Chapter 9

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Uggghh shirtless Stephen!! Yass <3


In the morning when I woke up I felt really cozy. My body was warm and I was to comfy to move. My tiny arms were wrapped around daddy's big frame and his muscly arms were holding me tightly.

I looked upwards to see a still sleeping daddy. He is so pretty when he's sleeping... His hair was messy but still so perfect and his mouth was partly open. His long eyelashes laid along the top of his cheekbones. He looked peaceful.

I'm so lucky to have such a good looking daddy... and he actually cares about me.

I wanted daddy to wake up so I brought my finger up and started poking his cheek softly.

"Daddy...Daddy wake up...Daaadddyy." I whined.

"Ughhh... Princess, go back to sleep. Leave daddy alone." He groaned and turned away from me.

Well someone's a cranky morning person, he doesn't have to be so mean...

My eyes started to water and I sniffled. For some reason daddy shot up and tuned back to me, very quickly.

"Oh hey hey hey... No crying, please. I'm sorry, darling. Daddy was being a jerk, but I'm up now. No need to cry, daddy doesn't want his princess crying. I'm sorry."

Hehe... I won.

I smiled and put my arms around daddy's neck, hugging him. He laughed and put his arms around my waist and hugged me back.

"Its okay. I forgive you, daddy." I said.


I tried getting away but he only held me tighter.

"You're not going anywhere yet, little girl. When I'm finished speaking to you, I want you to go hop your little butt over to your room, in to your closet and get changed. Then you'll meet me downstairs where I'll have your breakfast ready. After you eat we are going sit down and go over daddy's rules. Alright?"

"Hehe... Yes, daddy!" I giggled.

"Alrighty then, up you go." He said. He set me on the floor next to the bed and I felt him tap my bottom.

"Daddy!" I yelled at him.

"What? I own that ass, I'll do as I please with it," he laughed, "Now get."

I giggled and hopped to my room and then in to my closet like daddy told me to. I sat down and stared at all my clothes. What to wear today... hmm... perfect!

I picked out a simple black dress with an opening in the front. It went to about the middle of my thigh and it was thin strapped. I also picked out one of my favorite white cardigan sweaters to go over it. The I went to my dresser and picked out a tiny silver necklace that mommy got me on my sixteenth birthday. It had my name on it in swirly letters.

I did wear any shoes because I'm inside and I don't think I'm going anywhere today... I think... I don't know. Oh well!

When I was done getting dressed I grabbed a brush and brushed through my hair to make it look nicer.

Then I went downstairs to meet daddy. I got to the bottom of the steps and smelled bacon. I love bacon!

I ran all the way to the kitchen.

"Bacon! Bacon! Bacon!" I sang and hopped up onto the stool of the kitchen island.

Daddy laughed and turned around with my plate. There was eggs, bacon of course, and a mix of strawberries and blueberries. Then he sat a cup of orange juice next to my plate. He got the same stuff for him and across from me.

"Thank you, daddy! I love bacon! Blueberries are my favorite fruit!"

"You're very welcome sweetheart and I think I noticed." He laughed again.

I love daddy's laugh.

Just then I noticed that daddy wasn't wearing a shirt. He had a six pack of abs and strong arm muscles. His pecs were so perfect and I just now saw that he had nipple piercings. Speaking of piercings, I forgot to mention the one on his nose.

I was so busy staring at him, I didn't even know that all my food was gone until I tried eating off of my fork... but the fork wasn't grabbing anything off the plate, because there was nothing left.

"Like what you see, kitten? You didn't once take your eyes off of me while you ate."

I blushed and giggled but I answered him with the truth, there's no point in lying because he caught me already.

"Yes, daddy. I do like what I see." I giggled.

"Good," He smirked, "Now, place your dishes in the sink and go sit down on the couch. I'll be there in a second."

I did just as I was told and now, here I was, sitting on the couch in the living room. I waited for Daddy while swinging my legs off the edge of the couch since I could touch the floor.

Daddy came in the room and sat next to me. He told me to sit criss-cross on the couch so I could face him, and I did.

"Okay I have quite a few rules to go over with you. I will say them all and you will not interrupt me. You can ask questions when I'm finished. Understood?" Daddy asked.

"Yes, Daddy."

"Ok here we go...

Rule one:Never to lie to daddy.
Rule two:Never hit daddy.
Rule three: You won't yell, whine, or  pout when you don't get your way.
Rule four:Don't ever tease daddy.
Rule five:No self harm or negative thoughts about yourself. You're beautiful.
Rule six:You are to call me either sir or daddy at all times. Never Aiden unless we around other people.
Rule seven:Always remember that daddy loves you and is here to protect you and help you with anything at all.
Rule eight:You aren't allowed to touch yourself without permission.
Rule nine:You belong to daddy and only daddy. No other guy is to get too touchy or personal with you.
Rule ten:What daddy wants, daddy gets. No arguments.
Rule eleven: You are never to hide yourself from daddy. You're mine and you don't hide what's mine from me.
Rule twelve:Always give daddy kisses. He loves them.
Rule thirteen:Daddy's words is final. Daddy knows what's best so don't argue with him.

...If you break any of these rules, I will punish you. I have multiple ways of punishment, one of which, you experienced last night. Although that was a fairly easy going punishment, I have many that aren't as easy. The severity of the punishment depends on what you do. Any questions?"

I let my brain do some thinking for a second... nope! Nothing.

"No, sir."

"Are you sure, princess?" He asked.

"I'm sure, daddy." I said.

"Alright. Well, go get some shoes on. I'm going upstairs to change and then we're leaving." He said. He kissed my forehead and stood up off of the couch.

"May I ask where we are going daddy?"

"It's a surprise. But, I will tell you that the twins, Tanner, and Lizzie will all be there. So, I expect you to be on your best behavior. There will be NO misbehaving like last night, will there?" He said, looking at me with his serious face.

"Of course not daddy! I'll be good, I promise!" I smiled at him.

"Mhm... we'll see about that, little girl. Also, My brother, the twins, and Lizzie are some of the few people you can call me daddy around since they, obviously, know.Anyways, I'll be right back, baby."

He rubbed my cheek while giving me a big, breathtaking smile and then walked upstairs.

Welp... better get some shoes on!


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