Chapter 3

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He doesn't look to happy...

"Olivia, can I have a word with you upstairs for a minute?" He asked. His voice was scary and sounded so cold.

I knew just by listening to him that he was using his Daddy voice. As a little it's natural to listen to him when he talks like that. I couldn't even fight back.

I stepped out of Daddy's arms with my head down. I was walking to the steps to go upstairs but Daddy grabbed my arm and pulled me back.

"Sorry bro but anything you have to say to my baby, you can say to me." Daddy said, giving Aiden a mean look.

Aiden narrowed his eyes at Daddy and took a few steps towards us. He was now in Daddy's face. Aiden also had a mean look on, and I'll admit that it's scarier than Daddy's.

"I don't know who you think your talking to, boy. I asked her to go upstairs and she was about to before you rudely interrupted. Who exactly are you anyways?" Aiden growled his words out at Daddy.

"The name is Mikey. As I'm sure you already know of her being a little, I'm her Daddy. She's mine and she will do as I say. Not listen to the likes of you."

"You're her what now!? She's Yours? The likes of me? Why you little-" Aiden was cut off by mommy calling from the kitchen.

"Is everything okay in there?!" She shouted.

"Yea, everything's fine! Just meeting Olivia's new...Daddy!" Aiden shouted back but it sounded like it was hard for him to say.

Aiden turned back to Daddy.

"You listen here, you little shit. I will have a word with Olivia and you will not stop her. If you so much as lay another hand on her, I will kill you," Then Aiden turned to me, "Upstair. Now."

I turned away but was again pulled back to daddy. Oh no... Why can't daddy just let me go. Aiden really will hurt daddy because Daddy is so tiny compared to Aiden...

I looked at Aiden and his eyes were locked on the hand that Daddy had around my waist and he looked very... very angry.

Yep, bye bye Daddy. You've done it now.

"That's it." Aiden growled.

He leaped forward and grabbed Daddy's neck with one hand and pushed Daddy against a wall. Aiden lifted Daddy off of the ground and up the wall.

I could see Aiden's hand getting tighter around Daddy's neck. Soon Aiden threw Daddy to the floor and got on top of him. Aiden punched Daddy on the right side of his face then the left.

I started crying because I don't like fighting but I knew I had to help daddy. So, I ran over to Aiden and grabbed his arm before he punched daddy again.

Aiden's head snapped to me and his eyebrows were furrowed. He looked confused.

Why would he be confused that a little girl is trying to stop a mean man from beating the living twinkles out of her Daddy? Dummy.

"Please... Don't." I said softly looking into his eyes.

His body relaxed and he removed himself from Daddy. Aiden was still giving daddy mean looks but at least he wasn't hurting daddy.

I went to daddy and got on my knees by his side.

"I'm sorry daddy! I didn't mean to get you hurt! Don't be mad I was only-" I started to say sorry but daddy cut me off.

"Baby, Don't apologize. This isn't your fault," He sat up and held his nose that I now noticed was bleeding, " But I think I should get going, I'm obviously not wanted here, I'll see you at school alright?"

"No no no! Daddy don't go! Who cares what Aiden says, I want you here please!" I said.

I heard a growl from behind me but I ignored him. I gave daddy my best puppy eyes and pouty lips but he still said he should leave.

"Okay. Fine." I huffed, because now I'm mad. Daddy's a meanie, why can't he stay? I won't let Aiden hurt him again. He's just being a big, scared, meanie.

I stomped all the way upstairs. I went into my room and plopped down criss-cross-apple-sauce on my bed. I folded my arms over my chest and pouted. I stated that way even when my door opened.

Aiden walked in and shut the door. I couldn't look at him. He's so mean. I don't like meanies.

"Princess?" He asked.

"Don't call me that, Aiden." I said, even though I kind of liked him calling me that. But, I'm still mad.

"I'll call you what I please. Now tell me, princess, what in the heck do you think you're doing? I tell you that you're mine and you go find some boy to be your make shift daddy? That's another thing, he's a boy. He knows nothing. He doesn't want anything from you besides something you sure as heck are not giving him. You need a man as you're daddy. Some one with experience and knows what there doing. Some one that wants more than a boy would want, some one who wants you for you. Not you for what you could give. Some one like me." He said. He even tried not to curse for me. Still mad though.

I rolled my eyes and turned away from him.

"Baby girl, don't turn your back to me when I'm speaking to you. And did you just roll your eyes at me?" He said. Uh oh... he's getting angry again.

Hehe... I'm such a bad girl. I want to see how far this goes...

"Yes, yes I did. Do you have a problem with that, Mr. king?" I said smirking.

His eyes got dark and his hands made fists. He would never hit me though, right? Unless maybe it's a punishment.

Next thing I know, Aiden grabbed both of my arm and pushed me onto my bed. My legs flew out of cross-cross-apple-sauce and were now on both sides of his body. He was between my legs.

He put his head in my neck and softly rubbed his nose on my neck. It tickled but it also made my princess parts tingly. Then he moved his hands to my hips and moved his hips into my princess parts.

I felt something hard press into my princess parts and I made a weird sound. What the heck was that? I grabbed the hard thing in Aiden's pants and squeezed it.

Why is it so big? And hard? What the heck is it?

I kept doing squeezing trying to figure out what it could be and Aiden made the same weird sound I made earlier.

"Baby girl, you're to god damn innocent for your own good. You have no idea how bad I want to be inside of you right now. Now please, stop doing that before I fuck the innocence out of you." He said quietly on my ear.

I don't know what that means, I don't know what's going on. But I know that I like it, even though he was cursing. Whatever he said made me tingle even more.

"Aiden, please don't say that... My princess parts are tingling..." I said. Now I feel ashamed. I don't think I'm supposed to say that. He probably thinks I'm weird now.

But instead of pushing me away of something like I thought he would, he smiled at me. He tilted his head and moved hand down to my skirt. It moved inside my skirt and he cupped my princess parts.

"Are they? How are they feeling now?" He started to rub in circles.

"Now it's more tingly," I whined an moved my hips around, "Please Aiden... make it stop.."

"I will...  if you say I'm your daddy."

Darn this dumb man! He knows I can't! He's Mommy's and I'm Mikey's... I mean Daddy's.

"Come on princess.. just call me daddy and I'll make it go away."

Please! Someone make it stop! Mr. God? Anyone!? Please...

"Aiden?! Olivia?! Mikey?! Where did you guys go?! I served dinner, come eat!" Mommy called causing Aiden to to growl then jump up and stop his torture.

Thank you mommy!

"Coming! Mikey left and Olivia got mad! She ran upstairs so I was just getting her! Be down in a second!" He yelled out the door.

He turned to me again and I giggled at him.

"Haha. You lose!"

"Oh, sweetheart. This is no where near over. I will get you to call me daddy one way or another." He said.

"Oh yeah? I'd like to see you try." I rolled my eyes again and he smirked.

"Okay, princess. You asked for it." And with that he left my room.

I think I'll just skip dinner tonight...

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