2: Believe

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I woke up to a phone call from Zero Two informing me that she wants to walk together.

I suddenly felt a lot more energized upon hearing that and end up getting ready in half my normal time and also 10 minutes before our agreed meeting time.

I sat on my bed fiddling with the screen of my phone but not really doing anything.

My heart was beating face and my face felt hot, we haven't walked to school in almost half a year. It was exciting to get some girl time with her.

She reached right on the dot, ringing the doorbell and I ran down the stairs only to stop and calm myself down when I reached the bottom. I didn't want to seem desperate.

"Zero Two. Good morning." I greeted with a bright smile, combing my hair behind my ear.

Her smile was as sweet as the honey she loves to eat.

I locked up the place and we walked side by side down the sidewalk. The walk to school wasn't a long one but anytime would be a good time or I would like to believe anyway.

"So, why the sudden request?"

She raised an eyebrow, she had her hands clasped behind her as she walked, eyes up at the sky. "Do I really need a reason?"

I shrugged, it was pretty sudden. "I thought you usually went with Hiro, that's all."

She jumped a step and was in front of my face in an instant; body leaned forward, one hand on her hip, the other holding one finger in front of my face and wearing a cheeky grin on her perfect face.

"Are you jealous by any chance?" She asked, voice dripping with a tease.

"W-what? Me of Hiro?" I stumbled on my words but maybe it was adrenaline that kicked in or something else but suddenly the words were out of my mouth before they even process through my brain, "No way! I know that you will always choose me anyway."

Just to add on the dramatic effect I flipped my hair behind my shoulder mastering all the confidence that was not mine but worked in favour of me.

Zero Two laughed and shook her head and straighten up, her pointed hand giving herself a little face palm.

"Why did I land myself such an idiot for a friend?"

"Hey! I'm not an idiot!"

"Right....because you are a genius...gotcha." She laughed while spinning on her heels and continuing the journey to school.

It was nice to just talk to her about random stuff again, with the soft morning sun on our faces and a cool breeze blowing at us. Our steps were in sync, our laughter was natural and everything just looked like rainbows and unicorn.

We reached school and Hiro was waiting for her at the front gate, she ran over to him and gave him a gigantic hug.

I watch the shine in her eyes shine brighter, her steps become lighter and her smile becomes bigger. She was really in love with Hiro and I could tell he loved her too.

I felt tears in my eyes, I felt my heart aching and I felt everything around me crashing to the ground.

At that moment I knew that it was wrong for me to have those feelings for my best friend. I knew something had to be done, I had to change.

Feelings are hard to change but the mind is a great and powerful part of the body, if you believe in something hard enough it might just become reality.

So, as I dragged my feet to class, I came up with a plan. I needed to make myself believe I don't like Zero Two that way.

I sat down at my desk and lowered my head at my notebook and started to make a list.

I believe

1: Hiro is a great guy for 02
2: 02 is just my best friend
3: I only have this feeling because I'm lonely
4: If they disappear I'll be normal
5: it's wrong to like another girl *

I read over the list over multiple times and nodded.

That's all I had to do to make my life better. A piece of cake.

I can do this.

* PSA: I don't actually believe that but I'm trying to show how some people might try to lie to themselves when they aren't comfortable about their sexuality. The author is bisexual yo

A/N: Yo sad chapter yup only at 2nd chap fast pace eh hahaha I hope you are enjoying the story so far pls do comment and tell me what u think

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