19: Queue

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Down the hall, to the right standing against her locker was Zero Two. Her long pink, silky hair flowed down her back. I watched her as I walked down the hall, it was the end of the day and we just ended classes, we said to meet up for lunch and that was what I was doing. She threw her head back and then I realised she was talking to someone in front of her.

I reached her side and greeted her, I normally would not but something made my legs move before I could stop them. OK, so maybe I knew I was slightly jealous but whatever, I'm not committing a crime.

"YAY! Let's go for lunch." Without much of a second thought, she bid the other farewell and wrapped her arm around my shoulder and turned to walk towards where I just came from which happened to be the exit. 

I am not going to lie, I was smiling like mad on the inside, I mean I was usually ignored and now she just blew someone else off for me. 

We agreed we will take things slow and if things happen, we will let it happen naturally. 

"How was school?" She asked after we had ordered. 

I shrugged, not interesting really happens to me, "Homework." 

She laughed and I did too.

"Sorry for the wait. Here are your orders." The waiter said and gently placed out food on the table and set a napkin next to Zero Two, which I thought was weird but did not mention anything until he walked off.

"What's that?" I asked, pointing to the piece of paper Zero Two had not taken notice of.

"A napkin?" She asked, looking at me like I was sick.

I reached over and looked at the paper, crumbling it ignoring that Zero Two was staring at me like I was crazy. I sneak a peek at the waiter and I could see he was trying to look at Zero Two from the corner of his eyes.

"What is it?"

I sighed and shook my head "Just a bug. Nothing else."

My heart stung a little, I knew Zero Two was quite a catch I just never noticed how many people thought the same way as well. Damn it since when did this become a competition. 

My mind raced back to that day, that day I decided not to like her anymore. I stood up and walked over to her.

Zero Two looking at me with a puzzled expression, can't blame her. 

I sat down on her lap and hooked my arms around her neck.

"What are you doing?" She asked trying not to laugh at how awkward my actions were.

"Erm, you looked cold?" 

She laughed and I scurried back into my seat.

"What was that all about?" She asked after composing herself.

I looked up and noticed that the waiter saw and blushed before retreating into the kitchen.

"Nothing, I was just trying something out."

Zero Two brushed it off, knowing I did not like to dwell on such things and we ate our lunch happily.

At night, my brain was buzzing. I got jealous that must mean I still liked her, although I'm not sure if that means I'm ready to bring things to the next level.

UGGGHH why is life so confusing?!

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