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It's been a few months after migrating to America. There were major changes and one of it was having Taeyong's sleeping schedule change. But the boy was able to adjust well. They were happier. Every day was always full of laughter and smiles. They were contented to say the least.

Jaehyun's been busy with Taeyong's citizenship but Mark's been opening up a marriage for them. If they're married, naturalization would be easier for them. For now, the man will be relaying on documents first and excused the boy as an employee working abroad. Jaehyun already opened up to Taeyong about the marriage but they agreed on seeing the future first.

Taeyong did started working at Jaehyun's company but the man had to place him at the closest position to him, which was to be the Chief Operations Officer. They would always see each other since the man's a CEO and Chairman. The boy was fine with it. He wouldn't agree not to work anyway.

Nowadays, Jaehyun did notice Taeyong's busy with something. He tried spying on him but the boy would always lock their bedroom door or do it somewhere else like in Mark and Donghyuck's flat. The man already asked Taeyong about it but he would laugh it off.

Jaehyun lets him anyway. As long as he comes home and sleeps with him on the same bed, Jaehyun doesn't have to worry.

Speaking of sleeping, the man was sleeping after a very tiring night from work. He could say he was able to sleep deeply. When he woke up that morning, it was already lunch time. Jaehyun groaned and knew Taeyong already got up. But he felt a body on top of his and he was half-awake.

"Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you. Happy birthday, happy birthday...Happy birthday to you!"

Jaehyun smiled when he listened to Taeyong singing.

"Happy birthday, baby. I'll call you 'baby' for a day because it's your special day," the boy added.

Jaehyun laughed, "Thank you."

"Lunch is ready. I'll bring it to you?"

"Nope. I'll get up."

Taeyong sat back and helped Jaehyun to get up. The boy stood and pulled the man out of the bed which was a bit difficult because Jaehyun was too lazy. They did it anyway. They then went towards the dining area and to Jaehyun's surprise, along with the delicious food, Taeyong has placed a gift on the table.

"Surprise! I've been at it for quite some time so I hope you'll like it," the boy uttered.

The man's lips curved into a big smile and giggled, "Oh, so this is why you keep locking the door from me"

"Well, I couldn't say I'm doing my birthday gift for you then you would just be really curious about it."

Jaehyun was in awe. He grabbed the wrapped gift and held it, "Should I open it?"

Taeyong shrugged as he sat, "Up to you," he answered and drank his prepared tea.

The man sat down as well and happily opened the gift. As he unwrapped it, he slowly figured it out and it was a book. A scrapbook, almost. He held it with care and couldn't help but smile widely by how cute it looked. Just the cover of it, it was full of Jaehyun's pictures.

"Where did you get these?" Jaehyun asked.

Taeyong giggled, "I just happened to have your photo album. Open it."

Jaehyun placed it on the table. He then slowly opened it, not wanting to rip or break anything. Then a page pasted with a letter and their childhood picture on the other side. The man read the piece and knew immediately that it was the unsent letters Taeyong wrote for him.

Pages were about how Taeyong lives each day and week. It could be about school or how things were complicated back then. There was no letter that Taeyong wouldn't ask his day. He would sound worried for Jaehyun in every piece and the man could read them forever. He felt sorry that Taeyong suffered behind while he barely reached that level. It just made Jaehyun fall deeper and just wanted to love Taeyong all he could.

Jaehyun stared at their pictures together that were glued on the pages. He wants to get them and keep it in picture frames instead. Well, it's not like he wants to add more to their twenty picture frames just them on it but it's also a memory. It'll be cute.

"I was relieved when you brought the brown box with you a few months ago. It's also a good thing you didn't look into it," Taeyong uttered.

Jaehyun hummed, "It would be nice if they were sent to me."

"Well, you know my circumstances in the past."

"She even had to confiscate your gadgets and make me change numbers so we wouldn't contact each other. Good thing I came home to Korea."

Taeyong nodded, "I don't know where I would be now if you didn't."

The man smiled, "Thank you. This is the best."

"It's also a valentine's gift! Happy valentines!"

Taeyong went for a hug and kissed Jaehyun on top of his head. Then they heard a phone ringing. It was Jaehyun's. The boy reached for it then answered it once he knew it was Mark, giving it to Jaehyun.

"Happy birthday, Jae!" Mark greeted.

"Happy birthday, Jaehyunnie hyung!" Donghyuck greeted as well, "Are we disturbing anything? Any surprises? Maybe birthday se--"

"Donghyuck, shut up!" Mark scolded, "I'm sorry about that. He just got some sugar. Anyway, you guys fine with a dinner party? My treat."

"Yeah, sure. I left work for this so..." Jaehyun answered.

"Okay, see you later."

The call ended and Jaehyun chuckled at the chaotic couple.

"I'm thinking about baking you a cake," Taeyong uttered.

Jaehyun hummed, "I don't mind. Make it edible."

"What?! I don't make things inedible!"

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