Encounter With The Unknown

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~Izuku's POV, Saturday, 10:38 AM~

I woke up the next morning with a small headache, hearing frantic tapping at the computer and growling low to myself. I reached around my head finding a spare pillow and chucking it lazily at Shinso. "Shut up!" I grumbled, rolling over and letting my earbuds fall out of my ears. "Phantom I'd get up if I were you." Shinso said. I grumbled some incoherent gibberish under my breath before sitting up. I looked over at Shinso who was currently hunched over his computer, looking completely sucked into what he was doing. I got up and walked to his side, reading what was on the screen and not understanding a single thing. "Whatcha got for me?" I questioned. "I just intercepted word that Endeavor is hosting a Masquerade Ball next week." Shinso said. I raised and eyebrow. "And I should care because...?" I trailed off, leaving the question in the air. "Because a famous painting he just bought will be put on display at the party." Shinso said. My eyes widened slightly. I smirked, rubbing my hands together. "Now we're talking." I said. "But wait, why a Masquerade Ball though?" I questioned. Shinso shrugged. "No clue. If you ask me this entire thing is sketchy as f*ck since Endeavor isn't exactly the...'social' type. But I've heard rumors that he's not even going to be there. That his daughter is in charge of the party." Shinso responded. "Then why throw a party at all?" I questioned, placing my hand on the desk and leaning over to get a better look at the screen. "That's what I'm trying to figure out right now. But either way, this could be a big chance. Cut off the lights right as the painting is about to be revealed, snatch it, lights come back on, everyone shrugs it off, they reveal that nothing is there, and then next thing they know you're jumping right out the window, laughing." Shinso said. "I don't know Shin. Seems suspicious to me." I said. "Oh, you're just paranoid." Shinso shrugged it off. But something about this didn't sit well with me. Not in the slightest. 

~Todoroki's POV~

"A trap for Phantom?" I questioned, looking up from my book at Bakugo. "Did I f*cking stutter? That's what your f*ckin' dad said it was at least." The angry hedgehog responded. I hummed to myself a little. "I suppose it could work. He does seem to be targeting my dad recently. This would be too good a possibility for a thief like him to pass up." I said, mostly to myself. I had still been pondering over my own encounter with the master thief when Bakugo mentioned this idea to me. "We've been assigned to spreading rumors all over the underground so that eventually Phantom should pick up on it. The rumor being that Endeavor is throwing a Masquerade Ball in which an expensive painting he just bought will be shown off. But that the flaming b*stered isn't even going to be there, cause' he's a social recluse. And that the party is being hosted by your sister." Bakugo explained. "So he's even dragging her into this scheme huh? Very well. Mark me down to attend. After all, I want to be the one to capture this thief." I growled. "Eh. You can have him. I'd prefer to take down an actual super villain thank you." Bakugo said. "Phantom isn't your average thief Katsuki. You should know that by now." Kirishima said, walking in. Bakugo rolled his eyes and argued that a thief is a thief and that his Quirk can't even be that special. I tuned out their conversation, thinking of how this might turn out. Phantom appeared to be an over confident fool, but I saw it in his eyes. He's intelligent. Surely he wouldn't fall for this, would he? I thought. Either way, I can still gain information on my opponent through this party. By whether or not he shows up or prefers to sit this out can help me gain plenty of information on what kind of mind I'm going up against. I thought. I looked at the invitation Bakugo had placed on my desk. Party is next week. Seems pretty sudden. But still. I'm curious if Phantom will bite. I hummed quietly to myself.

~Time Skip, Next Week, Wednesday, 11:30 PM~

I walked up to the front of the mansion that was being rented out for the party. Many cars were pulled up in parking already. I straightened up my tie before slipping on the black Masquerade mask with red detail. I pressed a finger to the com in my ear. "Testing, testing. Ground Zero, Red Riot, can you both hear me?" I questioned. "Loud and clear." Red Riot responded. "Oh so you finally showed then?" Ground Zero questioned. "Glad you're on board with this too Ground Zero." I responded. I dropped my hand and walked into the party. As I was walking through the crowd of people, some dancing, some not, I was able to pick out the faces of many known pro heroes. Masks or no. Some of them made it less obvious, by dyeing their hair or wearing contact lenses. Others, much like me, didn't care. But since I'm Endeavor's son (unfortunately) I have an excuse to be here, they didn't. This is all one giant mouse trap. If Phantom shows up, and that's a very big if, I highly doubt he won't smell this from a mile away. It took me seconds to pick out many pro heroes. How long would it take a master thief like him? I thought. Bakugo and Kirishima spotted me and walked over. "Hey while we're waiting you could be finding a date." Kirishima pointed out. I blushed slightly before cooling off my face with my Quirk. "Don't be ridiculous. This is work, I'm not here to make friends or have fun." I growled. Bakugo face palmed despite the yellow and black mask he was wearing. "Okay, Half n' Half, this is why you're 22 and alone. You're a wall flower at any social engagement. And you don't accept any love confessions or invites to dance. Granted most of those are from girls. And we all know you're gay." Bakugo growled. I sighed a little. "Has it ever crossed your mind that I don't want a partner at this time?" I questioned. "Don't feed us that bull." Kirishima grumbled under his breath. "Oh sure. Not like I catch you giving me and s*itty hair over here jealous looks from time to time or anything." Bakugo said, rolling his eyes. "Todoroki, we get it. You're not exactly a social person. But you're better at it than Bakugo over here. And that's why you're the current Number 1. But if Bakugo can have a boyfriend with his...'sparkling personality'. I'm sure you can win someone over too." Kirishima said. "Look. At the very least, don't turn down an invite to dance. You may not like the person, but you may have fun." Bakugo said. And with that they left. I sighed a little, grumbling a curse or two under my breath. "Wow. That looked rough. You okay buddy?" A male voice questioned. 

~Izuku's POV~

I smirked, having heard the entire conversation. Almost didn't recognize Bakugo without him cursing up a storm. But the hedgehog style ash blond hair and scratchy rough voice gave it away completely. I thought. I snickered to myself a little. Did they really think I'd be dumb enough to go after the painting with this many pros around? Geez it didn't even take me long to pick out all of em'. I began walking over to where Todoroki was. Well then...Let's at least try to have fun. I've already snatched a couple pieces of jewelry and a couple wallets to warrant my troubles. Now all that needs to be done is to see if the painting is even real. So might as well kill time with some small talk. I thought. "Wow. That looked rough. You okay buddy?" I questioned. Todoroki looked over at me in slight shock and panic. "How much of that did you hear?" He questioned. I scratched the back of my neck with a small smile. "I was there for most of it. How are you holding up?" I asked. He sighed a little, shaking his head and avoiding eye contact. "I hate it when the explosive hedgehog and his boyfriend are right. Especially the explosive hedgehog. But...I guess they do have a point." Todoroki grumbled. I chuckled a little bit. "Hey I'm in the same boat. I constantly have people breathing down my neck about getting a boyfriend. Cause everyone assumes since I'm 22 and never had a girlfriend before that automatically makes me gay." I said, rolling my eyes and crossing my arms. "Are you gay though?" Todoroki questioned. "Nah. Bisexual. According to my friend that means I'm fifty percent gay. I was this close to punching him I tell you." I said with a laugh. This earned a small chuckle from Todoroki. "I'm Midoriya by the way." I said. "Todoroki." He responded. "So, were you forced to come here as well?" He questioned. "Eh. You could say that. Forced is a strong word though. My friend convinced me to come despite me thinking it'd be a bad idea." I said. "What about you? If you don't mind me asking of course." I added. "Unfortunately I'm the son of the flaming b*stered throwing this party. My presence was required." Todoroki grumbled. I was slightly shocked before shaking my head with a smile. Of course! He's Endeavor's son! That explains a lot. Nice job on Shinso's part holding that information from me. I thought, sweat dropping slightly. "Something up?" Todoroki questioned. "No, no. Just...something my friend forgot to tell me about that I just realized." I responded. Todoroki smirked a little. "You aren't planing on asking me to dance or anything are you?" He questioned. "No, no, no! I'd be way too nervous to ask someone to dance." I admitted. He gave me a look and I avoided eye contact with a small smile. "Sorry. People tell me I'm a great conversationalist since I've gotten over most of my shyness. When I was younger I could never hold an actual conversation with someone I didn't know. I've been getting better, now that I'm older. But I still maintained most of my old traits. I guess that's why I'm still single. I can't make a move unless someone does it first." I explained. "I see." Todoroki trailed off, humming to himself quietly. "If that's the case." He said, extending his hand to me. "Care to dance?" He questioned. I flinched a little, probably blushing. "U-umm...S-sure!" I said, taking his hand. 

He led me out to the dance floor, hand in hand. I noticed Bakugo and that red head he was with shoot us a look before nudging the red head and nodding to me and Todoroki. Todoroki stopped and spun around to face me. "Do you know how to dance?" He questioned. I nodded, not trusting my mouth to use words. I placed my free hand on his shoulder, and he placed his free hand on my waist. "Then just follow my lead." He said. As the music began playing Todoroki began to lead me in the waltz. And after a while I began to relax. A small smile forming on my face. We both swayed in sync with the beat, getting lost in the music. Everything around us becoming non-existent. For that time, I completely forgot I was Phantom. I forgot Todoroki was a Pro Hero. More interested in his bi-colored eyes through his black and red mask. Without breaking eye contact he pulled me closer to him while twirling. And I was perfectly okay with it. 

Whenever I wear a mask, I become a different person. I feel safe. Confident. Because no one knows who I really am under a mask. But under Todoroki's gaze, I felt mask-less. And that he could see everything I was. And, I was okay with it. I still felt safe. I still felt confident. 

The slight blush on my face became more noticeable. But the moment was shattered as both of us froze. Shinso was barking in my ear about the painting about to be revealed. And I noticed Todoroki reach up and touch something in his ear. He's got a com. D*mnit Phantom! I cursed myself for forgetting our roles. Even if only for a few minutes. "U-um. I just remembered. I have to go do something. Sorry for cutting this short." I said quickly. "No, it's alright. I have something to do as well....Thanks for talking to me." Todoroki said. He then shot me a wink and smile. "You're a great dancer by the way." He added. My blush grew a little more as I began sprinting off. Once I was out of his sight I reached up and touched my com. "Sorry about that Mastermind. I'm back in the game now. This is all a trap, should've told you that immediately. Too many Pros are around here." I said, my voice serious but quiet. "D*mnit. This was a set up from the start." Mastermind growled on his end. I then smirked. "But, I think I have a plan either way." I said. 

~Todoroki's POV~

I growled slightly, looking up at the balcony as the clock began sounding through the halls. Signaling that it had become midnight. Will the painting be gone? I thought as my sister walked out onto the balcony. The silence around us was suffocating. The tense air growing even worse as she began to make her speech. Thanking everyone for coming to see our father's painting. I couldn't help the growing nervousness. And I could tell that some of the other heroes felt the same. "Now, without further delay, let's see the painting." She announced. The curtain parted, revealing that the painting was still there. A bunch of the heroes shot looks at eachother, confused. I, however, muttered a small 'I knew it'. That's when dark laughter rang out across the room. My eyes widened and I looked skyward. Up on the chandelier sat Phantom, legs crossed and dangling over the edge. "Did you really think I was dumb enough to fall for this little scheme of yours, heroes?" He questioned. Just like last time I couldn't get a good look at his face and hair. The glare from the chandelier clouding my vision just like the police lights did. He slowly got up tail coat fluttering behind him as he smirked. "You all underestimated my skills of perception. I can tell that the painting is fake. Don't label me a fool." He announced. For a second I could've sworn his eyes picked me out in the crowd as his smirk grew. "However, I can't say that I didn't enjoy myself. After all, you put this whole thing together for me. I'm flattered. But next time, don't bring stuff that's worth a lot to a trap for a thief who can easily tell the main attraction is a fake." He said, dangling a diamond necklace on his finger over the chandelier. A few people let out shocked gasps. Another few shouting curses for missing wallets. Phantom spun the necklace on his finger before tossing it into the air. He caught it in the palm of his hand before giving us a wave and wink. "Thanks for the party! Ta-ta." He said before running across the chandelier and jumping out the window. Many Pros chased after him. I was one of the first out the door. I spotted a tail coat vanish behind the wall of the hedge maze and gave chase.

Once I got over the wall I saw a flash of black tinted green turn a corner. I gave chase, sliding on my ice to pick up the pace. I turned the corner to see Phantom booking it down the left path. I continued after him. He hopped over a wall. I followed. We kept turning and twisting, me soon getting confused. Eventually I ran out into the center of the maze. A stone bench and small fountain, directly under the light of the full moon. I was panting, completely exhausted. But still found the sight beautiful. I walked over to the bench and sat down, taking a chance to catch my breath. "Lovely isn't it?" A male voice questioned. I looked to my side, seeing Phantom there, leaning on the bench with a smirk. I jumped up about to attack. He was upon me in seconds, holding a knife to my neck with a cold glare. I froze, seeing the sharp weapon glimmer in the moonlight. Eyes wide with fear under the mask I was wearing. Phantom smirked a little. "Now then. Let's not be hostile. You're the one who chased me alright? You're the one who walked into my trap. And personally, I have this rule about not killing anyone. Don't force me to break it. Cause' that would be a waste. You seem like a good hero. Don't force me to take you out so early in your career. " He said. I glared at him a little as he leaned closer to me. It was then I noticed Phantom was shorter than me, and had glowing red eyes. He frowned a little before lowering his knife. He backed away from me, putting the knife away and standing in the shadow of the fountain. Preventing me from getting a good look at his hair and face. I got into a stance ready to fight at a moments notice. "Tsk, tsk, hero." He said holding a finger in front of his lips. He then produced a bag from behind him and tossed it at my feet. I heard it jingle a little when it hit the ground. "All the heroes at this party were good, honest people. I was feeling a little thievish. So you can have all that back now. I don't need it currently." Phantom said with a small smile. I picked up the bag, checking inside. It was jewelry and wallets alike. I looked back up at the thief in shock. His eyes remained red but the glow vanished. "I'm a Gentleman Thief. Had heroes like Mt. Lady or Endeavor showed up, you probably wouldn't be getting these back. Keep that in mind next time you throw a party." Phantom said, smirk gone as he looked at me with a serious expression. "Nether the less, I had fun. One way or another." He added. "What the? Why?" I questioned, completely confused. "I do bad things, but only for the right reasons. Just like how some heroes do good things, but for the wrong reasons. Or if they have bad intentions. As said earlier, I'm a Gentleman Thief." Phantom explained dismissively. He cracked a closed eyed smile. "Just say you found the bag here and didn't see me. And we won't have problems. I didn't see you, you didn't see me. Simple as that." He said. I glared at him slightly. "And what happens if I decide that I did see you?" I questioned. His smile grew. I blinked and he was gone. "I'm not the kind of person you want to cross, Shoto Todoroki." Phantom whispered, now behind me.

I jumped slightly looking over my shoulder at the thief, but he was already gone. "I'm a powerful enemy to make. But I'm honorable at the very least. Which is more than I can say with some of your so called 'fellow heroes'." Phantom said. My head scanned the area around me, but he always seemed to stay right out of my sight. Two arms wrapped around my shoulders, a gloved hand covering my mouth. "You're a new hero, so it's no surprise that you don't know this yet. No one has probably told you. But you have to learn to pick your battles. And choose your enemies and allies." Phantom said. I was frozen, both in fear, and in shock on how he snuck up on me. "Now. I think I have to make this clear to you. You have the option to either make me your enemy. Or your ally. You may be a hero, but even the greatest heroes have dark connections. Keep this in mind next time we cross paths." He said. "Now then, the night is waning, and I have other places to be. So long, Number 1 Hero. I can't wait for our next meeting." And with that the arms around my shoulders vanished along with the hand on my mouth. I spun around immediately, ice forming on my right hand. But he was gone again. I heard a whistle and looked over my shoulder. Phantom pulled himself up onto the top of the hedge maze. We made eye contact one final time as he winked at me, before disappearing over the wall. I was left, stunned into silence. I looked at the bag in my arms in both confusion and suspicion. How can he be so sure I won't tell anyone? I thought. I opened the bag, rummaging around in it. Did he bug something in here? But nothing seemed out of place or out of the ordinary. I sighed a little, confused and slightly afraid. What am I really going up against? I thought. I looked back at the maze. I'd better be heading back soon. Everyone's probably worried. I nodded to myself, beginning to walk back into the maze. I froze a little, looking back at the fountain and bench. I shook my head, clearing it of thought as I began walking. I made it through the maze, thankfully most of my ice was still there helping me guide myself back. When I exited the maze I spotted Bakugo and Kirishima immediately. They both approached me. Kirishima looking worried. Bakugo looking p*ssed as always. "Are you alright?" Kirishima questioned. "Did you spot the b*stered?" Bakugo questioned. "I'm fine Red Riot and..." I trailed off, flashing back to what Phantom had told me. "I...I didn't see him. But I did find this at the center of the maze." I said, holding out the bag. Bakugo snatched it and rummaged around in it. Kirishima sighed in relief. "Honestly, I'm glad you're okay. But it's a shame that he got away." He said. I nodded. "Shame it may be. But we have more information than we did going into this." I said. They both gave me looks. I smirked a little. "I had a feeling Phantom wasn't going to fall for the trap. Now that I know I was right, I can gather that Phantom is an intellectual. And that he's got keen perception skills. He may act like an arrogant fool. But something tells me that it's all a ploy designed to trick us into thinking that he's arrogant." I explained. "Why would he do that?" Kirishima questioned. "People that are arrogant rush head first into dangerous situations because they're overly confident in their skills. Phantom isn't like that. During my first encounter with him, I thought the same thing judging by the way he looked down his nose at me, literally before you ask. But what I saw in his fighting style was completely different. He rushed me first over and over, sure. But there was always a certain degree of caution in his movements. Not only that, but he seemed to be analyzing my skills during our fight. He seemed reserved. Calculating. And that showed in tonight's sighting as well. He saw through the fake painting but made an appearance anyways, despite knowing how many Pros there were present. That leaves one to believe that he's over confident in his skills. That he's arrogant. And yet, I believe he went into it with a plan. Considering the moment he jumped out the window none of us were able to catch him. I think he had an escape route planned for this. Creating an illusion of dumb luck." I explained. Bakugo knocked me on the head lightly. "That doesn't explain why though Half n' Half. Why would he do that? It seems pointless." Bakugo growled. I shot him a glare. "You're not following at all. He wants us to think he's an arrogant fool so we will become more careless. So that we'll slip up easier. So we'll make mistakes but brush them off later saying, 'oh it'll be fine, Phantom is a treasure snatching fool, there's no way he'd be able to figure that out'." I explained. "That's devious. But it makes sense." Kirishima said. "So the b*stered is trying to play us is he?" Bakugo questioned, explosions in his palms. I nodded. "It's very devious. But that fits Phantom's character. At least if I'm right about all this it seems like it fits." I agreed while nodding. I stuck my hands in my pockets, my eyes widening slightly as I felt something in my pocket. "Um. If you'll excuse me, this night has worn me out. I'm going home. See you both tomorrow alright?" I questioned. They both nodded, looking exhausted themselves. I quickly power walked away until I reached my car. I opened the door and got in. I pulled the thing out of my pocket and glared at it slightly. It's a bug alright. Did he slip it in my pocket when he grabbed me? Or when he held the knife to my neck? I guess it's a good thing I didn't tell Bakugo and Kirishima I ran into him. I thought. I was about to crush it but froze. Did he intend for me to find it? It was an obvious spot...Maybe this is him giving me a way of contacting him? Why would he do that though? I thought. Then I remembered the words he spoke during our encounter in the maze. He wants to know what I decide about him. Whether he's my enemy or ally. That's why he left it in such an obvious place. D*mn that's clever. I thought. I sighed a little. "Now where did I put my keys?" I questioned aloud, just in case he was listening. I needed him to think I hadn't found the bug yet. I placed the bug back in my pocket as I pretended to look for my keys. I'll play his game for now. This can work in my favor too. In case I need to set up my own mouse trap. I thought.

~Time Skip 2:20 AM, Izuku's POV~

I collapsed on my bed and sighed a little. Shinso poked his head into my corner of the apartment. "Hey, you okay there buddy? You looked confused when you walked in." He said. "Just get out for a couple of minutes, I have to make a phone call." I grumbled into my pillow. Luckily Shinso spoke fluent pillow mumble and hummed in agreement. "Alright. I'll be waiting outside then." He said. Once I heard the door open and close I grabbed my phone charging on the nightstand. I unplugged it and pulled up my contacts. I quickly phoned dad and put him on speaker. After ringing a few times he finally picked up. "Izuku? What is it? It's like two in the morning." Dad grumbled on his end. I groaned a little. "Dad I think there's something wrong with me." I said. I heard him sigh a little. "Alright, what happened?" He questioned. "So I went to this party. And I ended up dancing with this one guy and well-." "Stop, stop, stop. Go back a little. Does your face feel hot?" Dad interrupted. "Um...Yeah?" I responded in a questioning tone. "Does your stomach feel like it's doing flips?" He questioned. "Yes." I answered. "Does any features on this guy you met stand out to you?" He questioned. "He was very unique. Had Heterochromia. One eye was turquoises the other was grey. The left side of his hair was red, and the right side was white. He didn't smile often, but whenever he gave a small smile it was...really cute." I admitted, probably blushing. "What about when you were dancing? Did everything around you disappear? Did you forget everything, even if only for a few minutes?" Dad questioned. I thought about it for a minute, smiling with a small blush as I recalled it. "Yeah." I responded. "Then congrats Izuku. Your heart was stolen!" Dad said in a cheerful tone. My eyes widened in fear as my stomach dropped. I was frozen. "Izuku? Izuku?" Dad questioned. "No, no, no, no." I mumbled, quietly and slowly. "Izuku?" Dad called. "Why? Why'd it have to be him?" I questioned quietly. "Izuku. Son are you alright?" Dad asked. "This can't be happening, this can't be happening." I muttered. I buried my face into my pillow even further and screamed bloody murder. Shinso burst the door open. "WHAT THE F*CK ARE YOU ALRIGHT!?" He shouted, rushing to my side. "Izuku! Izuku what happened!?" Dad questioned in a panic. Eventually my screaming died down, my voice hurting like hell. "Izuku. I know it must seem sudden. But that's how it works for people who have Phantom Thief. All you have to do now is steal their heart in return and everything will be alright." Dad said. "It's not that simple." I growled. "Izuku?" Both Dad and Shinso questioned. "Dad you don't understand the situation." I said. I finally sat up. "It's a Pro Dad. If what you're saying is true, then a Pro Hero stole my heart." I said, tears building in the corners of my eyes. "Izuku..." Shinso said, trailing off. He pat my shoulder a little as I wiped my eyes. "We all know that's never going to happen. This Pro is the most determined to catch me. I'm stupid for excepting his invite to dance. D*mnit." I hissed at myself. "Phantom." I froze immediately at Dad's tone of voice. Dad has two voices, just like how he has two masks. His first mask, Akira. My father. His first voice. Laid back and lazy, with always that kind or curious undertone. Then his second mask, Joker. My teacher and mentor. His second voice. Cold and sharp, straight to the point and commanding. The voice of a leader. I rarely ever heard his Joker voice. Typically that only happened in very...specific circumstances.

"Pro Hero or not, what have I been telling you since you were four about the issue of stolen hearts?" He questioned. "If my heart gets stolen, I'd better steal their heart right back." I recited. "Exactly. So what if it's a Pro Hero? There is absolutely no logic behind you getting intimidated because the guy who stole your heart is a hero. You are a Master Thief. A walking Legend among men. You are Phantom. Hold your head high and act like it." Dad growled. "I want to hear it back." He added after a few seconds of silence. "I am Phantom." I repeated quietly. "Excuse me? Repeat yourself. Louder." He commanded. "I am Phantom." I stated, this time with more confidence. "Again d*mnit!" Dad hissed. "I'm Phantom d*mnit! Gentlemen Thief of the current era! And I'll be d*mned if I let a Pro Hero steal my heart without me stealing their's back!" I declared. "Stats?" Dad questioned. "Maxed across the board." I hissed. "What are we?" He questioned. "We are Phantom Thieves. We are Gentlemen Thieves. And I'm proud of it!" I stated. "And don't you forget it! Wear your mask with pride! You've earned it!" Dad stated. I smiled a little as Shinso pat my shoulder. "Welcome back Emerald." He said. "Good to be back." I said. "Get some rest son. A thief's work is never truly done. Love you. Good night." Dad said. "Thank you. And I love you too dad. Night." I responded, ending the call. Shinso gave me a small smirk. "What?" I questioned. He ruffled my hair. "I always knew you were gay." He said. I pulled a knife out from under my pillow. "Do you want to go b*tch?" I questioned. He held up his hands in surrender. "Pass." He said. "That's what I thought." I growled, placing the knife back under my pillow and rolling over. My back facing him.                                                                                   

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