Chapter 7

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I couldn't help myself.

I know that he has been wanting me to accept him as my daddy for a while and I knew he would be happy if I finally did call him Daddy, so I thought... why not?

I know it's wrong because I could hurt mommy if she ever found out, but I can't help it any more. Aiden is everything I want in a daddy. He likes me for me, he's strong and protective and really handsome, and he also makes me feel good. He makes me feel things I've never felt for any other Daddy that I've ever had.

"Are you going to say something?" I asked while tilting my head.

Aiden, or Daddy, has been quite for like five minutes since I first called him daddy. I'm scared. What if he changed his mind and doesn't want to be my daddy?! What if he gets mad at me?! Oh no!

"P-Please don't be mad at M-Me! If you don't W-Want to be my daddy that's O-Okay. I-I'm sorry. A-Aiden I'm-" I was cut of by a low growl.

I felt his hands on my hips get tighter and I whimpered. Did I do something wrong?

"Did you just call me Aiden? You better pray to god that I didn't just hear you call me Aiden, because I know for a fact that I just heard you call me Daddy and now that is officially what I am to you. You're finally mine and there is no turning back, baby girl. Got that?"

I felt my eyes get all big and my mouth opened. It's like I felt hot all over my body at his words. I also felt like I couldn't talk so I just nodded.

I regret my choice when I felt Daddy's hand connect with my bottom. It was a quick smack and it hurt but for some reason my panties are wet now...

"I can't hear a nod, sweetheart. Try that again." He said.

"I understand, Daddy."

"Good girl. I'm not going to punish you since you don't know my rules yet. I'll tell them to you later on at home. But for now, Daddy wants a kiss." He said while rubbing my hips.

I smiled and leaned my lips on to his. As soon as our lips touched, Daddy took control. He placed his hand behind my head and fisted my hair. It didn't hurt because he was only holding it hard enough to control my movements. It felt good.

I made a strange sound and wiggled in his lap. He made the same sound as me but deeper as he pulled away. He leaned his head back on the seat and closed his eyes.

"Baby, I'm gonna need you to not moan like that again or grind on me. You're making me think of doing things to you that your innocent little self is nowhere near ready for."

Oh, okay. So that sound was moaning?  And I was grinding on him. Not wiggling... I'm silly! Hehe.

"I'm sorry, Daddy." I said and I tried getting off of him because I thought he was mad at me.

I couldn't get off though because he circled his arms around my waist and pulled me closer to him.

"It's alright, kitten. But I don't know where you think you were going. I wasn't done." He whispered in my ear.

He went to kiss me again but before our lips met, his phone rung.

He groaned while pulling it out and pressed the green button. I never knew daddy had an Iphone 7, it's pretty...

"This better be fucking important Bryant or I will kick your fucking ass." He growled.

Why do bad words, sound so good coming from him?

I couldn't hear the person daddy was talking to, but daddy continued talking to him.

"Okay, well what is it... That fucker again?... God damnit you have to be shitting me!... I'll be at the club in two hours and we'll talk more... Alright, I have someone that I want you and the other two fucks to meet... A girl... I'm not answering that dimwit! Ask something like that about her again and I'll rip your dick off and shove it up your ass!... Mhm, Get back to work... See you soon."

Daddy sighed when he ended the phone call. He looked sad and he looked like his mind was full. He looked kind of worried.

"Are you okay, Daddy." I pouted.

I felt my eyes water because I hated seeing daddy this way. My bottom lip was shaking a little and I whimpered.

"Hey, Hey. No crying baby. Daddy's fine, I'm just a little stressed. Nothing to worry your pretty little head over."

My tears disappeared and I smiled at him.

"I can help you, Daddy! I'll make you happy so you aren't stressed anymore!"

"You already are helping me, I am happy, Princess," He chuckled, "But now we have to get home. You're mom picked up an earlier flight and left while you were in school."

"Awe, but mommy didn't tell me bye-bye... she always does." I whined.

"It's okay, sweetheart. You should be happy because you and Daddy get to have the house all to ourselves. We're going to have so much fun, kitten." He smiled and laced our fingers together on both hands.

"Alright, Daddy. Hey! I am happy!"

"Well that's good, baby girl. We need to get home because we have to get ready to go to a club. You're going to meet some people." He asked me.

"Let's get going then daddy, hurry!" I laughed and bounced up and down in his lap.

Daddy's eyes got dark and he growled again. He sure does like growling...

"Okay... Passengers seat you go." He said, lifting me up off his lap and putting me back in my seat. His hands were gripping the wheel very tight as he drove off.

Daddy's silly.


A little bit later daddy pulled into the driveway of our house and helped me out of the car. He held my hand while we walked inside and upstairs to my room. When we got there he turned to me and looked me in the eyes.

"Alright, baby. I want you to go in there and get changed into something nice. Alright?" He said.

"Yes, Daddy." I smiled.

"You have thirty minutes to get ready and meet me downstairs. See you then, love." He smiled back at me and leaned down to kiss my forehead. Then he walked down the hallway and disappeared into his room.

I giggled and opened my bedroom door. I skipped inside and went to my dresser. I picked out my outfit and went into the bathroom attached to my room to take a shower.

After cleaning myself really good I got out and got dressed. I threw on my ripped faded high water jeans and baggy Crepe pink, V neck sweatshirt. Then I put on my all white adidas superstars and a gold pendant necklace that Auntie Carol got me while mommy was away.

I know you're probably thinking 'why doesn't that look like something a little would wear', well that's simple. Littles don't always wear things to make them look like little girls sometimes we dress our big girl ages and that's how I wanted to dress right now.

When I was done I blow dried and straightened my hair and put only mascara on. Mommy says I'm too pretty to wear a lot of makeup. Then I brushed my teeth, flossed, and put on deodorant and my perfume from PINK. I was ready to go.

I left my room and went downstairs. Once I was down there I sat on the couch and five minutes later daddy came down the steps.

He was wearing a dark green suite and fancy black shoes. There was a dark green tie to match the suite. It looked very expensive. Then I noticed that the buttons to the undershirt were undone, it wasn't tucked in properly, and his tie was still too long, like it hadn't been tied yet. His hair was in a perfect quiff and it wasn't gelled back like normal.

He still looked so good. But, I think I should help him out. I went over to him and he looked down at me and smiled.

"You look so gorgeous, my beautiful little girl." He said.

"Thank you, Daddy." I blushed and smiled back at him.

I reached for his shirt and buttoned it all the way up except for the very top button. Then I tucked it in and fixed his tie.

"There you go, Daddy. That's better."

Not really. I like daddy's chest and tattoos. Also daddy's abs and his muscles... I like all of daddy.

"Thank you, baby girl. Now Let's get going." He said and led me to his car outside.

Then he drove of to the club.


Daddy pulled up to a club and there was a big sign on top of it in glowing lights that read 'DM&L'. Hey! I've heard of this club.! It's for mommies and daddies to take there little boys and little girls to! I wonder why daddy had to come to this club?

Daddy helped me out of the car and held my hand again. We walked up to the club and I saw that there was a huge line. The music from inside was loud and they had three big guys dressed in all black and sunglasses guarding the entrance. The were letting certain people in through the red top that was placed in front of the double doors.

Daddy walked up to the front of the line and cut all those people waiting! He can't do that. I tugged on his sleeve a little, he stopped walking and looked down at me.

"Is everything okay, baby?" He asked.

I shook my head no, "Daddy can't cut ... that's mean."

He laughed and shook his head, " This is Daddy's club and I'll do what I want."

Ohhh, so this is the club mommy was talking about daddy owning! That's so cool! I guess daddy can cut if he wants to...

He turned to me and looked at the people in black. They must have known daddy was the owner because they were very fast in opening the rope. No questions asked.

We took one step inside the door and Daddy turned to me.

"Are you ready to meet a few people, princess?" He asked me and used his fingers to tilt my chin up to look at him.

"Yes, Daddy." He replied.

"Good girl, let's go."

With that he dragged me into the crazy crowd full of mommies and daddies partying with there littles.

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