Chapter 9: Fear

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Hoseok's POV

I was busy cleaning the counter when the bell chimes, signalling that a customer had just entered. From my spot at the counter, I watched as a mop of mint hair made its way to an empty table near the front of the diner. There's only one person I know with mint colored hair and I pray to whatever god is listening that it's not him.

Finishing the task at hand, I make my way to where we keep our menus, grabbing one to bring to the customer. I plaster a smile onto my face before proceeding to the table. I set the menu down in front of the guy. Just as he's turning to thank me, my eyes widen, instantly recognizing who it was.

"I knew there couldn't have been another person crazy enough to dye their hair a mint color," I say snarkily.

What? You can't blame me for hating the guy who has the hots for my boyfriend and let's him call him daddy.

"Yeah, well I don't give a shit, Hoe-suck," he shoots back

I snorted, "Hoe-suck? Really? How pathetic."

As soon as the words leave my mouth, I saunter back into the kitchen where I lean my head against my co-worker's shoulder.

"Baekhyun~" I whine. "That guy I was telling you about earlier is here."

"Do you want me to tell him to leave?" he asks, already prepared to walk back out there.

I hug his arm to stop him from going anywhere, "No! It's okay. Jiminie would probably hate me if I drove away his friend and think of me as a possessive boyfriend."

"Okay, well, let me go take his order so he's out of here faster."

I nod my head, immediately letting go of his arm. I know I'm being a little bitch but after what Jimin told me yesterday, I can't help but feel afraid. There. I said it. I, the great Jung Hoseok, am afraid. Afraid of what you ask? I'm afraid of losing the one good thing in my life. It seems like I'm a little too late in trying to win him back, though.


It was my day off work and Jimin only had one afternoon class today. We were sitting on the couch cuddling when he spoke up.

"Hey, Hobi?" he says, clutching Elsa Bear tight.

"Yes baby?"

"There's something I need to tell you."

Worry takes over me making me sit up straight to face him better.

"What is it, Jimin? Whatever it is, I promise I won't get mad," I reassure him.

"W-Well, you see," he starts off nervously, "Yoongi was the one who bought me Elsa Bear."

My blood boils at the sound of his name but I remain calm to show that it wasn't him I was mad at. This Yoongi guy must have some nerve buying things for my Jiminie.

"Oh, well, did you at least thank him?" I ask as calm as possible.

He nods his head, "Yeah but that's not all."


"He took me to Build-a-Bear Workshop where I just sort of, maybe, went into Little mode."

My jaw dropped. I hope he didn't do what I think he did.

"Go on."

"Please don't be mad! Iwassurroundedbystuffiesandcouldn'tcontrolmyselfsoIkindofcalledhimdaddy," he says without breathing.

"Could you repeat that one more time, please? I couldn't understand a word you just said."

Shutting his eyes tightly, he repeats, "I was surrounded by stuffies and couldn't control myself so I kind of called him daddy."

"Kind of, or you did call him that?" I ask, my anger showing through more than I thought.

"I did call him daddy," he says, hanging his head in shame. "A few times actually."

I didn't know how to feel. Betrayed? Livid? At the moment I was a mixture of both emotions. I get up from the couch and head to the room.

Monotonously I say, "I'm gonna go take a nap. Wake me up when you come back from class."

Unaware of the tears flowing from both of our eyes, I walk away to our room with a heavy heart.

*end flashback*

I'm brought back to reality by arms snaking around my waist.

"Aish, Baekhyun! Stop cuddling up to me!" I yell startled.

I try wiggling out of his grip, struggling in the process.

"Aw, don't be mean to your hyung!~" he says, pouting adorably and rubbing his cheek on mine like a cat.

Adorable? What the hell, Hoseok. Get your shit together!

I finally manage to push him away after about a minute of torture. I become aware of the fact that Yoongi might've seen the whole ordeal and misread the situation. I chance a glance in his direction only to find him already looking my way with a smirk etched onto his face. I scowl at him and watch as he casually turns his head to continue playing games on his phone.

"Hobi!~ Let's go out for drinks after work," suggests Bacon.

"I'll have to pass," I tell him. "I need to stop by the flower shop after work and head home immediately. I feel bad for how I reacted."

A look of confusion crosses his child-like features.

"Why do you have to apologize when he's the one who called another guy daddy?"

I sigh. He was right, but I also understand why it happened. Jimin needs a caregiver and I can't be that for him.

"Let's get together for drinks on Friday. I'll explain everything in depth."


Not even two minutes later and Yoongi's food was ready. I bring it over to him, not making any eye contact.

"I'd be a better boyfriend for him," I hear him mutter as I walked away to tend to another customer who had just walked in.


After a few more agonizing hours of taking orders and such, it was finally over. I slip off my apron and hang it in its place before saying goodbye to everyone. I slide on my jacket before pushing the door open and stepping out into the cold November air. December was just around the corner. That meant it would start snowing soon. It also meant Christmas was closer than I thought which made me panic internally because I haven't thought of what to buy Jimin yet. Pushing those thoughts away, I continue my short journey to the flower shop located a few minutes away from the diner.

This shop is one of the only ones I know that stays open until ten at night. Most close at eight due to the cold weather. It's also one of the biggest shops I know, making it more expensive. Fortunately, I know the owner so I'll be able to get away with a couple discounts.

The shop comes into view, its sign shining brightly against the night sky. Walking in, I spot the owner and my close friend, Kim Seokjin.

"Hey, Jin! Long time no see, eh?" I greet

"You stopped coming by the moment Jimin accepted to be your boyfriend, which, by the way, I thought was very rude," he comments.

I wave my hand to dismiss his statement, "Yeah, yeah I know. Today I need some apology flowers and one of those cute teddy bears you have."

"Woah, woah, woah!" he exclaims with wide eyes. "What the hell did you do? Have you made my son cry?"

"I didn't mean to, Eomma. I was upset over a situation and that made him upset. I'm just trying not to lose him to some mint-haired asshole." I respond bitterly.

Shaking his head in disapproval, he goes to the back where he brings back a small bouquet of orchids. They're known as apology flowers and are also coincidentally Jiminie's favorite kind.

"Take these. I'm giving you a free teddy bear so sit tight while I go get that."

I nod my head, patiently waiting for him to come back. He returns with a giant teddy bear. My eyes widen at the sight. I gawk at the size of it, all the while scolding him for throwing away good money like that.

I argue with him, me trying to pay for the teddy bear as well as the flowers while he profusely rejects taking any money for the thing. He ends up winning the argument because "a mother should always treat their children." His words not mine. I pay for the flowers and exit the shop, but not before thanking him repeatedly.

Right. Now all that's left to do is apologize and hope he forgives me.

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