Chapter 12: Kiss Kiss

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A/N: A bit of Yoongi's background

Yoongi's POV

It's been a couple of days since I've hung out with Jimin. Sure, we'd talk in and out of class, sometimes text, but it wasn't the same thing as having him next to me, to feel his warmth. I missed him more than I missed my dog, and that's saying something.

Holly and I had been inseparable since the day I adopted him, therefore making us the best of friends. I was the loner kid growing up so having him around really made me feel a lot better about the fact that nobody liked me. Thinking about him makes me miss him more. Maybe I'll call up my mom later and ask her how he's doing. Hell, maybe I'll ask her how she's doing just to try to get her to open up to me again.

Growing up, I didn't have the perfect life. My parents were poor and could barely afford the apartment we lived in at the time. My dad worked hard to provide food for all of us, including Holly. By the time I had turned seventeen, I had earned a name for myself doing underground rapping. I went by the name AgustD back in those days, rapping to my hearts content in front of small and big crowds, telling my story.

People would listen to my story but they didn't like me for me. They liked me for my fame, or the money I would bring in from the concerts I held. The only true friends I had then and now were Namjoon and his boyfriend, Jin, who owns a flower shop. They had my back when I was kicked out for being gay. Holly had to stay behind because my parents wouldn't let me take him, shattering my already broken heart. Namjoon had taken me in once he found out about what had happened and allowed me to rent the extra room he had in his apartment.

My brother, surprisingly enough, supported me and even came to visit me a couple of times but stopped when he had to enlist in the military. It's almost been two years since he enlisted meaning that he was due to come home soon. Will he still be living with mom and dad until he gets back on his feet? I hope he will have somewhere to stay.

I'm broken out of my thoughts by a light knock on my bedroom door. I mumble a quiet "come in" before sitting up on my bed. I'm greeted by Namjoon's dimpled smile as he walks in, taking a seat on the bed.

"What's up, Namjoon?" I greet him.

"Nothing really. I just wanted to see if you wanted to hang out with Jin and I tomorrow. We're going to Lotte World and since there's no school tomorrow I was wondering if you wanted to come?" he says, looking at me expectantly.

I hesitate before asking, "Could I maybe bring a friend?"

"Of course! Any friend of yours is a friend of ours!" he smiles wider, his dimples getting deeper and more prominent if that was even possible.

"Okay well I'm heading out now," he says, getting up and walking towards the door. "I'm taking Jin out on a date."

"Have fun! Make sure to use protection and don't come here if you are planning on having sex!" I yell after him.

I hear his loud laugh from behind the door, "No promises!"

With that, the sound of a door slamming and being locked is heard. After that it's silent. The only thing you could hear was my breathing and the sounds from the people passing by outside.

I lay back down on my bed, grabbing my phone which was set on the nightstand next to my bed and unlocking it. I go to messages and click on Jimin's contact. I had recently changed his name from 'Minnie<3' to 'Baby Boy<3'. Don't ask me why. After the little-pun intended- incident at Build-a-Bear, I felt compelled to change his contact name to that.

To: Baby Boy<3

Hey baby boy ;)

Hey baby b|

Hey ba|


Seen 6:34

From: Baby Boy<3

Hey hyung! What's up?

To: Baby Boy<3

I know it's sudden but I was wondering of you'd like to come to Lotte World with my roommate Namjoon, his boyfriend, and I?

Seen 6:36

From: Baby Boy<3

I would love to! I just gotta let Hobi know so he isn't worried about me all day at work

My happiness of him coming was deflated by that one sentence. Of course he had to ask his boyfriend for permission. Whatever, at least I got to see him all day tomorrow.

To: Baby Boy<3

Okay well I'll see you tomorrow then :)

Seen 6:39

From: Baby Boy<3

Bye hyung! xx

My heart skipped a beat when I saw the message.

Maybe it was just an accident?, I thought to myself. My heart said otherwise, though.


Why did I have to fall for him? Everything about him was just beautiful. From his plump, pink lips to his childlike mindset to his nice ass. I loved absolutely everything about him and I just couldn't help it. He was everything I ever wanted but I couldn't have him.

I groan into my pillow. Why couldn't life be so much easier?

I start feeling tired. My eyes already feeling heavy and droopy. Emotions have always exhausted me and whatever I was feeling right now was no exception. I closed my eyes, hoping to get some shut eye before I stayed up writing music.


I was woken up by a pressure on my stomach. I slowly opened my eyes to peek at whatever was on top of me. I am startled to find Jimin sitting on me, an innocent smiled displayed on his face.

"Hi, Daddy! Did you miss me?" he asks, his voice a few octaves higher than normal.

"Wha- How did you get in here?" I ask confused.

"Namjoon-hyung let me in!"

What? I was so confused.I thought he had gone on a date with Jin? Waking up, I did not expect Jimin to be here. This couldn't be reality... Could it?

"Jimin-ah, do you mind getting off so I can sit up correctly?"

"But, daddy, don't you like this position?" He says with a pout, grinding our lower halves together.

I suppress the moan trying to escape my lips, "Jimin-ah, what do you think you're doing?"

I grab on to his hips to halt his movements. He pouts, tears beginning to form in his eyes.

"Do you not want me?"

"Of course I want you baby boy, but this," I say gesturing to our position, "what we're doing right now, is wrong. You have a boyfriend and I don't want to come between you guys."

That was a lie. I would do almost anything to come between them but this wasn't the way.

He nodded in understanding. I sighed in relief knowing that I wouldn't have to see a sad Jimin. I reach my hand up and brush away some strands of hair that had fallen onto his face. God, he was so beautiful but he wasn't even mine.

"Can I still kiss you?" he asks timidly.

"I don't think that's a great idea, Minnie," I murmur.

I'm taken aback when he whines, "Please daddy.~"

Giving in I said, "Fine, but just one. The guilt will eat me alive if there were to be more than that."

Giddily, he leans down and connects our lips in a wet kiss. I go to pull away but he delicately holds my face between his hands so that I can't move away any further. Our lips move in sync, any thoughts of how wrong this was fly out the window as the thought of how right it felt clouded my thoughts. We make out on my bed, pants leaving our lips as we try to catch our breath. His lips felt so soft against my chapped ones and it was honestly so perfect.

There couldn't be anything or anyone more perfect than Park Jimin.

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