Chapter 1

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Aiden's fine self above :D I am just in love with Stephen James <3

Hope you enjoy :)


Today I'm really happy because my mommy is coming home from her trip to London. She left about a month ago and my Auntie Carol has been watching me since. I don't like staying home alone it just scares me to much.

I bet you're wondering why I say 'Mommy' and 'Auntie Carol' and why I'm scared of staying home alone, when I'm seventeen years old, right? Well the answer is simple, I'm a little. Im into DDLG and I've been a little for as I can remember. DDLG stands for 'Daddy Dominates Little Girl' but sadly, I haven't found anybody to be my Daddy.

Every time I get close thinking I found the daddy I've been looking for, they always seem to ruin it. They end up being to much of a meanie head, or they always hurt me, and some of them have always tried to mess with my princess parts. I don't know why though... and that made me feel not so comfy around them.

Anyways, back to mommy. She said that's she going to bring home a big surprise. I love surprises! I can't wait to see what it is, maybe it's a puppy. I bet it's a puppy. Yea, A London puppy...

Right now it is noon. Mommy should be home any minute now. As if Mr. God read my mind from the sky, the door bell rang.

I threw on one of my favorite outfits, that included thigh high white and baby pink striped stockings, a white crop top that said 'Daddy's Princess' in curly baby pink letters, my white bunny slippers, a baby pink frilly short skirt, and of course I grabbed my stuffie bunny, Sir Carrots.

Then I ran as quick as I could down the stairs causing Sir Carrots to bounce up and down. Silly bunny.

When I got to the door I opened it and there stood my mommy with a pretty smile on her face and her suite case next to her.

"Mommy!" I squealed and jumped onto her. I attacked her with kisses on her face and gave her big bear hugs.

"Hello, darling," She giggled, "I missed you too, sweetie. Where you good for Auntie Carol?"

"I was the best Mommy! I'm sorry for answering the door... but Auntie Carol is in the shower, I didn't want to keep mommy and the puppy waiting."

"That's okay, Olivia. You can only answer the door if you know who it is, and what puppy are you talking about?"

"The London puppy. The surprise you said you were bringing home."

She starting laughing which made me frown. What is so funny mommy?

"Oh, sweetie. I wasn't bringing a puppy home. When I was in London I met-" Mommy was cut off by a loud scary voice calling for her.

"Iris! How in the hell do I park this stupid car!? I don't understand why you Americans have the steering wheel on the left side, it's so weird!"

His voice held a strong British accent.

I looked down the drive way and saw mommy's car, but I couldn't see the person driving.

"You're the only thing weird around here! Hurry up and figure it out so I can introduce you to my baby, Olivia."

I came back in the door way and lowered my head. I don't like yelling and I don't like when people say bad words either. The scary sounding man also sounded like he's a meanie. If he's coming in the house I'm going to have to have a talk with him.

"Sorry honey, I know you don't like yelling. I should have told him that. What I was going to say is that I met a man in London. His name is Aiden King and he's twenty eight years old. We've been seeing each other since the day I got to London. He wanted to come back to America to live with us."
She told me.

"So he's mommy's boyfriend?" I asked her.

"Yes, and I know how you can be protective in you're own, adorable way for me when it comes to men. All I ask is that you be nice to him, because now that him and I are together, he's going to be your father figure. Your step dad."

"Alright mommy. I'll try to be nice. He sounded like a meanie butt though, so when he gets here I'm going to-"

"What did I miss?" Came the same scary voice from earlier.

I moved my eyes from mommy's and looked behind her. My mouth dropped open when I saw the man. He looked even scarier than he sounded. His brown hair was gelled back and perfect but his body had lots of tattoos. They were all over his arms and up his neck and disappeared into his tight black shirt. I wonder how many more he has...

He took off his dark sunglasses and smiled at me. His teeth were perfectly white and his steel blue eyes were so pretty. He may have been scary but he was still so perfect. I want him to be my daddy.

Wait! Bad Olivia! Bad girl!

He belongs to mommy. I can't think that way about him. I can't have him.

"Nothing much. I was just telling Olivia about you." Mommy said making me stop staring at Mr. King.

"Well, your mother told me all about you, Olivia, and you are just so adorable. I'm so happy I get to meet you, sweetheart." Mr. King said.

Guess it's time to have a little talk with him...

I stepped out of the door and right up to Mr.King. The closer I got to him I noticed how tall he really was. He looked like he was 6'2 but I'm only 5'3, so he's a very big compared to little me.

I poked him in the chest and put on my meanie face.

"It's nice to meet you to Mr.king, but you better be nice to my mommy. If you're a big meanie butt to her then I'll hurt you, mister. Do you understand me?"

He looked me for a few seconds before bursting into laughter. My meanie face got even meaner.

"What are you laughing at?!" I yelled because I was getting mad.

"Nothing, little one. You're just to funny." I don't know why but even though he was laughing he looked kind of mad. His hands were balled up into first and you could tell he had a fake smile.

I narrowed my eyes at him then walked back into the house. As I was walking upstairs I heard mommy tell Mr.King that he could put his bags in her room. She gave him directions and I heard him following me up the steps.

I was at my bedroom door and was about to open it when I felt to hands grasp my waist. I frowned and turned around to see Mr.king.

"What do you think you're doing Mr.King. This isn't good, you're being a bad boy already." I said.

"No little girl, I think you're the one being bad. First of all I don't know who you think you were talking to back there at the door, but I know damn well it wasn't me. Next time you talk to me like that I won't hesitate to bend you over my knee and smack that perky little ass of yours until it's red. I know that you're into DDLG and that you're a little, but guess what... I'm also into DDLG and I'm a daddy. I've been looking for a little like you since I was your age. Now that I found you, I want you, and I don't plan on letting you get away. I'm your daddy now and little girls like you treat there daddy with respect. Do you understand me?"

He's a daddy?! If only he could be mine...

"No I don't Mr.King. You are not my daddy, you belong to mommy. I won't hurt mommy like that and you won't either, mister."

I tried breaking away but I felt one of his hands wrap around my throat. It wasn't to hard to choke me but enough to keep me in place.

I looked into his eyes and.. uh oh... I've done it now.

"You know what, you may not call me daddy now but soon enough I'll have you screaming it for me. I belong to nobody and since the moment I saw you I realized that I could give less of a damn about your mother. I only want you and.. damnit!.. I'll fucking have you. If you wont call me daddy you'll call me Aiden not Mr.king. I am being dead ass serious when I say stop talking to me like that." He growled.

I whimpered and moved my eyes away from him. He let go of my neck and his angry face went away. He looked nicer now as he rubbed my cheek with his thumb.

"I'm sorry, kitten. I should have known better than to do all of that cursing at you. I'm a big boy though and It's natural that I say bad words. I'll try and say them less towards you though, alright? I'm sorry, baby girl. Forgive me for being so mean, I just want you to want me as bad as I want you, that's all." He said softly.

I wasn't as scared now so I nodded my head and smiled a little to show I was fine.

"Just remember what I said. I'll see you later, darling."

He kissed me on my forehead, then walked away.

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