Chapter 5

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Ice cream is just so delicious! I ate the whole large Choco Mint Blizzard that Aiden bought me from Dairy Queen, all in four minutes flat!

New record... Yay me!

I like being with Aiden, I really do. He makes me happy and he's so handsome. My favorite part about him is that he doesn't have a problem with my little side. He seems to actually enjoy it, not fake enjoy it like my past daddies, just so that they could touch me.

I like when Aiden touches me though. With him it's different. I like the feeling because it makes me feel good for some reason. With my past daddies I would cry when they touched me cause it was like their hands burned me everywhere they touched. I didn't like it at all.

Sadly though, when I finished my ice cream Aiden had arrived at my school. He let me out of the car and told me to have a nice day, to be good, and that he would pick me up after school. He also told me that my stuffies would get their ice cream as soon as he got home! Eeeek, yay stuffies! After that I left the car and was quickly out of my little space as I saw my school.

Awe man! Big girl time...


Why in the living horses have I not seen Mikey all day?! He wasn't with me in 3rd period or lunch like he was supposed to be. Maybe he skipped school... but why?

I was so busy in my mind that I didn't notice my last period teacher named Mr. Jalisco call on me.

"I-I'm sorry. What was the Q-Question sir?" I asked shyly.

He smirked, enjoying the total embarrassment he knew I was going through. What a jerk.

"I asked, In World War II what where Oscar's Statuettes made out of and why?" He repeated.

"Right... Well-"

I was cut off by a familiar voice.

"They were made out of painted plaster because the only other liable resource was metal but since there was a shortage of metal at the time, they had no other choice."

"Well Mr. Joiner, I see you're back from the principals office. By the way I was asking Ms. Summers. Not you." Mr. Jalisco said in a displeased voice. I wonder why he sounds that way towards Mikey. Did Mikey do something wrong?

Obviously you dumby. He was in the principals office and Mikey isn't the least troublesome boy you know. I thought to myself.

I wonder what he did...

"Whatever, dude." He rolled his eyes and plopped in the open seat next to me.

"Hey, baby girl." He smiled, facing me.

"Hi, Mikey." I said quietly. I didn't want to call him daddy. It just doesn't feel right. I like him as my best friend, not my daddy. I hope he doesn't get too mad...

He frowned very hard and looked like he was about to go off at me or something but thankfully the bell rung cutting him off and dismissing the class.

Thank goodness! I can't wait to be home and go back into my little space!

I quickly grabbed my stuff and ran out of the class room, down the hallway, and to my locker. I unlocked my locker and grabbed my bag, placing all my school items inside of it. I threw my bag over my shoulder and ran out the school doors as quick as I could to the parking lot. I stopped near the same spot Aiden dropped me off earlier at.

It was in the back of the school where there is only a few parking spots, a couple of trash cans, and an emergency exit on the side of the building. I'll admit, it actually is kind of creepy back here when there isn't a bunch of people getting dropped off or picked up.

I waited for what felt like forever but was probably only like five minutes. I have no idea of telling time because I'm outside and there is obviously no clocks out here and I've never owned a phone.

Mommy would never let me have one because I don't really need one. I don't leave my house much unless it's with her. I have no friends except Mikey, which he only lived two houses down, so I wouldn't really have use for a phone.

"Olivia Angelica-Lucia Summers, who in the literal fucking hell do you think you are!?" I cringed hearing an angry Mikey yelling at me as he walked around the corner and towards me.

I may not be in my little space but I still don't like when people cuss at me. Especially if they sound mad.

I only liked it when Aiden cussed. He made it sound... Hot? And It made me... tingly? I guess that's how you could describe it. I don't know...

"I asked you a damn question! Answer me God dammit, Olivia!" He yelled again bringing me out of my thoughts of Aiden.

"W-What are you talking about M-Mikey?" I asked with my voice shaking.

"That! That's what the fuck I'm talking about! Who are you to call me Mikey?! It's fucking Daddy to you, bitch!"

He said grabbing my arm and pulling me over to the nearest brick wall and slamming me against it. My eyes started to water from the pain of being slammed into a wall and being frightened and hurt from his words.

What's gotten into him? He's never been this way to me.

"Why are you A-Acting like this M-Mikey, you-" I was cut off when I felt a stinging sensation on my cheek and my head flew to the right.

He smacked me!

I couldn't help it anymore, by now I was a crying mess. He started yelling at me, telling me to stop crying and acting so 'pitiful'.

"Shutup, little girl! You think you can get away with that?! Huh?! You are to never call me anything but daddy! You're mine, slut! Are we understood?!" He continued.

He didn't let me answer because he covered my body with his. He wasn't as tall or buff as Aiden but he was large enough to make me cower below him and feel like nothing compared to his size.

He gripped my waist tightly with both of his hands and hungrily kissed at my neck. He started sucking really hard and I was worried he might leave a mark on me. I don't want his marks...

I felt one of his hands slip into my panties and he started rubbing me. He has never touched me this way. Uh oh... now that I think of it, he's starting to act like my old daddies...

No no no! I don't want Mikey to be like them! I don't want him to hurt me! Please no...

The thought only made me cry harder.

"P-Please Mikey! N-No. stop!" I sobbed trying to push his hand away from my princess parts.

He stopped kissing my neck and pulled his head back to look at me. He continued rubbing me but his other hand connected to the cheek that wasn't slapped last time.

"Shutup, you little slut! You're mine and you have no right to deny me of this beautiful little pussy! It belongs to me, so just shutup and enjoy this!" He yelled and went back to roughly kissing my neck and rubbed faster.

I tried to push him away but it was no use. I gave up and just stood there crying through it all. Just as I was loosing hope that this would all come to a stop, I heard a car door harshly slam and a loud, almost animalistic, growl sound in the air around us.

Mikey stopped his assaults and backed away, turning around to the owner of the sound. When I saw who it's was, I couldn't help but smile at him through my tears.

He looked beyond mad. His fists were clenched and his eyes were darker than there usual bright blue. He jaw was clenched as he spoke to Mikey through gritted teeth.

"I suggest you get away from her."

"Oh yeah, and why's that?" Mikey laughed. I guess he never learned his lesson, or maybe he just has a death wish..

"Because... I'm about to kick you're ass so hard that you'll end up in the nearest dump, where pieces of shit like you belong."


I'm sorry it's a crappy chapter. Even crappier ending :/ but...

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