Chapter 8: I Ship It

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Yoongi's POV

It's currently 1:26 PM and I'm still in bed. My next class doesn't start until 3:00 PM, giving me enough time to nap and then scroll through social media. I'm looking through my Instagram feed when one particular post catches my eye:

It was a picture of Jimin and his boyfriend being cute. Gag. I don't ship it in all honesty. Yes, to those reading this, I do know what shipping is. The author made sure I wasn't a clueless boy.

Anyways, their relationship makes me gag. I mean, I'm not saying Hoseok is a bad guy, I'm just saying that he doesn't seem like the right guy for Jimin. I'm sure if we had met under different circumstances we would have been great friends. Maybe after I start dating my baby boy a friendship can blossom? I don't know but I really hope so. Aish, now I feel guilty for trying to steal his man. 

I chuck my phone onto the floor, turning so that I was laying on my stomach. Frustrated, I scream into my pillow. Why do I have to like him so much? Why can't I be normal and like someone who's not taken? This must be God's punishment for what I did two years ago. I don't even want to think about it. I can't tell Jimin about it or else he'll leave me just like Jungkook did. 

Groaning, I roll around in bed until my ass hits the floor. 

"Son of a bitch!" I yell. 

That hurt like hell. Rubbing the sore spot, I pick myself up along with my phone and crawl back into bed. I close my eyes in hopes of getting some shut eye before class but all I see is pink. 

I tiredly open my eyes, "Why can't I get him out of my head? It's not like we're ever going to be a thing."

I sprawl myself on the bed like a starfish. It's been two days since I took him to Build-a-Bear workshop. Two days since I ran into Jungkook. Also two days since I found out about Jimin being a Little. I want to talk to him but I'm honestly too nervous to. He's my crush for crying out loud! Anyone would be scared to be the first one sending a message. Maybe he feels that way, too?

I scoffed. Yeah right. I bet he's too happy being in love to even notice my absence. 

In all of my hate, one thought had been nagging at me. Does Hoseok even know that his boyfriend is a little? Well, only one way to find out. Forgetting my nervousness, I open up messages and tap on his contact:

To Minnie<3:

hey, quick question

does hoesuck know you're a little?

*hoseok dammit

From Minnie<3:

um yeah why?

To Minnie<3:


just curious

From Minnie<3:

oh okay well i g2g

my class starts in five min lol

To Minnie<3:

okay well have fun

So he does know, huh? Does he accept him? Aish, why do I care if he does or not? I'll never be his knight in shining armor anyway.

Before turning off my phone, I check the time. It's 2:32 PM and I still haven't taken that nap. If I had chosen an apartment closer to campus then maybe I wouldn't be having this problem. No use crying about it now. I get up and walk over to the bathroom to do my necessities. I then head over to the kitchen to make some instant noodles. It's not the healthiest meal but it'll do. 

As I wait for it to finish cooking, the front door bursts open, revealing my roommate, Namjoon. Now, I know I hadn't mentioned him before, but that's only because he's usually at his boyfriend's place either getting fucked or fucking. 

He looked like a tornado had just passed by him. He had after-sex hair and there were prominent hickeys on his neck.

"Woah, dude! Someone had fun!" I tease.

"Leave me alone. I'm exhausted. Jin and I went five rounds last night," he muttered before trudging into his room.

"Damn, I didn't need to know that," I say while taking out my noodles from the microwave. 

I make my way to the front door, yelling out my goodbyes as I walked out. I eat my noodles while walking to my car. I slurped my noodles in peace and quiet due to no one being on the elevator. As soon as I make my descent, I walk out and towards my car. I get in, driving out of the parking lot and towards the college.


I swear, no matter how early I leave, I always end up being late to class. It's only the class I share with Jimin that I show up early to. I'm not sorry about that. Nonetheless, I should really stop getting distracted and taking detours on the way to school. 

No matter, I made it and I survived the lesson. Now I'm on my way to a diner I spotted on my drive to school. If my memory serves me right, it was called Suyeonglo(수영로611), or By Swimming 611 . A bit of a weird name, I know. Anyways, once I reach the parking lot, I park my baby and hop out.

The bell jingles when I open the door, signalling a new customer. My eyes scan the place. It's nice and cozy. It has a sort of homey feel to it, making me feel instantly comfortable with the place. The tables weren't too close together which I was really thankful for because now I won't have to suffer by awkwardly sitting back-to-back with someone. You could also see inside the kitchen which I thought was kind of neat

As soon as I sit down at an empty table, a waiter comes to bring me a menu.  I look up to thank him only to come face to face with the devil himself. I feel my eyes widen just like his do.

"I knew there couldn't have been another person crazy enough to dye their hair a mint color," he says snarkily.

"Yeah, well I don't give a shit, Hoe-suck," I shot back

He snorted, "Hoe-suck? Really? How pathetic."

With that he walked away into the kitchen. I scoffed. Who the hell does he think he is calling me pathetic? Whatever, I won't let him get to me. I came here to eat so that's what I'll do. I scan the menu, looking at all the food they sell. My mouth was watering just thinking about eating. 

I decide on what to order before setting down the menu and taking out my phone to play some random game. Less than five minutes later, another waiter is back to take my order. He takes my order before walking back to the kitchen to shout my order.

I must admit, he was pretty cute for someone who isn't Jimin. His name tag had read "Baekhyun". 

"Aish, Baekhyun! Stop cuddling up to me!"

I whip my head around to find that, yes, Baekhyun was attempting to hug Hoseok. 

"Aw, don't be mean to your hyung!~" he says while rubbing cheeks with the slightly taller male.

Just by looking at them you could tell that the older male had a crush on the younger. I smirk evilly. They look like they'd make a great couple. I ship it.

A/N: The diner/restaurant mentioned in this chapter is real and does exist. The description I gave for it is incorrect since I've never been there lol sue me

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