Chapter 10

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Song is Demons by Imagine Dragons.


I left my baby girl downstairs to do as I instructed, while I myself made my way upstairs to my bedroom. As soon as I got in my room I went to my closet and picked out an outfit.

The outfit was simple since today we wouldn't be going anywhere incredibly extravagant. It was just a little something to do with my princess, my brother and his princess, and the twin bozos.

I took a quick shower since my hair was to messing to fix with a brush. When I got out I did my hair. I left it fluffy with a quiff since I know my baby likes it that way. She played with it all last night until I fell asleep. Although, I do wish she played with something else... if you know what I mean.

Anyway, I picked out a grey short sleeve shirt and black zip-up jacket to match. Then I threw on a pair of tight black jeans that had rips at the knees. When I finished putting those things on, I put on my black huaraches and went back downstairs.

"You ready to go, baby?" I asked Olivia who was standing by the door with her hands folded in front of her and her head down.

So cute.

"Yes, daddy." She smiled.

I smiled back and hooked our arms together. I walked her out to the car and set her in the passengers seat. After making sure she was in securely I went over to the drivers side and got in.

Olivia was whistling to herself and I couldn't help but grab her chin and turn her head towards me. I leaned in and kissed her. The kiss wasn't too heated but it sure as hell was passionate. This kiss showed me just how much I felt for this girl, just how much I've never felt this way about any other girl.

We pulled away and she smiled at me to which I returned. No words were said as I started the car and drove off.


"Hey, fucker!" Were the first words I heard as Olivia and I walked over to the park where everyone was scheduled to meet.

"Watch your language!" Tanner and myself bellowed at him for the sake of Olivia and Lizzie.

"Yeesh, sorry..." He said.

Olivia saw Lizzie playing on the playground and went to run toward her but was stopped when I yelled after her.


She turned around and walked back over to me. She stood directly in front of me, only about a foot away, and had to tilt her head to look up at me.

"I know you didn't just try and run off without telling daddy where you're going or what you're doing." I scolded, furrowing my eyebrows together.

She looked down as if ashamed of her actions and twiddled with her fingers.

"I'm sorry daddy. I just wanted to go over there in the playground to play with Lizzie."

"It's alright sweetheart. You can go play but stay where I can see you. Next time make sure to tell me first."

Her face lit up at my words and she hugged me while smiling.

"Thank you daddy! I promise I will! Bye-Bye!" And with those words she took off to play.


I met Lizzie at the big blue slide. She rode down the slide and squealed when she saw me. She ran to me and gave me a big hug.

"Hi Livi!"

"Hi Lizzie!"

"Wanna go sit in the castle?" She asked.

"Yeah! Come on!" I grabbed her arm and we ran to the big pink castle.

We climbed in and say facing each other.

"So how is Mr.king?" She asked.

"What do you mean, Lizzie?"

"Is he a good Daddy? I know my Daddy's a good Daddy. What about yours?"

I thought for a second on how to describe my Daddy.

"Well, He's only the best Daddy I could ask for! He's nice to me, protects me, and he's really handsome!"

Lizzie laughed and I did too. We kept on laughing for no reason. That's how you know Lizzie and I are now best friends.

"Girls!" We heard Tanner yell.

"Where are you?!" Uh oh. Daddy sound angry.

Lizzie's eyes got big and so did mine. We know we're in trouble.

"Come on, Lizzie. Before we get in more trouble." I whispered and pulled her arm.

We rushed out of the pink castle and found Daddy and Tanner searching for us by the swings next to the blue slide.

"Daddy!" Lizzie yelled and ran to Tanner.

"Jesus you scared me, baby.I hope you know what's going to happen when we go home later." Tanner said.

I walked to Daddy with my head down.

"We'll talk about this at home. For now, Dumb and Dumber want to see you." He said than rolled his eyes.

"Daddy! That wasn't nice!" I whisper yelled at him.

He only chuckled and wrapped his arm around my shoulder. We walked up a big hill and at the top Hayden and Cayden sat at the bench.

They ran over to me and hugged me tightly.

"Hey there, munchkin." Cayden said.

"What's up, squirt." Hayden said.

They put there hands in my head and messed up my hair.

"Hey! Look what you did, meanies! And don't call me those names!" I hit there chests. Of course they didn't even move though.

I kind of liked the names but I'm mad at the two butt heads who gave them to me.

I pouted and folded my arms together.

"Oh come on. We know you like it." Cayden said.

I smiled a little and they laughed.

"Come on baby there's and ice cream shop not to far from here." Daddy said pulling my arm.

"Ice cream!" Lizzie and I yelled.

With that we all walked off in one big group. Daddy and I where side to side. Cayden was next to me and Hayden was behind his brother. Lizzie was behind me and Tanner was next to Lizzie.

We walked together, everyone was laughing. We watched as the trees of the parks forest passed on our right as we walked.

Suddenly five men dressed in all black were blocking out path. I looked in their hands... two men had guns!

Hayden, Cayden, Tanner and Daddy all stepped in front of Lizzie and I. We hid while the four men each pulled a gun from under there shirts.

Daddy carries a gun?! Why...

The man in the front who had long blonde hair and dark brown eyes, spoke first.

"Boss wants the girl." he said looking at me.

Daddy did his usual growl and reached behind him to pull me closer to him. I hid further into his back and gripped his shirt tightly, doing everything and anything to get away from the scary man's gaze.

"Over my dead body, Chris. Tell David he can fuck off." Daddy said lowly.

The man, Chris, smirked evilly.

"You know boss won't do that, Aiden. As for your dead body, that can be arranged."

The men started towards us and Daddy pushed me back a little and started walking to them as well.

That's all I remember happening before hands wrapped around my mouth and a slightly wet cloth was blocking my mouth and nose.

Something must have been in that rag because I couldn't yell for help. I couldn't do anything, I felt really dizzy and tired. I only saw two things at that moment...

Daddy being shot. Then...


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