OC's (The Monster version)

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Name: Victor Hood
Age: 30
Type of monster: Werewolf
Role: A well respected noble and fighter
Skill Level: 2
Sexuality: Straight

Outfit: The black tailcoat with the white fur trim you see in the picture up too and black pants with a belt, plus some black boots.
Personality: Victor is a loyal, protective, respected, and stubborn. He thinks before he acts, he never wants to leave a wolf behind and his pack comes before him.
Likes: His pack, the cold, running through the woods, hunting, and eating meat.
Dislikes: His pack in danger, people saying he's a monster, being alone all of the time, others wolves wanting to question his leadership.
Family: His pack
Backstory: Not saying anything yet
Other things: All the scars all over his body are the first alpha werewolf he challenged, that was years ago and he won by killing that alpha.

Name: Demencia Blossom
Age: Over 1,000 years old
Type of monster: Demon
Role: Noble
Skill Level: 1
Sexuality: Bisexual but more into girls
Looks & Outfit:

Personality: Demencia is one heck of a demon, she can manipulate people, can act as if she's the most dominant person in the room, and she can also be a caring mother to Andy.
Likes: Being treated with respect, punishing people for fun, taking care of Andy, animals.
Dislikes: People disobeying her, being outsmarted, not getting what she wants, losing Andy.
Family: None
Backstory: Not saying anything yet
Other things: She's got a whip, don't mess with her.

Name: Scarlet Red
Age: Looks 16 but she's 160 years old.
Type of monster: Vampire
Sexuality: Lesbian but does flirt with males to get blood
Role: Servant to Count Dracula
Skill level: 3
Looks & Outfit:

Personality: Scarlet is known to be a loyal person, stubborn, determined to whatever she sets her goal to, and is always wanting to get the job done. Plus she has a bit of a temper.
Likes: Killing and drinking blood from humans, cats, flowers, the other vampires.
Dislikes: Eating garlic at all, dogs, human nobles, the rich picking on the poor.
Weapon: Sword in the picture
Family: All dead
Backstory: Dracula found her one day and decided to take her in. She trained to be a fighter and is now one of the best fighters that Dracula has.
Other things: Nothing

Name: Grim Heartless
Age: Over 1,000 but looks to be 13
Type of monster: Reaper
Sexuality: Straight
Role: Noble/Rogue
Skill level: 1
Looks & Outfit:

Personality: Grim is a shy, quiet boy, and a mysterious person as well. He's very smart and clever and that normally surprises his enemies.
Likes: Sweets, hellhounds, learning magic, reading.
Dislikes: People wanting to touch his scythe, adults thinking little of him, innocents dying both humans and monsters.
Weapon: The scythe in the pic
Family: Unknown
Backstory: He was once human, until he got cursed and everyone thought of him as a threat so he had to leave home and hide from the world.
Other things: Travels with Archer

Name: Archer Solo
Age: 24
Type of monster: Werewolf
Sexuality: Unclear (he's flirty to all)
Role: Rogue
Skill level: 3
Looks & Outfit:

Personality: Archer is one of those guys that's just flirty, cocky, and makes you want to smash his head against the wall. But he is a good friend and he is willing to sacrifice things for the good of people.
Likes: Meditation, food, fighting, his friend Grim.
Dislikes: The war between the humans and monsters, losing, the other wolves saying that he's an omega, being alone.
Weapon: Katana
Family: None
Backstory: Unknown for now
Other things: The katana in the pic was from a demon he stole it from. Also he barely turns into a wolf.

Name: Andy Valentine
Age: Looks 12 but he's over 100 years old
Type of monster: Demon
Sexuality: Straight
Role: Spy/Scavenger
Skill level: 4
Looks & Outfit:

Personality: Andy is a little hyper, lovable, and kind demon. However he can be a trickster, sneaky, and mischievous sometimes when he wants to.
Likes: Sweets, playing games, serving Demencia, playing pranks on people.
Dislikes: Being bullied, people hurting his friends, too much violence, people arguing a lot.
Weapon: A knife
Family: Thinks of Demencia as his mother
Backstory: Unknown
Other things: This little demon has a connection, a servant or a friend connection, with someone related to a famous well known noble monster who you'll see soon.

Name: Percy Aqua
Age: Unknown
Type of monster:  Siren/Demon
Sexuality: Pansexual
Role: Spy/Servant to Demencia
Skill level: 2
Looks & Outfit:

Personality: This little siren demon can be a cheerful and happy guy. Percy can be helpful, sassy, and kind to people he likes.'
Likes: The water, having friends, feeling useless, singing, music.
Dislikes: Fire, being silenced, humans taking all of his fish friends, being alone all the time.
Weapon: His voice I guess
Family: All the fishes in the lake he lives in.
Backstory: Unknown
Other things: He can have legs if he wants to but he mostly stays as a fish.

Name: Alucard Țepeș
Age: 23
Type of monster: Vampire (secretly half human)
Sexuality: Unclear (He's a vampire what did you expect XD)
Role: Noble/Fighter
Skill level: 1


Personality: Alucard is a bit of a protective, mature, serious, and also can be caring towards his loved ones. He's a good fighter and doesn't try to let his emotions get the best of him.
Likes: The taste of blood, his family, ravens, reading.
Dislikes: The monster hunters, his father not seeing how strong he is, werewolves, the Van Helsing family.
Weapon: The picture:

Family: His father is Dracula, he has a younger brother, he did have a baby sister but she went missing during the "Genocide of Town Lovecraft".
Backstory: After losing his mother because people claimed that she was having an affair with the devil and was accused of witchcraft his father wanted to take his hate out on the people that have been hating monsters and killing them. His father wanted to make an example and he did by getting all of the other monsters to side with him and cause the "Genocide of Town Lovecraft". Alucard wasn't really agreeing to all of this, including his brother, that was until they found out that their baby sister, who was being sent to safety during this happening, had gone missing. And words were said that Abraham Van Helsing was seen in the area she was last seen in. Alucard wants to know what happened to his sister and is now vowing to protect his father and brother and to kill the Monster Hunters one by one.
Other things: Not that I can think of.

(More are coming later in the book!!)

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