15: Mess

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"Oh you two know each other?" I asked, genuinely curious. Everyone around me seemed to know what's going on and I'm here feeling like a lost child.

Miku stood up,looked at me and said "I'm sorry, let's break up."

Without another word she turned and left.

My legs responded before my brain could, running after the red head.

"Miku, what's wrong?" I tried to keep up to her, she had started to run and I was not the fittest.

"Hey! Wait up! You can't just leave like that!" I was shouting angrily but there were tears dying up on my face as the wind brushes by. My feet burning but I couldn't feel a thing.

"I'm sorry. I'll call you but just...just leave me alone!" She turned back and for a moment I saw she was crying as badly as I was so I stopped.

I stared until I could no longer she her back.

I returned to the cage,wiping my face.

Zero Two no longer had the smirk on her face in fact it was replaced by guilt.

"You! You planned this didn't you?"

Everyone, including me, was shocked at my statement.

"I'm sure Zero Two have a good explanation if you just let her." Kokoro tried to clam us down but it wouldn't work, there was a brick wall between me and her.

Zero Two froze her eyes locked on mine, begging forgiveness.

That's when everything clicked.

"You were the one who injured Miku in the hospital."

Zero Two nodded solemnly.

I paused.

"Why..?" I asked choking back tears.

"I was...." She gulped.

"I asked her to." I turned my attention towards Kokoro.

Kokoro Pov

My eyes were red and puffy from crying for the past three days.

I just broke up with Miku over something so stupid.

"No, this can't end like this!" I muttered to myself and got up, wanting to head over to her apartment so that I could make things right.

I got dressed and drove over however at the entrance I recognised the red head with another female.

My heart rate increased and so did the temperature of my blood.

I stayed at the entrance until dawn but gave up when I didn't see the pair again.

After which I spent my days stalking the other female.

That's when I connected Zero Two.

Miku Pov

My heart jumped out of my chest when the grey haired female sat with us. This is not good.

I haven't gotten over her entirely added on to the guilt that I was using Y/N as a rebound made everything worse.

I did end up developing feelings for Y/N but after seeing Kokoro, I'm a mess.

What am I going to do now?

I've lost everything, everyone.

I'm alone now.

In a deserted alley crying my eyes out.

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