4:Date Night

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It was a Saturday which means it's Zero Two's and Hiro's 'date day'.

When they first started dating and decided to dedicate this day just for them Zero Two told me not to connect her unless of an absolute emergency which works out well for me because I didn't want her to know I was heading out.

It's been a few weeks since I met Ichigo and we have been texting quite frequently. She is teaching me a lot about things I didn't know and for the first time, I didn't feel alone. I didn't have to justify my feelings or actions because I thought they were weird and out of the norm.

Deciding to seize the opportunity of not having to answer to anyone about my whereabouts, I head to a Lesbian bar, location was sent to me on a long list by Ichigo.

I slipped on something presentable, I don't really bother to go anywhere that requires dressing up so my closet was limited.

Having decided on mid sleeve grey striped skin-tight top and a knee-length circle pink skirt with a bow to top it off in the center, I looked at my reflection one last time before heading out of my room. I slipped on the only high heels I own and headed out of the door, I chose a bar that was within reach but far enough so to decrease the chances of bumping into someone I  knew.

I played with a strand of my hair trying to calm my nerves and will myself not to back out on as I sat alone at the back of the bus staring out of the window ignoring all the laughter that other teenagers were making.

The place seems like any other bar, it was the only thing that shone with such fluorescent sign lights on top of the door. I showed my card to ensure the security that I was of age to enter such an establishment and walked in. The first thing I noticed about the place was their insane use of disco lights which caught my eyes, literally, blinding me for a second. When I was able to blink and regain my sight I was taken aback, I have no idea why because I came here fully aware but it still didn't stop my surprise to see the whole place is filled with women of all types.

Taking a deep breath, I walked over to the bar and order a drink called 'Sexy Ladies', I definitely raised an eyebrow reading the menu but the drink itself was pretty nice actually. I looked around there were groups of girls laughing among themselves, girls pin against all kinds of surfaces their lips being violated by other and I' pretty sure I can hear soft moaning even over the hella loud music playing.

I started to wonder if I should just leave, bars never have been my favourite past time or anything, in fact, this would only be my second time going to a bar.

The bartender, who was hot by the way, slender body and a cute face to go along with it came back and slid me another drink.

"But I didn't order this.." I started but before I could push it back to her she explained that the lady sitting in the corner did.

I nodded and let her go do her job and slowly turned around to where she had pointed to see a petite girl who had her hair tied in two ponytails on either side of her head sitting with a smile on her face, waving to me.

I pointed at myself as if to check if she got the right person, I watched as her body leaned forward and her shoulders shake as she chuckled then looked and nodded.

Seeing I had nothing to lose, I got off my chair with the glass of drink in my hand and walked through the massive crowd towards her.

"Hey." She shouted to me when I got there, pretty sure she would have talked normally if it wasn't for the music. "Take a seat." 

I did.

I was not an extrovert nor was I good at making conversations, so I sat down and took a sip of the drink hoping it was an excuse not to speak.

"How is the drink?" She asked she seemed very cheerful and bubbly much like another girl I know. Also, it was great that she started the conversation. I gulped the drink and nodded.

"It's nice, thank you but you really didn't have to. I should pay you back." I said as I reached into my purse to get my wallet. 

"No need, I wanted to. It's the only way I know to catch the attention of such a stunning girl like yourself." She crossed one leg over the other and rested her elbow on her knee and her chin in the palm of her hand. 

My face heated up like a bonfire, how could anyone say those words out loud. I can never how people flirt so effortlessly.

"Well, erm, thanks."

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to come off strong, I'm just a little nervous." 

I blinked and gulped at my drink, nearly choking "You are? I can barely tell?"

She looks super confident, natural posture, big smile basically not a single sign to show that she could even the littlest bit nervous. 

She chuckled, sweeping away at her fringe, pushing it behind her ear making her bright green eyes clearer. 

"It's something I have to learn to hide." 

Maybe it was the alcohol or maybe because she reminds so much of someone close to me but I felt like I have known her forever. Rolling my eyes with a dramatic chuckle "Please, teach me."

"Well, you seem to be doing a pretty good job already."

"Do I? Then, I'm just going to put it out there that I'm a nervous wreck on the inside."

"Well, we are two beautiful nervous wrecks then. Such an interesting fate isn't it?"

"I'll say."

We paused looking at each other dead in the eyes before bursting out in laughter.

"This is turning out better than I expected the night to go."

I said once we finished, wiping a stray tear from the corner of my eye.

"What were you expecting?"

"I have no idea, this is my first time in such a place."

"You mean the bar or the fact that it's a bar only filled with ladies finding other ladies?" 

"The second part. I only just came around to accepting that this is who I am."

"Oh, that's amazing. Congrats."

"Thank you."

"So, how are you liking it so far?"

"Well, the music is way too loud but I don't think I have ever been this turned on before."

This led to another laughing fit.

"I remember my first time too. Not something you can forget."

"What was it like?"

"Intoxicating and free. If you know what I mean."


"Although, I wished a cute girl had bought me a drink."

"Well, I'm one lucky girl then."

"Yes, you are."

We chatted for a bit more before she suggested that we should hit the dance floor and since I had thrown all self-conscious thoughts out for the night after the 5th drink, I was the one who took her hand and dragged her to the dance floor.

We danced to all sorts of songs, sometimes our bodies so close our breast touch or pressed against each other. Our hands even interlocked when it was called for and I'm pretty sure she traced a finger up my leg at one point. My heart was pounding in beat with the songs, my body on fire, and my head were just in cloud nine. 

"That was crazy," I exclaimed as we stumbled out of the bar, drenched in sweat and probably reeking of alcohol.

She nodded and stumbled to the side a little "We totally rocked that dance floor."

We laughed and clumsily made our way to the bus stop and sat on the benches.

"Where are you headed?" She asked, leaning her head on my shoulder.

"Back that way." I pointed.

She pouted "That sucks, that's opposite from me. Here I thought I could bring you home."

"No one said you couldn't." 

She sat up, looking with me with a face like a kid being told that she was allowed an extra piece of candy.

I might regret it later but right now I boarded the bus with her and we were headed in the opposite direction of my home. 

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