1: An Odd Feeling

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A/N: Hey look it's new fanfic from me. For those who have already been reading my works you know I actually quit a year ago but I always reply to comments even to my old shitty works, I have improved and will do my best to avoid any sorts of grammar mistakes/typo! 


I don't own any of the characters

Contains LGBT

Contains some jokes that should not be taken seriously

Contains mature themes


 For those who are new. Welcome and I hope you enjoy my stories

(Y/N) =Your name

(H/C)= your hair colour

(E/C)= your eye colour

Without other delays, let's get the gay started hahaha



"Darling~!" The high pitched voice traveled down the entire hallway yet hardly anyone turned their attention, all expect me. Sad to say but this has been the norm ever since that two became a couple. Everyone knew that they were going to win "a couple of the year" for the yearbook.

I leaned against the cold hard metal of my locker door, hugging my books to my chest. My eyes landed first on the long silky pink hair of the female who owned the voice. A soft sigh slipped from my lips which I didn't realise up to this point has been slowly growing into a grin.

This is stupid, my heart is going crazy over a girl who is happily in a relationship. Not to mention the fact that I did indeed ship them after all, Zero Two was my best friend. I heard on and on how much the quiet boy who had captured her attention. It certainly didn't take her long to approach him though, that was expected knowing how outgoing she was.

I knew all the facts especially the one where she only sees me as a best friend but I can't stop the fact that I don't only see her as so.

"Earth to (Y/N), where have you wandered off to?" I snapped my attention to the company I now have in front of me.

"Ah Zero Two, Hiro. Hi. Sorry, I was just thinking about.....my maths assignment." I quickly covered up, praying to skies above that my face isn't red.

Zero two was taller than Hiro with or without her heels and was wrapping her arms around his neck as if he would leave her if she let go even for a second. Although, he didn't seem to mind it one bit.

We started to walk down the hallway towards our first period, homeroom. Zero two shifted her hand so that they were just holding hands and walking so close that their shoulders bumped at intervals.

The pink-haired female let out an exasperated sigh and nodded "Mrs. NaNa can be so cruel! She hasn't even taught that far yet."

Hiro chuckled and shrugged "Well we are in an advanced Maths class. Plus, Zero Two you finished it like in 20 minutes!"

My mouth dropped open. 20 minutes? I took a whole hour and a half to finish it, that is not even including the checking process.

"W-what...how did you?!"

"Well having a motivation helped.."She grinned and shifted her eyes over to Hiro suspiciously.

I rolled my eyes, annoyed, though the smile on my face would suggest otherwise.

"Well you could have offered to help me, you know."

"You didn't ask." She shrugged as we reached the door of our homeroom.

"oh, you." I chuckled, ending the conversation and heading to my seat in the back and so did the two of them.

We didn't realise that we would be stuck in the same seats for the rest of the semester when we took our seats on the first day hence zero two and I were sitting next to each other while Hiro was separated from us as he sat all the way at the front. Nerd. I thought as a joke but honestly, it wasn't a lie.

Mrs. NaNa who also happens to be our homeroom teacher, since you didn't actually have to do anything, walked in the classroom only moments later after the bell has rung.

"Alright, I'm going to take attendance now." She announced to the class and did what she said she was going to do.

"Hey, (Y/N)."

"Hmmm?" I turned to face Zero Two.

She had a bright little smile on her face, her hand rested on top of mine sending a trail of tingling sensation down my arm through my whole body, and this time I couldn't stop the blush from filling my two cheeks with a nice pinkish hue.

"Thank you?"

I blinked at her, sure we were best friends but I know for sure she was no one to unexpectedly thank anyone. She was feisty and strong but never in an annoying way, not to me anyway.

"W-what for?" I urged my brain to reply, if not I would look like a complete fool.

She shrugged and lifted her hand off my hand to throw her long locks behind her shoulder.

"I know, I've been spending a lot of time with Hiro and not so much with you."

I stared blankly. Mouth open, eyes huge and heart pounding like it was new years or something.

"oh...my...gosh...." I breathed and hid my face into my hands.

"What did I say something wrong?" Sometimes I wonder if she was really human at all.

"How could you say something like that with such a straight face?" I pressed the hell of my palm into my eyes, hair covering my face but mouth exposed so that she could hear me.

A shock.

My body stiffened at her arm wrapping her arm around my neck and her soft butt flattening against the meat of my thighs. What was happening?

"oh, you don't like it?" Her slender finger ran up my jawline, tilting my chin upwards so that our faces were just inches apart. Our breaths mixing into one same air, Her breasts pressed up against mine, my body was going into overdrive. My heart was going crazy, I'm sure my face was completely red at this point and my outer being was too shocked to move even an inch.

"Zero Two, I would appreciate it if you could stay in your seat." Mrs. Nana's voice brought everyone's attention to us.

My eyes shifted, I never knew how scary our classmates' eyes could look in a situation like this.

Talk about awkward.

I watched Zero Two's face drop into a frown as she got off my laps and back to her seat, with no regard to the rest of the class whatsoever, she didn't even look at Hiro.

I, not wanting to be in the center of attention, quickly stared at my empty desk like it was the most interesting thing I have ever set my eyes on.

Luckily for me, the rest of the day went about just fine.

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