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Taeyong sighed and slapped himself as he tried to be on track. He was still occupied with the thought of Jaehyun yesterday. His words deeply affected him. It was a good thing that Doyoung didn't notice his mood. Well, he tried his best not to make it obvious.

It's just been a week and many things have already happened. He hasn't even given himself a chance to atleast understand Jaehyun. Everything seemed to be out of context and fast. Like, things were just suddenly thrown at him for no reason. As much as he wants to keep his mind out of it, he's still gets out of focus every now and then.

He's just really bothered with Jaehyun.

"Mr. Lee, you are called for a meeting at nine," someone announced after they knocked against the supervisor's office door.

The boy nodded, with his mind preoccupied already from the thought of having a potential meeting with the CEO. He repeatedly cusses mentally as his hands started to sweat. Taeyong hoped that it won't be Jaehyun. But it seemed impossible. It's that day of the month that they need to do some adjustments and updates.

Collecting all the papers and putting them in folders, he went to put them inside his own drawers for documents. He then looked at the time and realized that it'll be a few more minutes before the meeting which causes him to be more anxious while he waits. He grabbed his checklist and knew that he done most of the things that needs his own effort. Taeyong sighed and just planned on doing everything tomorrow, again.

But then he realized that they'll probably talk about their finances and investments, which will conclude to him changing some needs for the employees. He just waits for the meeting, which he'll be going to right away.

Grabbing his clipboard with a clean paper ontop of the messy ones, Taeyong walked out of his office and excused himself out of their department. He gets into the elevator and presses the right floor for the meeting rooms. It wasn't obvious but he was thinking so much that it was messing him up. He just hoped that it won't be Jaehyun.

Stepping out of the lift, Taeyong dragged his way towards the room where the meeting might be. He pushed the frosted glass door and greeted all the department heads and managers that were inside. He took his seat and slowly took a deep breath. The boy couldn't even talk to them because of him mainly focusing just to try and keep a cool mind.

But his attention went to the door opening and just felt nervous upon seeing the man he didn't want to see. Jaehyun stood proudly infront and middle of the table with a straight, intimidating face. Taeyong didn't dare to look back at him as the CEO looks at the people that were seated inside the room. Though, Jaehyun did find it amusing to see the boy.

"Good morning, gentlemen. We'll be having a short meeting if everyone will cooperate," the man uttered with authority, "The board and me, with the Chairman's approval, decided to risk more than we could..."

Taeyong stared at the way Jaehyun professional explained every single detail that should be taken notes on. The boy tried to divert his attention by taking notes, but his eyes were just glued on Jaehyun. He was dazed just by observing every single detail the man has. He's been working his ass off in America and it's paying off. He's still curious with everything about Jaehyun.

It feels like they just met again. Like, they were just strangers with a past. Must be the best way to describe them right now. They're in a fresh start and Taeyong doesn't know if he should actually take this rocky road. He has a partner to focus on and he's here, thinking of another man.

This is wrong.

"Can you repeat what I said, Mr. Lee?"

Then Taeyong snapped out and slowly realized what was happening. Eyes were staring right back at him but he only met Johnny's, which looked worryingly at him. Taeyong looked away and cleared his throat.

"Repeat what I said, Mr. Lee," Jaehyun said in a very stern way with eyes piercing right through him.

The boy felt like shaking, "I-I'm sorry, Mr. Jung--"

"So you can't repeat what I said? I've been standing and talking, explaining, for five minutes straight and nothing came inside your brain?"

Taeyong cursed as his hands started nipping on his skin and nails. He was lightly sweating as well. He couldn't even return the look at Jaehyun. The man leaned as his hands were placed on the table, glaring at the boy.

"Look at me."

The boy felt his heart dropped at the words. The man clenched his jaw and felt that he was trying to hold everything inside of him.

I want you to suffer.

Taeyong slowly obliged, seeing how much Jaehyun held so much annoyance behind those expressionless glares.

"If you can't be a responsible employee and leader in my company, I want you to find your replacement, because I don't have any room for you here. You're not needed here."

The boy looked down and nodded, "I-I'm sorry, Mr. Jung."

Jaehyun stood straight with his hands behind his back and looked away, "I hope everyone knows what to do because I don't want anyone slacking off and drag my company down on the dirt. I want everyone to wake up and do whatever you have to do, and not daydream. Am I understood?"

Everyone answered in agreement and Taeyong couldn't speak as he was on the verge of crying. But Jaehyun didn't care.

"Am I understood, Mr. Lee?"

The boy took a second on clearing his throat so his voice won't crack, "Yes, Mr. Jung."

The man fixed his jacket and tightened his tie, his eyes still glaring at the boy, "I want everything finished this month. Meeting adjourned."

Jaehyun stormed out of the room with his secretary, leaving everyone. Taeyong didn't hesitate to walk out of the room, going straight into the comfort room to breathe. He took deep breaths and stopped his tears from falling. He sniffled and wiped his eyes with some tissue.

Why do I keep crying when it comes to him? Well, you've always been a crybaby anyway, Taeyong. 

"Wake up," the boy uttered to himself and slapped both of his cheeks. Then he looked at the mirror with teary eyes.

He just wants to go home.


this is pure edit, for entertainment purposes only

he looks good in TIME magazine HAHSAHSHAHAHA

he looks good in anything tho

another magazine cover for him hehe (even tho idk why it turned out blurry hm)

hope everyone enjoyed the chapter!!

also, if there are any typos, please don't hesitate to comment and i'll probably edit it out huhu some are confused if jaeyong was separated in a decade or four years ;; but they are separated for a decade

i tried editing out that four years but i couldn't find it ;; or am i being clowned

Love lots ♥

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