't like being associated with my father, which is why I prefer having my first name used in most situations." I said. He nodded with a smile. "Sure thing." He said. "So about what you said earlier, about your father doing a good job raising you. What did you mean by, 'for the most part'?" I questioned. Izuku sweat dropped a little. "Well I mean for the first few years of my life he didn't even make an appearance until all of a sudden, 'oh hey, your son might get your Quirk'. Next thing I know he's testing to see if I have his Quirk. Which I do. After he found that out he's constantly hovering around me making sure that no one finds out what my Quirk is. Yay me. And then he told me, 'tell no one about your Quirk unless you trust them completely without a shadow of a doubt'. So when everyone in school starts asking, what's your Quirk I have to respond with I can't tell you. For the longest time everyone thought that I was Quirkless and got bullied for it. Then boom! My Quirk activates in front of Kacchan and then next thing I know, instead of simply being bullied, I'm outcast from everyone because apparently red eyes scares a person that already has red eyes." He explained, rolling his eyes. He was talking so fast I could barely keep up with what he was saying. But I got the gist of it. "So wait. Your Quirk turns your eyes red?" I questioned. He sighed a little. "When its in active use my eyes will turn red. It's technically a drawback." Izuku explained. "Ah. But what kind of Quirk would cause this much fuss about keeping it's existence hidden?" I questioned. "Well I can't say much, nor do I really understand why dad wanted to keep it hidden. I mean my roommate has a Quirk that brainwashes people. My Quirk can be described as well...villainous. It seems like a villain's Quirk. So maybe dad just didn't want villains trying to kidnap me and convince me to join their side. Lord knows if I got that offer as a kid who's been bullied and outcast for all his life I probably would have taken it. Luckily that never happened. And I'm able to live a.....mostly normal life now. Also I guess the Quirk itself is just a long time family secret. According to my dad this Quirk was passed down to him by blood line. And then it came to me." Izuku explained. I nodded slightly, both confused, and intrigued. "Now I'm curious. What even is this so called 'villainous Quirk'?" I questioned. The green haired male flinched a little before scratching the back of his neck. "Classified man. I just went on about how I'm not allowed to tell anyone remember?" He questioned. "Aw, c'mon. I won't tell anyone." I insisted with a small smile, leaning on my arm a little. "No!" He protested with a small blush. "Why do you even want to know?" He questioned. "Cause' I've probably seen worse." I said with a small chuckle. "I've seen a guy disintegrate things just by touching them. I've seen another be able to paralyze his opponents by ingesting their blood. I've seen a girl ingest blood and then shape shift into the person whom's blood she ingested. I've seen another girl cast spells, legit spells from an actual grimore before, then get corrupted and nearly killed me with one of them. I've ran into an actual witch! And you want to talk about villainous Quirks?" I questioned with a small laugh. Izuku cracked a small smile. "I guess you have a point. My Quirk does seem...what's the word? Cute in comparison to some of those." He admitted. "Buuut, I'm still not telling you." He said with a slight smirk. "Oh come on!" I whined. He laughed. "I'm just doing this now cause' it obviously bugs you." He said. "That's mean." I stated in a joking tone. "Well I mean, I don't even know what your Quirk is yet." Izuku said. "Oh. I guess you have a point. But if I tell you mine you have to tell me your's." I said. "No promises." Izuku said with a smirk. I shook my head a little. "My Quirk is called Half Hot, Half Cold. My right side produces cold air, allowing me to freeze things and make ice that I can control via Cryokinesis. My left side does the opposite. Producing hot air that ignites into flames that I can control via Pyrokinesis. Of course drawbacks from over usage include burning myself and frostbite. Which isn't pleasant. And sometimes my Quirk can be in tune with my emotions or simply my conditions. Activating when it really shouldn't. There was an old rumor slash legend that went around my class, specifically during summer training camps or sleep overs on hot nights, that apparently while asleep in hot weather my right side will produce cold air while I'm asleep. I don't know if this was true or not. I never bothered asking. But there were always fights over who got to sleep next to me in camps. Typically they'd go on for hours and me, just wanting to go to sleep already, would grab the closest guy next to me and just go to bed. Sometimes it wasn't even the closest guy to me, I'd legit pick the person who either doesn't snore or snores very quietly. They'd call it the 'Legendary Todoroki Air Conditioning'." I said, using air quotes. 

Izuku laughed a little. "What about your left side? Any special rumors or legends for that one?" He asked. I dropped eye contact a little. "I try to avoid using my left side if possible. Since it's technically my father's half of the Quirk. But I'm pretty sure when I get nervous or startled my fire will start to flare up. I've never legit burst into flames mind you, but when someone startles me I do feel it spark a little." I explained. Izuku tilted his head to the side. "Your father's half of the Quirk? Oh right. Your father is Endeavor correct? You mentioned that you were the son of, and I quote, 'the flaming b*stered throwing this party'." He said. I nodded with a sigh. "Yes. Unfortunately I am the son of that b*tch. Though I prefer to not be associated with his abusive a*s." I grumbled. "Abusive? Y'know what? That's probably a touchy subject. I'll leave it be. But, I really don't think you should hold yourself back just because of him. I'll agree. He's an awful person. Trust me, when you're a major hero nerd you tend to learn things about a hero's personality. But I think I need to make it clear that you aren't a prisoner of your blood. You're an adult now. So even if you had a be a prisoner in your home you aren't any longer. We may get a Quirk from our parents. Thanks to their blood. But the moment we can activate it, the Quirk is our's. Not our parents." Izuku said, smiling at me kindly. "I guess, what I'm trying to say is...It's your power, not his." He added. My eyes widened slightly, memories coming back in a rush of emotion. I couldn't help a small smile and blush. "Huh. I've never thought of it like that." I said. I looked at my left hand a little. "I've always seen it as my father's power. But you're right. It's my power. Not his. My Quirk is Half Hot, Half Cold. Not Hellfire." I said. I gave him a small smile. "Thanks." I said. He nodded. "No problem." He said. His phone then started ringing and he just sighed. "Excuse me. I'll go ahead and apologize for that." He said before picking up the phone. "What is it now? I'm doing something." He said with a small glare on his face. His eyes widened a little. "A challenge? Right now? Why?" He asked. "Look, look. It doesn't matter. I'm busy right now. I can't-. No! I'm not chickening out!" Izuku protested. His glare hardened a little, looking slightly ticked off. "Stop that right now. Shinso I swear if you don't-. You little f*cker. I'M NOT SCARED! Have I ever backed out of a challenge before? No? Then what makes you think I'm scared now!?" Izuku has now graduated from slightly ticked off, to p*ssed off. He stood up slightly. "That's it. I'm coming over. And you'll never see it coming. Be prepared d*mnit." Izuku hissed. He hung up the phone with a growl, stuffing it in his pocket. "Todo-I mean, Shoto. Come with me. I don't want you sitting here alone waiting for me to get done with this." Izuku said. I nodded standing up and following him out of the cafe. 

Now out in the streets he started looking around. His eyes flashed red momentarily before he started sprinting off down the street. "Hey! Wait up!" I called, chasing after him. He turned the corner and I managed to trail just a little bit behind him, finding that the smaller male was actually very quick. "What's going on? What challenge?" I questioned. Izuku quickly turned the corner before responding. "It's a game me and my roommate play. One of us will walk around Yongen-Jaya in a long black tail coat with many many pockets. Inside one of those pockets is an item or yen. The object of the game is to steal it. I'm undefeated in this game. However Shinso never really defends himself so I don't really have a challenge half the time." He explained. "Why do you play this though?" I questioned. "According to my roommate it's fun. I just see it as a way of making sure I never get out of shape and as a way to sharpen my skills." Izuku explained. I noticed his eyes flash red again as he quickly ducked into an alleyway. I followed after him before spotting a purple haired male standing at the other end of the alley. Izuku quickly ducked behind a dumpster and gestured for me to hide as well. I did, kneeling next to him. He peered around the dumpster before shooting me a look. 'Stay here'. He mouthed. I nodded. He peeked around the dumpster again before pulling himself up on top of it silently. He then jumped off the dumpster grabbing onto a window right as the purple haired male turned around. He shrugged it off his back now facing me and Izuku. Izuku himself began silently swinging back and forth on the window before letting go and grabbing another window, now a little closer to the purple haired male. He pushed off from that window behind a trashcan on the ground, now really close to the purple haired male. Izuku's roommate turned around fully now, but he didn't see me nor Izuku. I finally recognized him. It was Shinso. That kid from U.A. who ended up dropping out. Izuku silent as a snake started moving in the shadows, me barely able to see him as he crept up on Shinso. He'd make a great stealth hero. Kinda like Eraserhead. Not exactly one for big crowds and I feel like Izuku wouldn't like cameras much. But d*mn would he be a great nighttime hero. I thought. Izuku was now up at Shinso's side reaching a hand into one of the pockets. His eyes were blood red, contrasting well with his dark attire and pale skin. He pulled out five hundred yen with a look of victory on his face. Shinso spun around trying to face him but Izuku moved out of the way quickly, staying just out of Shinso's line of sight. "Midoriya? Izuku I know you're there!" Shinso called. But Izuku didn't respond, quickly returning to the dumpster where I was. His eyes returned to normal as he  finally stood up. "You're right. I am here." He said. Shinso spun around facing us as I stood up. Izuku held up the five hundred yen. "And you've already lost." He declared with a smirk. Shinso sighed, walking over to us. "As I typically do. Okay. I'm sorry for pulling you away from what you were doing." He grumbled. Izuku chuckled a little, ruffling Shinso's purple hair. The tired looking male growled low to himself, slapping Izuku's hand away. "Don't patronize me." He growled. He finally noticed me and looked at me in shock. "Wait. I thought you said you were on a blind date. Why is Pro Hero Shoto here?" He questioned. I looked away scratching the back of my neck with a small blush. "And this is why I regret not being more creative in high school." I grumbled. Izuku rolled his eyes. "Apparently Shoto back here was the one Kacchan was setting me up with. Unknown to him that we met at the Masquerade Ball." He explained. "Ah. I see." Shinso said. He extended a hand to me. "Hitoshi Shinso. I'm Midoriya's roommate." He introduced. I nodded, shaking his hand. "Um. I'm sorry. This is weird to ask. But weren't you the kid at the first year Sports Festival with the Brainwashing Quirk at U.A?" I questioned. Shinso flinched back a little, eyes wide with shock. "Holy f*ck how do you remember me?" He questioned. "Whoa, holy f*ck you two know eachother?" Izuku questioned with a smirk. "Know is a strong word. I just remember a kid with messy purple hair and a brainwashing Quirk make it into the battling half of the Sports Festival. I was worried at the time since I had no idea how his Quirk worked. But he didn't make it to fighting me. To which I was somewhat relieved." I responded. 

After chatting with Shinso for a little while he turned to Izuku with a smirk. "I'll let you two get back to your date. Have fun." He then looked at me. "You're lucky to be in Yongen-Jaya with Izuku. He knows this place better than anyone you probably could meet. I've been here longer, but I rarely left the apartment before Izuku showed up. He knows all the best places to be and hang out at." And with that he left. I looked at Izuku to seem him sigh a little as we left the alleyway. "I can see what you meant by people breathing down your neck about getting a boyfriend. He seemed pretty intent on leaving us alone." I pointed out. Izuku shook his head. "He just knows how pitiful my love life actually is. There's a....thing...with my Quirk. It makes it really hard for me to actually get a boyfriend or girlfriend. Let's just say, falling in love, it can help me counter the drawbacks on my Quirk. But there are specific requirements that need to be met. And the thing is, I can't live a completely normal life thanks to the drawbacks of my Quirk. It's unfair. And it's stupid. But that's just how life works." Izuku explained. I didn't want to press the matter further, sensing it was a sensitive topic at best. I pat his shoulder and nodded. "Yeah. Life's unfair at times. But we're still standing right?" I questioned. He laughed a little, smile back full force. "Yeah. To quote Kacchan, 'f*ck life, I do what I want'." We both laughed at that. We walked in silence for a little while, simply enjoying eachother's company. "Hey, something I noticed back there during that game of your's." I started. Izuku hummed a little, giving me a look that said continue. "You seem really good at sneaking up on people. And that your eyes were red almost the entire time. Is that part of your Quirk?" I questioned. He nodded slightly. "Great stealth ability. Proficiency with weapons and other tools. Ability to go largely unnoticed in a crowd. These are all traits I gain because of my Quirk. Along with a few other things that I won't mention since those abilities are mostly why this Quirk is a secret to begin with." Izuku explained. I nodded slightly. "But still. You remind me of a certain hero I know. Eraserhead." Just like that Izuku's eyes sparked with excitement. "Oh I know all about Eraserhead! He's an underground hero who doesn't like the media at all. He's also the first year teacher for class 1-A! His Quirk, Eraser, allows him to cancel out someone's Quirk just by looking at them. If his line of sight is disrupted or if he blinks the Quirk will return to it's user. He's a great hero, taking down many alleyway thieves and criminals. Stopping all kinds of drug deals and information exchanges between villains. Though he's not the best when it comes to fighting in big groups for long periods of time. But he's still really tough, and I'm ranting aren't I?" Izuku questioned, shutting himself up as he scratched the back of his neck. "Sorry." He apologized quickly. I laughed a little, finding it kind of cute. "You mentioned being a hero nerd but that was actually impressive. Not many people have ever heard about Eraserhead. I'm legitimately in awe of such extensive knowledge. Hell I didn't even know of his existence until he was my teacher. And I'm the son of the Number 2 hero!" I stated. I noticed Izuku smirk slightly. "How does he feel knowing it was his own son that knocked him off the Number 1 pedestal that he tried so hard to earn?" He questioned. "Well I mean he never even wanted the Number 1 spot since he didn't get it by surpassing All Might, but rather because All Might retired. But you should've seen the look on his face when I was announced the new Number 1 after legit five months of being a hero. My sister called me about him having a complete melt down. Ha! Rule Number 1 when creating something father, never make it stronger and smarter than you are." I said. Izuku gave me a look. "Create?" He questioned. "Story for another day." I said. "But back to what I was saying. I think you could make a great hero if you wanted to. A lot like Eraserhead. An underground hero that tackles backroom deals and kidnappings. You definitely have the skills for it." I said. Izuku's eyes widened slightly. He stopped walking and I stopped next to him. "Are you alright?" I asked. 

Izuku started tearing up slightly. I gave him a concerned look and grabbed his shoulder gently. "Izuku?" I questioned. He hugged me quickly, burying his face in my shoulder as he cried quietly. I gave him a look of shock before wrapping my arms around him carefully. Returning the hug. "Whoa, what's wrong are you okay?" I questioned. Not sure what set him off. He nuzzled his face into my shoulder, still crying. Unsure of what to do I just did what my mother used to do for me. I rubbed circles on his back and with my other hand pet his hair a little. My eyes widened slightly. God his hair is fluffy how the f*ck does he get it like this!? I thought. I thanked whatever being made it so no one was out on the streets today to see this. "Izuku what's wrong? It's okay. Shh." I lowered my voice slightly, trying to get him to calm down. After a while he stopped crying and pulled away slightly. He wiped a few stray tears away with a dry chuckle. "Sorry. That was uncalled for. It's stupid for me to get emotional over something like that." He said. I still had my arms around him, his form still trembling every once in a while. "What was that about?" I asked. He avoided eye contact. "Can we talk about this somewhere else?" He asked. I nodded. "Sure thing." I said.     

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