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"Have any plans for Sunday?"

Taeyong hummed then nodded his head. Doyoung raised an eyebrow at him before he took a seat beside his boyfriend. The boy leaning against him. The man should be leaving soon, or he'll be sleeping over again. But they still have work tomorrow so most certainly, Doyoung would be going home after dinner maybe.

"What? Without me?" the man asked.

The boy chuckled, "I'll be here. Where else? You can join me."

Doyoung shrugged, "I have something with my mother."

"It's fine. I'll maybe tag along if I'm not lazy."

It took a few minutes of silence before Doyoung spoke, "You know...I've been thinking about settling in with you soon."

He opened up which caught Taeyong's attention. The boy got surprised by the sudden words. Well, to be honest, Taeyong hasn't really thought about just committing everything with Doyoung. He's not saying that he's not sure with him but he's still in the middle of his career. Same thing with Doyoung.

Taeyong just chuckled as he slapped Doyoung's chest, "In a hurry?"

"N-No, of course not. I'm...I just thought we could level up our relationship. You know, like we could spend more time with each other, maybe finally be contented and have a family."


"I'm just sure with you. B-But I'm not expecting you to feel the same."

The boy sighed. He grabbed the remote to turn it off before he adjusted himself on the couch then put up his index finger infront of his boyfriend's face, "Don't ever, like ever, think like that. Look, we still have our jobs and we're barely in our late 30's right now. You know me when it comes to these."

The man nodded, realizing what he said was something that's too fast for Taeyong, "Right, right. I'm sorry--"

"Hey, it's nothing to be sorry about but we'll get there. For now, we can be contented with just what we have. Also, our relationship isn't out in the public yet. We can't just surprise them with a wedding invitation," Taeyong laughed softly at the thought.

Doyoung chuckled, "Could be a good idea if you ask me."

"No! Try doing it and you'll never see daylight!"

"Oh, come on. You love me too much to do that."

Taeyong doesn't know why but something felt wrong. He loves Doyoung, as much as he loves him back, of course. He has Doyoung. It should only be him.

"You're too confident."

"Wait, you don't?!"

The next other day, Taeyong completely has his full attention on the number of tasks that should be finished for that day. He only has a few weeks left so he needs to speed up things. And because of losing track of time, Taeyong was late with the meeting. He's been so focused on reviewing that he forgot. He hurriedly made his way towards the room as he hoped that Jaehyun hasn't arrived. He's so anxious that he just might get nagged at again.

He could just excuse himself from the meeting for once but he's being expected because of the updates the requirements. Taeyong sighed, getting some courage, before he pushed the second frosted door that was for him to enter behind then sneaks but caught someone's attention.

The boy stopped when he was called.

"You're late, Mr. Lee," Jaehyun uttered, stopping himself from presenting.

Taeyong cleared his throat then bowed, "My apologies, Mr. Jung. I-I had to finish up reviewing the reports to submit them today."

The man took a few seconds then hummed, "Have you finished them?"

"Yes, Mr. Jung."

"Have you sent it to my office?"

"I gave it to your secretary."

"Good. I'll be reading them later. Thank you."

Taeyong nodded before he took his seat then Jaehyun started speaking about the presentation again. The boy almost gasped hearing him say 'thank you' in a soft stern tone. His heart racing and his face is hot from blushing. Things are starting to get more confusing than it should be. So he really does want him to stay, all for the company's sake.

He's still intimidating, just remembering the day he tried convincing Taeyong to stay, and it'll stay like that but Taeyong's just thankful that he's in the mood to be nice this morning. If not, he'll probably lock himself inside his office from embarrassment again.

"Well, something changed between you and him," Johnny whispered.

Taeyong furrowed his eyebrows at him, "You're putting meaning into things."

"You're the one in the bad mood now."

The boy hushed him so he could pay attention on the CEO. Johnny rolled his eyes at him before having his eyes on the presentation.

Although visual presentation was up that was being projected, Taeyong has his eyes on Jaehyun who was blabbering about some things that he'll just be reviewing later after. It's not bad to stare at him, right? It's not bad to daydream, right?

If I turn 21, you'll be my boyfriend.

Does he even have anyone right now? Like a partner. Probably. His mother might've put him into several dates, arranged dates perhaps, or meet ups. He must've taken interest atleast to someone. It must be his reason to act like this. He wouldn't be able to change like this without any reason. Well, it does seem like it. Jaehyun should have someone to be with.

Taeyong was the one who said it. They were young and eventually, they'll forget and move on at some point. Both of them had it better on their own so it's not surprising to hear that they have their own life, without each other.

You keep looking back, Taeyong! Stop it!

"...Mr. Lee?"

Hearing his name called out, he snapped out and saw that Jaehyun was the one who was trying to catch his attention. Taeyong got flustered which made him to look around and saw that some people were looking at him.

"I-I'm sorry. W-Were you asking something, Mr. Jung?" the boy asked in panic.

Jaehyun shook his head, "You were daydreaming. Please pay attention."

"I'm really sorry, Mr. Jung. It won't happen again."

The man raised an eyebrow, "I hope it won't. You can excuse yourself anytime. As I was saying..."

Another day, another embarrassment.

A/N: i'll be updating twice by january again

i'm just hardstuck at one chapter ;; i've been writing it for a week to no progress bc of own laziness heh

btw, advance merry christmas alreaddddyyyyyyyyy

i hope everyone's staying warm and healthy for the holidays!!

Love lots ♥

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