Chapter 2

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"Hey, Livi! Over here!" I heard Mikey call from his locker. I made my way over to him.

"What's up Mike?" I'm at school right now so I have to be a big girl.

In school nobody knows about me being a little, not even my best friend, Mikey. So, I have to stay out of my little space.

"What are you doing later on?" He asked me.

"I'm helping my mom cook dinner for her boyfriend since it's his first full day here in America."

"Holy cow! Your mom brought a man back home from London? Was that the surprise you were telling me about?"

Mikey knows about my hate for cursing, so he doesn't do it around me.

"Yes it is. I would have rather had the puppy that I wanted though." I said sadly.

"Well I was going to see if you wanted to do something but I guess you're busy. Do you think your mom would mind if I came over? I could give you guys a hand."

"Mikey, you live two houses down. She's known you for, what? Ten years? You're practically her son. You live at our house."

"Well I'm taking that as she wouldn't mind," he laughed,"I have to get to class so I'll see you later Livi."

"Bye, Mike!" I yelled as he walked away.


"Mommy! I'm home!" I yelled when I got in the door.

Being in my home made me go into my little space again right away.

"Hey sweetie! How was school?" Mommy said, coming out of the kitchen.

I set my baby blue puppy book bag on the couch and sat down with a plop.

"It was tiring, mommy. I don't like being a big girl."

"I know you don't, honey. You only have a couple more months before you graduate and a few weeks until you're eighteen. Then you can stay home with mommy and be a little as much as you want."

"Thank you, mommy!" I squealed and ran over to give her a hug.

"Oh and by the way mommy, I told Mikey that he can come over and help us with dinner. That's okay, right?" I asked.

"Of course sweetie, he's here all the time anyway. But, are you sure that you want him to come over? You know that means you have to be a big girl right?"

"I know mommy, we go over this every time Mikey is coming over. Plus... I was thinking about telling him tonight...."

"Oh my god! That's great sweetie. It's about time you tell your BEST FRIEND! You hid it from him for far to long!"

"Okay, okay, mommy. You're getting a little to loud, please... quiet."

"Sorry, honey. You know I wasn't yelling at you I'm just excited. That's all."

"It's okay, mommy. I know. Mikey will be here any minute. I'll be in my room, changing."

"Alright, sweetie."

I walked up stairs into my room and began changing.


In thirty minutes the door bell rang. I know it's Mikey but mommy doesn't like me opening the door so I didn't bother.

I had changed into a small light pink crop top with a matching skirt. I also had on my light-pink-flower-princess-headband with green as the leaves and light pink and white striped socks that reached my knees.

Mikey always told me I looked cute with pig tails, so I that's how I did my hair.

Just as I was finished getting ready my bedroom door opened.

"Oh my god." I turned around and saw Mikey. He had big eyes and his mouth was open.

I looked down because I didn't think he liked how I looked. I look different compared to how I dress as a big girl around him. He probably hates this look.

I almost cried but I felt Mikey put his fingers under my chin. He lifted my head up and I saw him smiling.

"Hey, listen Livi. You look beautiful. Why don't you dress like this to school?" He asked.

"Mean people might think I'm weird." I answered.

"Who cares what other people think. I've never seen you dress like this, why are you dressing this way now?"

"Mikey I have something to tell you... please don't laugh..."

"I'd never laugh at you, Livi."

I took a big breath, "I'm into a thing called DDLG and I'm a-"

I didn't get to finish because Mikey finished my sentence.

"Little. Your a little. I know, Princess I've known for years."

Now my mouth was open and my eyes were big. How does he know?

"But... H-How..Wh-"

"Calm down, Livi. When we were thirteen I was sitting in your room waiting for you to get back from the restroom and I found your diary on the nightstand. I know it's wrong and I'm sorry, but yes, I went through it. Ever since that day I wanted to learn as much about DDLG as I could, and eventually... It led to me becoming a daddy. I've been waiting for the day when you would tell me yourself  about this whole thing so that I could ask you this... Will you be my little girl?"

Am I dreaming? Mommy?! Wake me up! Never mind.. don't. I like this dream...

"Yes! Holy moly, yes!" I squealed.

He laughed and grabbed my waist. He lifted me up so that I could wrap my legs around him. He spun us around and around but I got dizzy.

"Daddy, I'm dizzy. Can we stop spinning?" I asked quietly.

He stopped so fast when he heard me.

"You have no idea how long I've waited for you to call me that. It feels and sounds even better than I imagined. Say it again, princess."

I laughed and I said it again. He growled and threw me on my bed. He climbed on top of me and kissed my neck.

My past daddy's have done this too but I never knew why.

"Daddy what are you doing?" I asked.

"Your innocence is intrigues me very much, little one."

Intri- what now? That's really a big girl word. One that I don't know. Oh well.

I was going to ask what he meant but mommy called us down to help with dinner.

I pushed daddy off me and ran to my bedroom door,"Daddy hurry! Mommy called us!"

"Watch it, little girl. You're not supposed to push daddy. That's rude and very mean."

"I'm sorry, daddy." I said and put my head down. I didn't want to make daddy mad at me.

"It's alright, sweetheart. Now get your butt down those steps so we can help your mother cook."

I smiled and we went downstairs.


Me, Daddy, and Mommy cooked for two whole hours! We made Mommy's special lasagna and we also made garlic bread.

While we cooked we told mommy everything about Mikey being my daddy now. She was so happy for me.

Daddy and me set up the table.Every one had a plate, a fork, and a napkin at their spots. Everyone but me got a knife, I'm not aloud to have sharp things, and everyone got wine cups except me. I had my favorite 3D hello kitty cup. Me and Daddy get to sit on one side together and Mommy and Aiden sit in the other side.  

Speaking of Aiden, he hasn't been at the house all day because he was looking for a job. Mommy said he found one. The owner of some adult club gave the whole club to Aiden. So, mommy said he's going to make a lot of money. Mommy also said he should be home very soon.

I heard a car horn honk outside and rushed to the window. I saw a really pretty black car outside. I've never seen it before but it probably cost a lot of money.

The driver side door opened and out came Aiden. He was wearing dark shades over his eyes. He had on a white tank top that showed of all his big muscles. He sure did look strong...

Anyway, he also had on a pair of tight black jeans and white Jordan's. His brown hair was in a perfect quiff to the right. He took the shades off as he walked to the front door.

I ran out of the dinning room and to the door. I won't get in trouble for opening it because I told mommy who it was and she said I could.

"Hi, Aiden!" I said and smiled at him standing outside the door.

"Hello, sweetheart." He smiled back.

I moved so he could come inside. I shut the door and followed him into the kitchen. Before we got to the kitchen, and arm wrapped around me and pulled me into a chest.

I looked back to see daddy smiling at me. He started tickling my sides and that made me laugh.

"Haha... Daddy!... Stop!" I said between laughs.

Out of the corner of my eye I saw Aiden stop walking. He slowly turned around and... uh oh.

He doesn't look to happy.

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