OC's! (The Hunters Version)

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Name: Galaxy Orchid
Age: 16
Sexuality: Bisexual
Role: Fighter and Alchemist
Skill level: 2
Looks: (I wanted to change it but nothing was really speaking to me so I decided to keep it)

Outfit: (She has a different pair of goggles)

Weapon: Two daggers
Personality: Galaxy is a girl who is helpful, protective, caring about others more than herself, and has a bit of a rebellious trait in her. She is known to be a nice person and seeing her angry or mad would kind of surprise you since she barely gets mad at all.
Likes: Alchemy, reading, adventure, calming nights, her friends, fighting monsters to save humanity, and music.
Dislikes: Seeing innocents hurt, lots of violence, vampires but mostly Dracula, people hating on the hunters even though they're saving lives.
Family: Only Drake as her brother friend and the other monster hunter's. Her real family is unknown.
Backstory: At the time of when the war between the monsters and humans had begun Van Helsing was around defending a town until he saw a monstrous demon flying off with a baby. That baby was Galaxy and Van Helsing saved her from possibly being eaten by the demon, however Van Helsing couldn't find Galaxy's family so he took her and trained her to become a hunter.
Other things: Has a dark secret that even she doesn't know about.

Name: Drake Van Helsing
Age: 17
Sexuality: Straight
Role: Fighter
Skill level: 2
Looks: (I decided to keep the looks for him too)


Weapon: A gun he calls "The Blue Phoenix"
Personality: Drake is a funny, loyal, determined, caring, and brave guy. He is a Van Helsing so he and his family have a history with monsters, it's in his blood. He is supposed to be a leader to the other Hunters when both his older brother and father is out on a mission and he fits the role perfectly, well almost perfectly.
Likes: Family & friends, training, hunting, his job, camp fires.
Dislikes: Monsters hurting innocents, people disrespecting the Hunters and their jobs, his friends getting hurt, bullies.
Family: His father, his older brother, and Galaxy who is his sister friend.
Backstory: Both his father and older brother have been teaching him how to depend himself, how to fight, and what the strengths and weaknesses of each different monster is.
Other things: Nothing so far

Name: Timmy Flight
Age: 17
Sexuality: Pansexual
Role: Alchemist
Skill level: 3
Looks & Outfit:

Personality: Timmy can be one smart guy. Alchemy and his love for studying life has made him a bit different around this time, but everyone accepts him in the Monster Hunters group. He is kind, curious, caring, and determined.
Likes: Helping people, alchemy, butterflies, nature.
Dislikes: Dogs, lots of fire, the nicknames he gets from people like "Butterfly boy", blood and violence.
Family: No one
Backstory: You'll see later
Other things: Nope

Name: Lucas Foxwoods
Age: 18
Sexuality: Secretly gay
Role: Doctor
Skill level: As a fighter it's a 3
Looks & Outfit:

Personality: Lucas is a cheery doctor. He is good at what he does, he respects others, and he is helpful and likes to be around his friends a lot. He is also known to be a gentleman with manners and knows how to win the hearts of people.
Likes: Healing the sick people, learning new things, classic music, reading.
Dislikes: Being underestimated, not being able to save a life, things going wrong, werewolves.
Family: His mother
Backstory: Nothing known to the others
Other things: He speaks Spanish and English

Name: Grey Walker
Age: 20
Sexuality: Straight
Role: Fighter and Spy
Skill level: 1
Looks & Outfit:

Weapon: A cutlass bayonet sword
Personality: Grey is known to be one of those mature and serious guys that you don't want to get on their bad side. He is loyal, protective, strong, and secretive.
Likes: Fighting for humans, training, cookies, animals.
Dislikes: Secrets, losing, people who disrespects the Hunters and their jobs, people dying.
Family: Unknown
Backstory: Unknown
Other things: Nope

Name: Lizzie Tinker
Age: 12
Sexuality: Straight as of now
Role: Mechanic
Skill level: 4
Looks & Outfit:

Personality: Lizzie is a good listener, but not a good talker, and is always curious. She can seem shy yet a bit serious at the same time and that confuses a lot of people. However, she takes pride in the work that she does and wants to give the Hunters the weapons they need.
Likes: Tinkering with things, some peace and quiet time, discovering how things work.
Dislikes: People touching her stuff, her inventions not working right, people calling her weak because of her age.
Family: Unknown
Backstory: Unknown
Other things: Doesn't talk a lot

Name: Chris Anderson
Age: 30 (He's old I know XD)
Sexuality: Bisexual
Role: Mechanic (Use to be a fighter)
Skill level: Secretly 1
Looks & Outfit:

Weapon: Secretly has a shotgun
Personality: Chris is one of the best Monster Hunters That anyone has seen. He thinks before he acts, always tries to be one step further than the enemy, and is clever and smart.
Likes: Making things, the other hunters, reading, music, working with Abraham Van Helsing.
Dislikes: Most monsters, everyone he cares about in danger, being out smarted, losing a game of checkers.
Family: None
Backstory: He has been with the Monster Hunters since he was a little older than Lizzie's age. He was there when the well known monsters officially declared war on the humans by causing the "Genocide of Town Lovecraft", the time when all of Hell was leashed upon the world. He stood by Abraham Van Helsing, Drakes father, side and fought off all of the demons, werewolves, vampires, supernatural creatures and etc. He has been an orphan for a long time but has found love in his life.
Other things: He secretly has a mechanical right leg.

Name: Emily Hufferson
Age: 20
Role: Spy
Skill level: 3
Looks and Outfit:

Weapon: A whip
Personality: Emily is a kind girl that would try to help you in any possible way. She can be caring and helpful as well. But when it comes to being a spy she knows that she can't mess up and when in a fight with monsters it's no more Ms. Nice girl for them.
Likes: Flowers, animals, her sister, friends, music.
Dislikes: Perverts, being underestimated,
Family: Both parents were killed, she has a little sister.
Backstory: During the "Genocide of Town Lovecraft" Emily and her little sister, Mia, were able to survive after their parents died getting them to safety. Emily wanted to save other people and protect her own sister from the things that killed her parents.
Other things: Nope

Name: Owen Gold
Age: 17
Sexuality: Bisexual
Role: Fighter
Skill level: 2
Looks & Outfit:

Weapon: Two pistols
Personality: Just by looking at him you can tell he's a nice guy, he can try to stay on the positive side of things no matter how bad it is.
Likes: Adventure, games, being a wild child, fighting monsters and bad guys.
Dislikes: Grey's orders sometimes, others getting hurt by monsters, seeing lots of fire and blood.
Family: All dead
Backstory: You'll see later
Other things: *optional*

Name: Lady Lilith Winters
Age: 19
Role: Noble support
Looks & Outfit:

Personality: Lilith is a sweet and generous girl, and is also the daughter of a rich noble. She doesn't like seeing humanity suffer so she helps the hunters with some supplies and money and she is glad to be apart of the group. She can be determined of what she's doing and is smart on making decisions.
Likes: Helping out the Monster Hunters, snow, tea, playing games.
Dislikes: Greedy people, innocents hurting, feeling useless, being underestimated.
Family: Her father and older brother.
Backstory: We'll see later in the book
Other things: Nope

I will bring more characters in later into the Roleplay book! But this is what I have for now.

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