Chapter Two

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Nova quickly exited the bathroom, heading the way Jade went. Her torso was still wrapped in a bandage, but the bandage was underneath her clothing. She observed her way around the house, searching for Jade. The house was two stories and tidy. Nova spotted a painting on the wall. Taking a step towards it, she saw it was a painting of a dog.

Nova quickly turned around and went down the steps she found. She smelt something delicious in the other room. Assuming Jade was in there, she walked towards the room. She spotted Jade in front of something with a pan.

"What is that?" Nova spoke. Jade jumped slightly, turning around hastily. "You scared me! It's bacon, do you want to try it?"

"Sure?" Nova sat down at a chair in front of a table, waiting patiently to try bacon. Jade was slightly dancing while cooking, flipping her hair around. "So where exactly are you from?"

"I can't remember," Nova told her, "and how are you acting so calmly?"

"If I didn't act calm we wouldn't get no where, now would we?"

Nova smiled at the girl. Jade laid a plate with bacon on it in front of the brunette. It looked delicious! Nova swiftly picked up the piece of bacon. "Hot!!"

As she dropped the bacon, Jade chuckled at the girl. "I'd wait a second before eating that."

"Thanks for telling me now," Nova mumbled, crossing her arms slightly.

"Alright," Jade started, "we need to find where you are from. What do you remember?"

"Not much," Nova told the girl. "All I can really remember is my name and after I woke up on the cot."

"That's helpful," Jade sarcastically replied. She walked over to the fridge, grabbing a water. "Want one?"

"No thanks." Nova got out of her seat, stretching her legs. She needed to explore the area. "Do you think I can take a walk?"

"Sure," Jade responded, "just don't go far." Nova nodded her head, walking towards the door. "I'll be back!"

Nova exited the house, a smile on her face. The soreness of her wounds were faint. She felt the warmth of the sun. She walked around, observing the area.

It looked like she was in the county. Some plants were growing around her. She walked down a dirt path. Trees started to surround her, but she felt more comfortable.

"Hey!" Someone said from behind her, making her jump. Nova quickly spun on her heels, facing a boy around her age, probably nineteen?

"Do you know not to scare people?!" She yelled at him. She heard him laugh. Observing him more, she saw that he had jet black hair and dark brown eyes with a tan complexion.

"Sorry," he chuckled, "I'm Ayden." He held out his hand. Nova hesitated for a moment. What was she suppose to do? She held out her hand too, wondering what was going on.

"Uh," he started, "do you know how to shake a persons hand?" Shake hands? What is that? She stumbled over her words, "Y-Yeah! Sorry! I'm Nova." She placed her hand in his, when she did he moved her arm up and down. She followed pursuit, guessing it was how you shake someone's hand.

"Are you new around here?" Ayden asked her, letting go of her hand. Nova thought of what to say. Should she say yes? Or no?

"Yeah," she answered him. "I'm new here." He looked lost in thought for a second.

"Welcome," he told her, smiling a bright, goofy smile. He stepped away sheepishly, "I'd love to stay and chat, but I have somewhere to be. Catch you later." He left with a wink. Swiftly making his way to wherever he needed to go.

Nova smiled at the boy. Shaking her head, she started to make her way back to Jade's.

Whenever she entered the house, Jade was patiently waiting on her. "Have a nice walk?" She asked.

Nova shook her head, "Indeed. I met someone." Jade shot up from her sitting position. "Who did you meet?"

"His name is Ayden." Jade shook her head, getting up and walking to a window. With a worried posture, Jade looked at her, "you didn't tell him you aren't from Earth, did you?"

"No I didn't."
— — — —

CHAPTER TWO COMPLETEEEEEE! YAY! Sorry if this sucks, most of it was written on my phone.

By the way, COMMENT AND LIKE PLEASE! I love feedback!


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