18: Pretty Please

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When Zero Two called for a 'girl's day out' I was preparing myself for the worse. Some big party where I knew no one or a club or something where there would be lots of people so I dressed in the versatile outfit I could think of; something that would match any occasion.

So imagine my surprise when the pink head appeared at my door in pyjamas. Luckily, I haven't went to fix my hair or anything drastic and good thing I wasn't  a big fan of makeup that would just have been frustrating.

"Zero Two? Pjs? Huh?" I stuttered.

She placed her hands on my shoulders, spun me around and gently nudged me back inside my house and invited herself in.

"Go change." She instructed and because I trusted her also the fact that pjs have never let me down before, I went to get changed.

When I came back down, there were two cups of hot chocolate on the table and the sound of the microwave.

"What's all this?"

"This" She said waving her arms around in indication "Is our girls day out."

"Not very 'out' is it?" I sat down on the couch taking a cup and warping my hands around the warm ceramic.

"Well" She says, taking a seat next to me "I know my best friend. So, I know that going out anywhere would just make you more miserable so being the awesome person I am, decided to do what you love the most! Staying at home!" She clapped happily and it was contiguous. My lips pulled into a smile and I leaned towards her, putting my head on her shoulder.

"Thank you." I said loud enough for her hear. "What's in the microwave?"


"Popcorn? For breakfast? With hot chocolate?" That was weird on so many levels.

She nodded "it's  a self care day! Who cares what 'rules' they are! We eat what we want, when we want!" She exclaimed coming back with the bowl of popcorn.

I laughed and shrugged. Might as well indulge.

The popcorn was finished halfway through the movie and the last sips of hot chocolate was cold but yet this was the first time in a long while I felt warmth.

We were leaning against each other so when one laughs the other would be able to feel it.

It was nice.

"That was a great movie." Zero Two commented as the credits rolled.

I took one look at her and something just came over me because right then and there I moved my lips to touch hers.

"Wha-" she started when we parted.

"I'm so sorry. I don't know what came over me and -" I was cut off by her lips.

Soft, warm and sweet, a different sweetness from Miku but I liked it either way.

We made out on the couch, hands on each other's skin and both out of breaths.

"Why didn't you tell me?" She asked when we stopped and we were laid down side by side.

"About what?"

"About being lesbian."

I blushed. "Because I couldn't bring myself to tell my crush."


"No. I got with Miku to forget about this crush."


I kept silent for a while.

"You." I whispered.


I nodded. This is ridiculous.

"Why didn't you just tell me?"

"Well, you didn't  tell me either besides you have a boyfriend."

"I only got a boyfriend so that I can ignore this whatever this feelings I have for you!"

We laughed at how dumb we are.

"But wait." I thought out loud.


"I liked you. Got together with Miku somewhat as a rebound but if I get with you isn't it kinda of a rebound of a rebound?"

We stared at each other for a split second before laughing.

"I guess so." We laughed a big more. "But I still like you. Do you still like me?"

I bit my lips "I'm not sure. I think I do but I hope it isn't just because I just broke up."

"Its fine. We don't have to make a decision right now. We are still best friends right?"

I nodded with smile, I can't stay mad at her.

"The best."

"So. I'm not going anywhere. You have all the time in the world!"

"Lucky me."

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