Chapter 13: Lotte World Part I

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Yoongi's POV

We continued making out, enjoying the feeling of each others lips perfectly molding together. It was when Jimin began grinding on me that I woke up in cold sweat with a slight boner. I sighed, of course it was a fucking dream. Jimin would never do something like that knowing that he was still with Hoseok.

It's wrong of me to wish for them to break up but that's all I ever wish on when it hits 11:11 and even when I see a shooting star. I'm so cringey that I just snorted at my own stupidity. That shit never works so I don't even know why I'm trying it now. Am I really that desperate? Or am I in love? Both sound scary in my opinion.

I turned to my side and sighed once more. Now I have to deal with a boner thanks to my dream.

"I guess I'll go take care of that then work on some music," I said to no one in particular, getting up and making my way to the bathroom.

Jimin's POV

I couldn't help the grin that spread on my face. I was going to be hanging out with Yoongi-hyung and his friends tomorrow! I squealed, I was so excited. I just hope Hobi isn't opposed to it. Knowing him, he'll be at work worried about me and such.

I decide to shoot him a text to let him know.

To: Hobi
Hey, Hobi-hyung. I'm going to be at Lotte World with Yoongi-hyung and his two friends. Can me and you go together on your next day off?

I bite my lip as wait for his response. My phone dings and I immediately unlock my phone to look at the new messages.

From: Hobi
Are you sure that's a good idea?
I mean
Remember what happened last time you two hung out?

I shut my eyes. I knew he would bring that up.

To: Hobi

I promise I won't do anything rash

His friends will be there meaning I'll have more self-control

can ask him if you can come if you really don't trust me

From: Hobi
No no. It's fine. I'll be there in the morning to see you off :)

To: Hobi
Thank you so much daddy!

From: Hobi
No problem baby ❤️

I was so giddy that I accidentally slipped into little space. Daddy was letting me go to Lotte World with Yoongi-hyung and his friends!

I should probably go to bed now so that I won't be tired by tomorrow, I think to myself. I get ready for bed then slide under the covers, making sure to have Mr. Rainbow and Elsa Bear with me. I snuggle them close to me and flutter my eyes closed. Instantly I fall into a deep slumber.


I'm awoken by a gentle shake and soft kisses being peppered all over my face. 

"Hey, baby, wake up. Yoongi-ah called and said he would be here in about 20 minutes," I hear my boyfriend say softly. 

Yoongi had called?

"Nng~," I groan, "Five more minutes."

"No, come on baby. You're going to have a fun day today!" he says before literally dragging me out of bed and into the bathroom. There, I quickly did what I needed to do and threw on a comfortable outfit.

(A/N: sorry I'm just too lazy to describe it woops)

As soon as I had finished tying my shoes, there was a knock on the door. I heard the front door open so I scurried out of the room to greet whoever was here.

It's probably Yoongi-hyung, I thought to myself.

Sure enough, it was. He was sitting on our couch casually having a conversation with Hobi. Since when are they close? I remember that Hobi disliked Yoongi-hyung a lot, so I wonder what caused this change? I'll ask him about it later. 

Both males turned to look at me as soon as I stepped into the living room. Both were checking me out which made me feel flustered.

"You ready to go, Jimin?" asks Yoongi-hyung, getting up from his spot on the couch. 

"Let's go!" I exclaim, running up to Hobi to give him his goodbye kiss before linking arms with Yoongi-hyung.

We got into the car and started making our way to Lotte World.


An involuntary squeal escapes my lips as the amusement park comes into view. I feel myself slowly slip into little space as I try to will it away.

I think Yoongi realizes my internal struggle because he smirks and says, "It's okay Minnie, you can be yourself here."

I loose any self-control I had when he calls me by my nickname, "O-okay Hyung."

"You can just call me daddy, Minnie," he says as we park, getting out before me.

I get out as well, making sure the door was closed behind me before shyly following him. We make our way to the entrance, Daddy having bought the tickets beforehand. Once inside, he tells me that we'd be meeting his friends by one of the rides. I hold onto the sleeve of his sweater as we make our way to them. As soon as we reach the ride, I spot Jinnie and Joonie. I immediately let go of daddy's sleeve and run towards my friend yelling, "Jinnie! Joonie! I missed you guys!"

I hugged them both at the same time, stumbling a few times since I lost my balance. Jinnie and Joonie are my bestest friends! Besides TaeTae of course. Dada hasn't brought them over in a while so I missed them a lot. Especially Jinnie because we'd have playdates behind Dada's back whenever they'd come over since he didn't know yet. Yes, Kim Seokjin is a Little like me. 

"You're Yoongi-ah's friend?" questions Joonie.


"What a small world!" he exclaims, then leans into my ear before whispering, "Does he know about it?"

I stare back at him with a questioning gaze before it dawns on me what he's talking about.

"Yep! Daddy knows everything!" I say with a giggle.

Both his and Jinnie's jaws drop. I was confused. I didn't say anything bad did I?

"W-Why are you looking at me l-like that?" I nervously ask.

"Nothing, don't worry about it sweetheart," Jinnie pipes up after a minute of them just staring at me.

"Hmm, okay! Let's go on the Flume Ride first!" I say, grabbing Jinnie's hand and skipping away from Daddy and Joonie. 

That was how we spent our day. Jinnie and I skipping ahead of our daddies and them having to catch up to us. So far it was an amazing day and nothing could ruin it.

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