3: Casual thing

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Y/N Pov

I met Zero Two in front of the mall entrance that weekend, it's been a while since we went out as only us so Zero Two decided to have a spa and shopping day. I'm not much of a shopper but I wasn't just going to pass the opportunity to spend quality time with my best friend.

"Hey, sorry I'm late. come on let's go in, our appointment is about to start."

She grabbed my hand and dashed inside.

Yup, it was so like her to not even stop to say hello, I chuckled and rolled my eyes slightly as I followed her.

The place was huge I didn't even realise that this was in the mall that is only 5 minutes from my house, proves how much I actually go out.

It takes the place of two normal outlet shops. All the workers wore masks and on the outside, all you could see was the front counter.

Only when we were brought in that I was able to see all the equipment and the few customers that were in today.

We were seated into a couple of soft lounge chairs first, starting with our feet.

The first five minutes were just the two of us trying not to burst into laughter.

"Omg, I didn't realise it would be so ticklish!" I exclaimed, wiping a tear from the corner of my eye. We finally got used to the sensation and quiet down.

I rolled my head to the side to look at Zero Two, my eyes meeting her beautiful emerald ones.

"Gosh! That was tiring!" She mentioned with a laugh. She reached over and took my hand out of nowhere, then just laid back down with her eyes closed.

My mind was going bonkers!

She was holding on to my hand like it was the most natural thing in the world. Okay so maybe I'm making a big deal out of nothing but in my defense, I don't have many close friends. I've only ever seen this on shows also despite how touchy Zero Two can be, she never actually held my hand now that I thought about it.

It must be because she got used to holding Hiro's hands.

A chuckle. I looked at the worker who was massaging my feet.

"What?" I asked with a deep blush.

"It's your first time?" She asked with a sort of smirk on her face. Oh My Gosh! Social butterflies!

I looked over at Zero Two and realise she actually fell asleep in that few minutes I was panicking. Oh well, no harm talking to her better than being a snob and straight out ignoring her.

"To a spa? Yes?" I answered with much doubt and my eyebrow raised at her.

She laughed and shook her head, her eyes flicked to our interlocked hands.

"Well, that part was pretty obvious." She stated.

How many times do I have to say "Oh My Gosh" today, not that I can help it, the situation calls for it?

If we were in a cartoon my cheeks are probably on fire by now.

"So, you swing that way eh?" She asked, her smirk gone and she seemed to be genuinely making a proper conversation.

I glanced over at my friend, I never really mentioned it to her and back at her before slowly nodding.

"Don't worry too much about it. My girlfriend does too."

"Does she now?" I chuckled along with her words. "Do you give her free messages?"

"She wishes!" The worker scoffed.

"How long have you two been together?"

She reached over to get some lotion first before replying to me. "5 years."

My jaws dropped "That's quite long!"

She nodded happily "What about you?"

I looked lost for a moment and she looked between the two of us.

Cue that 'Oh My Gosh' again along with vigorous head shaking.

"oh no! She has a boyfriend!" I clasped my hand to my mouth when I realised I screamed that out, boy am I glad that she was a heavy sleeper.

"Oh, I'm sorry...I just thought..."

"It's fine. She doesn't know."

She nodded in a knowing way. "I was closeted for the longest time too."

"Sucks doesn't it?" I found myself being so comfortable talking to this stranger I didn't even know the name of and is rubbing my feet, today is so weird.

"Tell me about it."

"But it's really nothing to be ashamed of. When you meet the right one, suddenly all your worries seem so stupid."

"Does it really work like that?"

She nodded.

She continued "You know it's probably not good to be caught up with someone who is already attached."

I sighed "But what else am I suppose to do?"

"I think I can help with that."


"Have you ever tried a mixer?"


She nodded "That's where I met my girlfriend. Or you could just go to a gay bar."

"Do they really exist?"

"What do you mean? Of course, they do."

She and I talked the whole time we were there and somehow Zero Two slept through the whole thing.

I later found out her name was Ikuno and she exchanged phone numbers.

"Looks like someone made a new friend. What were the two of you talking about?" The pink-haired female asked when we were leaving.

"Ermm.....nothing much. Just normal stuff." I shrugged.

She nodded and didn't ask much more. We spend the rest of the day doing a bit of shopping and we ate dinner before heading back home.

"Alright then, I'll call you tomorrow!" She bid her farewell at my door.

I smiled and waved her off before slamming into my bed face first.

My mind buzzing, I pulled the piece of paper with Ikuno's number written on it out of my pocket, I stared at it.

I rolled on my back and stared at the ceiling.

"Mixer....gay bar...." I sighed and pressed my hand to my eyes.

"Well, it's better than obsessing over someone who is already taken."

Five minutes passed as I stared at the screen, thumb hovering over the 'send' button.

To: Ikuno

「 Hey, it's [Y/N].

Thanks for the chat today! :)

I thought about what you said. How do I find information on these mixers you talk about?」

"Here goes nothing."

I hit send.

A/N: Hey guys this actually started out as a random story but I'm glad that you guys seem to enjoy it!! :)

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