Chapter 8

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"Hey boss, over here!" Somebody yelled at us from across the crowd.

Daddy looked in that direction and pulled on my hand so that I could follow him. We walked up to a bar where three big men and a girl sat. Two of the men looked like they could be twins, but one looked like he was taller. The other guy had big muscles and bright blue eyes like daddy. All the men were bigger than me but daddy was still bigger than all them. The girl had long blonde hair and was only a little bigger than me.

I hid behind daddy because the twin men kept staring at me. They were smiling and seemed nice but still...

"You don't have to hide, princess. They're good people. They'll be your friends. You like new friends don't you?" Daddy said to me.

"Yes daddy, I do!" I laughed.

I hopped up to the twin men and waved to them while I smiled as best I could.

"Hi my name is Olivia Summers! Who are you?" I asked, tilting my head.

"Well you're a cute little thing aren't you? My names Hayden Bryant and this is my twin brother Cayden Bryant. It's nice to meet you, little one." The taller twin, Hayden, said.

"Thank you! It's nice to meet you too Hayden... and Cayden," I giggled because their names rhymed, I'm weird hehe, "What about you two?"

The other man and the girl both looked at me when I asked them that question.

"Well my name is Tanner King, Aiden's littler brother," Daddy has a brother?, "And this is my baby girl, Lizzie Rain."

"I didn't know you had a brother daddy! But wait... why doesn't he have your accent daddy?" I asked.

"He's lived here his whole life, with our cousin. Never even set foot on England's soil."

Ohhhhh. I get it now.

I walked to Lizzie and just hugged her. She giggled and hugged me back. When we pulled apart she spoke to me.

"I like you already, Olivia! Does that mean we are friends now?"

"Best friends!" I smiled.

We turned to look at the boys because they all started laughing at us. Daddy came up behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist. He leaned his head down into my neck and kissed it.

"You're so cute." He said.

"Thank you, daddy." I giggled.

"You're welcome sweetheart," I felt him smile against my neck, "Daddy has some business to take care of with Hayden and Cayden. You can go to one of the toy rooms and play with Lizzie while Tanner watches you two. Be good and if I find out you were bad than I will punish you when we get home."

I hugged him and nodded my head.

"I promise I'll be good daddy! Bye-Bye!" I said.

"Bye, sweetheart." He said and walked away with the twins.


Two hours later

"Hey girls, Aiden just called me and said he was finished. He wants us back at the bar. Up you go... come on..." Tanner said.

Right now Tanner, Lizzie, and I were in one of the clubs toy rooms. Me and Lizzie were playing doll house and we were having lots of fun.

"No, daddy! I want to stay!" Lizzie yelled at Tanner and hugged a Barbie doll to her chest.

"You'll never catch us!" I yelled and grabbed Lizzie's hand which made her drop the Barbie. We giggled as we ran out of the toy room and into the club.

"Lizzie when I catch you, you're in so much trouble! Get your little ass back here now!" Tanner yelled over the crowd of people.

"Maybe we should stop. I don't like when daddy's mad at me. Aiden would also be mad too. We are probably in a lot of trouble." Lizzie quietly said as we kept on running.

"We can't stop now. This is fun!" I giggled and so did she.

Just then I ran into a wall. I fell on my bottom and whined. At least the floor wasn't too hard.

I stopped rubbing my butt and looked in front of me. There wasn't a wall there, just a pair of legs. I looked up and saw daddy. His arms were folded and his eyebrow was raised. He didn't look mad, just confused.

He will be mad when Tanner tells him everything...Oops?

"Why are you two running, And were is Tanner?" He asked.

"Well, daddy... We were just playing around and-"

" 'Playing around' my ass. You two are in so much trouble." Tanner said as he walked up to us, looking very mad.

"What do you mean trouble? What happened?" Daddy asked, sounding a little angrier.

"Well everything was going good until I told the girls that we had to leave the toy room and meet you back at the bar. Then my Lizzie here decided to tell me no. Olivia stepped in and said 'you'll never catch us!' and with that they ran off together."

Now daddy looks mad.

"Have a good night Tanner. I'll be taking my leave now. See you soon," Daddy told Tanner, then he turned to me, "Get your ass in the car, little girl. Now."

I lowered my head and walked to the front doors. I walked outside and found Daddy's car. I saw the front lights come on and heard the doors unlock. I looked behind me to see a very angry daddy, fast walking and holding his car keys.

I reached the car and got inside. When daddy entered he didn't even say one word to me, he just drove off. How rude.

I huffed and crossed my arms. I pouted the whole way home and daddy still said nothing to me. When we got home daddy rushed over to my side and opened the door. He grabbed me out of the car and threw me over his shoulder.

He shut the car door and carried me inside. I kept hitting his back and my legs were kicking.

"Put me down daddy! You're being a meanie! Daddy let me-"

Daddy cut me off when he dropped me on his bed. I yelped but starting laughing when I bounced up and down, and up and down...

"You should not be laughing right now. I told you to behave while I was gone tonight and you didn't listen to me, did you?" He asked quietly but he still sounded mad.

"No daddy, I didn't..." I said while sitting up straight but looking down at my criss-crossed legs.

"What did I say would happen if you didn't behave?"

"You would punish me... Are you really going to punish me daddy?" I asked.

"Of course I am! You decided to go against what Daddy told you and now that little ass of yours is going to get it!"

Now daddy's yelling...

Daddy grabbed my waist and flipped my body around. He laid me down so that my belly was on the bed. He pulled my hips up so that my butt was in the air.

No! No spankings... please!

"No daddy please! I'm sorry, I won't go it again! No daddy!" I whined.

"First of all, don't tell me no. Second of all, you sure as hell won't do it again when I'm finished." He leaned over and whispered in my ear.

He got on his knees behind me as started pulling down my jeans. He took them off and threw them somewhere.

"Now try to be a good girl and count for Daddy. After each spank you are to count and tell Daddy you're sorry. I'll stop when I feel it's appropriate, so don't ask when I'll finish or I'll keep going. Understood?"

"Yes, daddy."

He rubbed my right butt cheek then drew his hand into the air, then back down to my bottom.

Smack. "Eek! One, I'm sorry daddy!"

Smack. "T-Two, I'm sorry daddy!"

Smack. "Ahh! Three, I'm sorry daddy!"

Daddy kept going until I counted fifteen. My butt was hurting really bad but the sting felt kind of good.

"See, that wasn't to bad, was it?" He asked rubbing my bottom to get rid of the pain.

"No daddy."

"And will you be a naughty little shit ever again?"

"No daddy, I promise."

"Good girl." He smiled.

Daddy got off the bed but I couldn't bring myself to move, so I just stayed there. He came back and I heard a cap pop open and something cold on my bottom.

He used his hands to rub the stuff in and then got rid of whatever he was holding.

"This is just some cream to help with the pain." He said and kept rubbing it in.

Soon Daddy finished but I heard him sigh.

"You know... I really don't like punishing you. I would much rather be pleasuring you." He said a flipped me around so I could lay on my back.


"Yes, baby. Pleasure... Make you feel good."

He put his body between my open legs and laid his head on my chest. His arms circled around me and he hugged me tight.

"How, daddy?" I asked.

"Mmm... You'll find out soon enough, kitten. Now go to sleep, alright? Daddy has a lot to go over with his princess tomorrow."

"Alright, daddy." I giggled.

I played with his fluffy brown hair until I heard him softly snoring. After daddy fell asleep, I soon followed.

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