Chapter 4

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That stupid son of a bitch.

He knew damn well that I could beat his ass to a pulp yet he still wanted to test me. He got what he deserved. I told him not to touch my Olivia and he deliberately did the opposite of what I said. 

Nobody touches what's mine. Olivia may have not admit it to herself yet, but she knows deep down that she's mine. All I need to do is bring that knowledge out of her.

It has been two days since the little incident. Mikey or Mickey, whatever his name was, had only been over one time since that day and he didn't even come in the house. He only came over to pick up Olivia for school and I must say, I'm pretty damn satisfied. His left eye was almost swollen shut, his bottom lip was cut open and he had wrapping over his nose which I'm pretty sure is broken. Maybe that'll teach him not to put his grimy hands on my baby girl.

Of course I didn't let him take her though, I took her myself after chasing his wimpy ass away.

As of now I was currently sitting in the spare bedroom of Iris's house. I guess it's mine now too because I'm paying rent. But anyway, Iris said I could turn this room into my study and that's exactly what I did. The bed and television where still in here I just moved all the paperwork and crap that I brought home from work onto the large desk in the corner of the room.

Speaking of Iris, guess who decided to walk in?

"I need a huge favor, baby."

I mumbled a small 'what?' because I was so engrossed in going over security footage of my new club, 'DM&L'. Weird name right? Yeah, no. It's perfect for me because it stands for Daddies, Mommies, and Littles. Yep, it's a DDLG club. A very successful one at that. The old owner of the club is my cousin and I've been planning to come to America and take it off his hands for about three months. Meeting Iris just made getting here easier.

I'll admit I did have feeling for Iris and I planned on making something between us but ever since I saw Olivia, it's been about nobody except my baby girl. I no longer feel anything for Iris.

"Did you here me, Aiden?" Iris asked bring me out of my concentration.

"Mmm.. Oh, what? I'm sorry. No I didn't, could you repeat it?" I asked.

"Well, I got called on another business trip. This one is in the UK again but I'll only be gone for a week. I need you to watch over Olivia, is that alright?" 

"Yes! I mean that is absolutely alright! You said you'll be gone a week, right?" I asked a little to exited.

"Yes... and I leave tomorrow morning at Four a.m. You sure you're okay with this?Olivia can be a handful and disobedient at times and-"

"Iris," I said cutting her off from her beginning rant, "Trust me when I say I'll have everything under control. Especially Olivia. You have nothing to worry about. Now go start getting packed up and get some rest, it's a long flight."

"Wait! Aiden hold on a minute," She said as she tried to stop me from pushing her out the door, "I have to take Olivia to school, she's downstairs waiting for me."

I hid my smirk from her. That's perfect.

"Don't worry I'll take care of that too." I said finally pushing her out the door.

I exited my study room and went to my bedroom. As Iris was packing I got dressed. It was just a simple pair of black cut off shorts, and a white tank top with black lettering on the side. I threw on a pair or black sneakers that had a white lining on the bottom and grabbed my shades. The last thing I grabbed and put on before going downstairs was my golden Apple Watch. I lazily ran my hand through my hair and pushed it to the side and left the room.

When I got downstairs Olivia was waiting patiently on the couch with her book bag. She was sat all the way back on the couch and since she was so short her feet dangled over the edge. She swung them and hung her head low looking at her fiddling fingers.

She was absolutely beautiful. Today she had on a tie-dye, flowing crop top and matching shorts. She was wearing three inch white heels that had multiple buckles that buckled to a few inches above her ankle. Her brown hair had blonde highlights at the end and some strands had blonde that reached the roots of her hair. She had neatly curled it and put some in front of her shoulders while the rest fell along her back.

It took all the strength in me not to jump on her and take her innocence right here. Right now. No matter how bad I want her I will always force myself to wait until she's ready. I want her to want it. I'd never even dream of taking it away from her if she didn't want me to.

"Where's mommy?" She asked lifting her head up to me and raising a questioning eyebrow.

"She's packing," I smirked and walked towards her as she furrowed her perfect eyebrows in confusion, "Can you guess why, princess?"

I was now right in front of her. I got down on my knees to be on her level, even though I was still a little taller than her. I set my hands on her thighs, not to close to her private area, but close enough to it to make her shiver.

I smirked at the effect I have on her. I absolutely love it.

I tilted my head, and looked into her eyes, waiting for an answer.

Her eyes were almost out of her skull and her mouth might as well of been on the floor. She was to shocked to answer but within about five minutes of silence she was able to stutter a response.

"N-No I don't K-Know why. T-Tell me Pl-Please."

I smiled, "Gladly, Baby girl. Your mom is going on another business trip and I get to watch after you, alone, in this house for a whole week."

If I thought she was shocked to the max before I couldn't have been more wrong. I don't even know how to explain the surprised look she had on her face now.

"Wait! Auntie Carol is still here! She's gonna to be with us, haha, you lose!" She laughed pointing a finger in my face.

I smirked and she was once again confused.

"Oh darling, you truly are funny. Your Auntie Carol left yesterday while you were at school. I guess mommy and I both forgot to tell you... oops."

It was my turn to laugh. She was now pouting. I hate it when she pouts. So, to fix that I swiftly stood up and pulled her up with me. I gave her a quick tap on her bum and she gasped.

"Hey!" She whined.

"Stop pouting, little girl. I hate when you pout, and don't whine at me again. I'm in a very good mood this morning and you wouldn't want to ruin that now would you? Don't wanna make me turn to my meanie side, right?"

"Of course not! I like nice Aiden! Not meanie Aiden." She quickly stated.

"Good, You should like nice Aiden because he's going to get you ice cream on your way to school. How's that sound, kitten?"

Her face lit up with excitement and that was enough to completed my happy mood. Seeing her that happy filled me with an overwhelming amount of joy.

"Yes, please! I want choco and mint! Ooooh! Can we get some for Mr. Gigs too?! You can bring it back home after you drop me off and he'll share with all my other stuffies!" She said excitedly, intertwining our hands and pulling me to the front door.

I laughed, loving her little side.

"Of course, sweetheart. Anything for my princess."

And with that we were out the door.

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