Chapter 21: Happy

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Third Person POV


It had been a while since Jimin had spoken to Hoseok. The last time they had uttered a word to each other was when they were arranging the living situation. Jimin would send bouquets of orchids to show that he still cared about Hoseok even if it wasn't in the way they had both planned from the beginning. It would be a while, but he knew the older would come around one day and hopefully forgive him.

Yoongi had moved in with Jimin after Hoseok had told them that he would be living with Baekhyun, the man who was slowly mending his broken heart. This left the room in Namjoon's apartment empty, therefore, he turned it into a mini play room for his lover since they shared a room together.

Jungkook and Taehyung had officially gotten together. Everyone was happy for them, especially Yoongi. Both boys had finally gotten the chance to sit down and talk about what had happened that night. Jungkook had forgiven Yoongi and now they were both on good terms. They had even planned a few playdates for him and Jimin. Jin would also join, accompanied by his boyfriend/caregiver. During the playdates, the caregivers would sit at the table and drink coffee as they talked and watched over their Littles.

Currently, Jimin was sitting on his daddy's lap having a conversation with Mr. Rainbow.

"Blue is the best color! Don't chu think so, Mr. Rainbow?" he said in his childish voice as the TV sounded quietly in the background.

No response was heard from the stuffie but still Jimin said, "See, daddy? Even Mr. Rainbow agrees that blue is better than red!"

The elder looked at his baby, chuckling at the fact that he was still salty about what he had said earlier. He had only voiced his opinion on which color he thought was better as per request from the younger but it seemed as though the younger had taken it personal. He had been sitting on his lap for about fifteen minutes now consulting with his bear about it. Elsa Bear had stayed in the room because he said that "Elsa agreed with Daddy so she can't be with us for the moment."

Yoongi found it cute how he wouldn't let go.

"If we go out and buy you a new stuffie will you forgive me my Paci Prince?" he asks, places gentle kisses on the youngers face making him giggle in delight.

"Hmm," the younger pretends to thing about it, "Okay!"

With that, the Little slides off of his daddy's lap and heads towards their room to put on some shoes and a warm fluffy sweater. The caregiver follows behind, doing the same and making sure he had his wallet with him.

They both walked out of their shared apartment and into the cold morning air. Getting into the car, the, now black-haired, male allows for the other to play Radio Disney. They both bop along to the songs on their way to the toy store, singing almost every song at the top of their lungs which earns them weird stares from passengers in other cars but they couldn't care less.

When they arrive, they park close to the store and walk in hand-in-hand, not minding the judging eyes that follow them as they make their way through the store.

Excited, Jimin pulls Yoongi throughout the whole store trying to find the perfect toy his daddy could buy him.

"Woah, Minnie! Slow down for daddy, please. He isn't in the best shape anymore," Yoongi says as he manages to catch his breath.

Jimin giggles, "Dada's gett'n old."

The older male glares playfully at the younger, daring him to say more. When he doesn't, he gazes softly at the younger who is now looking at all the different assortments of toys and stuffies. He admires the innocence the younger seems to retain, even though some days he is far from innocent.

A loud squealing interrupts his thoughts as he sees his boyfriend hugging onto a large stuffed bunny.

A/N: This is exactly what my bunny looks like :3

"Dada, can we get this one?" the Little asks, batting his eyelashes in a way he knew that would get the caregiver to buy him whatever he wanted.

"Anything for my baby boy," Yoongi sats with a gummy smile.


They head over to check out and pay for the bunny. On the car ride home, Jimin is falling asleep but before he can he mumbles out, "Dada fo'given."

He passes out soon after and the older can't help but smile fondly at his baby. They had only officially been together for a little less than a month and it was honestly flabbergasting how one boy could change his life. He had gotten back to doing underground rapping and he enjoyed it so much more this time around seeing as he had found his muse once more.

Admittedly, he was selling CD's faster than he could burn his songs onto them and that in turn had caught the attention of a record label. He and Jimin had already discussed and argued over whether or not he should sign a contract with BigHit Entertainment, the company that had scouted him. They ended up agreeing that Yoongi would be able to fulfill as long as he was still there for Jimin.

Yoongi was broken out of his thoughts as they arrived to their apartment. He gets out and walks around to the passenger side of his car. He opens the door carefully as to not wake the younger. He then unbuckles the seatbelt and carries the younger inside, but not before closing the door and locking the car.

Once inside the apartment, he gently places the younger onto their bed. He climbs into bed with with, mentally cursing himself for forgetting the stuffed bunny in the car. He resolves to get it later when both of them are awake and falls into a deep slumber.

A/N: This book is coming to an end soon probably :')

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