Chapter 20: Honesty

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A/N: short filler chappie but still kinda important. vote and comment pls :') it makes my day reading your comments

Yoongi's POV

We were currently cuddled up on my bed. Namjoon was still at Jin's and Jimin didn't feel ready to talk to Hoseok just yet so he had been staying with me for the past week. I didn't mind at all, in fact, I would love if we could move in together as it would make being his caregiver easier, but that couldn't happen just yet.  I still hadn't given the younger rules and I wanted to first talk about my past with him. It wouldn't be an honest relationship if I kept hiding the truth about Jungkook and I.

"Hey, Jimin?"

"Yes, Hyung?"

"I want to talk to you about Jungkook and why we avoid each other."

He turns to look at me with wide eyes, "You don't have to if you don't feel ready."

"No, I want to. I need to do this," I say sternly.

"Okay, just know that I'll be here for you no matter what," he says, placing both hands on my cheeks and giving my lips a gentle peck.

I smiled gratefully at him, seeing as it calmed my nerves a bit.

"Well, to start off, Jungkook and I had been together for two years. It was what'd you call a perfect caregiver-little relationship. He always followed the rules meaning I'd rarely have to punish him. He was amazing in and out of little space. I thought I was absolutely in love with him if I'm being completely honest. 

"Anyways, we were a happy couple. I'd buy him new toys every week, take him out, cuddle, have playdates- you know, the usual stuff. Everything was going great for us until a couple months ago when I got kicked out of the other college I was studying at."

As soon as I finish my sentence, Jimin raises his hand.

"Yes, Jimin?"

"What happened that it caused Jungkook to practically hate you?" he asks cutely, big doe eyes looking up at me with curiosity.

"I'm getting there, baby," I say with a fond smile before continuing, "I was studying music, much like I am here. Everyone knew each other and knew what was going on in everyone's life. Someone was pregnant? Word would spread like wildfire. The people there were assholes that way. Rumors were a normal thing- nobody was safe. 

"So one day, I was invited to one of their stupid parties. I thought I should go because, hey, I was having problems at work and I needed a way to relieve my stress. I didn't know it was a trap."


It was 10 o'clock. The party had started two hours ago but I had stayed home to make sure Jungkook was fed and sleeping by the time I left the apartment. He had been staying over that night because his parents had gotten in a huge argument that day.

When I got to the party, an arm was immediately slung over my shoulder. The owner of it was none other than the bad boy of the school, Park Jin-young. 

"Hey, man! Glad you could make it!" he says, words slurred from the amount of alcohol he had previously consumed. 

I give him a curt nod in acknowledgement, not really in the mood for a conversation with the drunk boy. I slip out of his hold and head towards the mini bar that had been set up in the kitchen. I ask the dude behind the counter to hand me one of the strongest drinks they had then turned to lean on said counter. Because I had my back turned, I didn't notice when he had slipped something else into my drink before he handed it to me.

I have a high alcohol tolerance so a few sips shouldn't have had any effect on me, but I was already beginning to have blurry vision and slurred wording. I threw myself onto the nearest couch, not really trusting myself. A curved figure soon walks up to me as I'm trying to catch my breath. They sit down on my lap and wrap their arms around my neck. I try pushing them away but at this point my body feels like jelly and I can only weakly move around. 

"Wanna have some fun, pretty boy?" A sickeningly high-pitched voice whispers in my ear. 

I can't respond- my tongue feeling like lead. Before I can muster up the strength to respond, everything becomes dark as my consciousness slips away from me.

End Flashback

"The next day, Jungkook was gone with only a letter left behind as any evidence that he had been there. I found out later that week that the person who sat on my lap had taken a picture of her and I 'making out' and sent it to him with a caption telling him that he was my boy toy and that I never truly loved him.

He never let me explain and to this day he still thinks I was actually cheating on him with some whore. I looked for the bastard who had set me up and beat the crap out of him which was why I was kicked out," I finish speaking, waiting for Jimin to say something- anything, really.

It's quiet for a few moments before he finally speaks up, "Do you still love him?"

The broken way that he spoke those words tugged at my heart. Without hesitation I responded, "It took a while but I finally did stop loving him. I don't look at him the way I used to. If I'm being honest, the only person who makes my heart race is you, Park Jimin."

A huge smile breaks out on his face at my words accompanied by a dark blush. Park Jimin was one of a kind and there was no one in this world who could replace him. I am deeply, inexplicably, and irrevocably in love with him and I hope one day I could show him just how much he means to me.

"Hey, Yoongi?"

I hummed in response.

"I love you."

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