32. Trust

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"I am afraid Lisa; I am afraid by how her gaze become so different after that dream. I am going to be crazy. Even she looks so un interest toward Suji. I am done." I inhale the air as I heard Yoongi oppa speaking from the line panicked. It's still dawn, but he said that Jennie unnie seems have the dreams about the past, about me and Jungkook and can't erase it from her mind to the point she asked to anyone about our past.

"Yoongi oppa, I don't know what to do too. But I thought you must be ready for every possibility. But toward Suji, I know that Jennie won't leave her." I assure the man while watching the scoffing Jungkook which is tapping his finger on the table waiting for me to end the call. We were going to have dinner, strolling around the Bali Island for the last time before we go home tomorrow. I muttering to him to be patient.

"I know. But what if-"

"Hear me oppa, I can't take side. I don't want you to be sad because you are like my own brother, as you are the brother of Jungkook. But in other hand, I also didn't agree about all the lies you kept saying to Jennie unnie. It will hurt her more and more."

"You are right. I was to be caught up; I was too greedy when the doctor said about the loss of the memories will be permanent. But it's turn out gotten be like this."

"So, what can I do for both of you oppa?" I wait for him to reply but there is no response. I bet he is really lost his mind now. "Should I never come back to Seoul ever again?" I heard the tap on the table stopped as I face the stiffened Jungkook hearing my words.

"No, I won't take Jungkook happiness anymore. I've took it from him, from two of you." I bit my lips to remember all the things happen past years ago. "I just wanted to hear what you said, because I can't take it by myself. Just come back here like you never know that she already remembers few things. I just, I just hope that I will be the one who will tell her all truth before else."

"It's okay oppa, I won't say anything. You can count on me." I heard him sighing in relieved make me smile.

"Thank you, sister. I don't know with what I could pay you back."

"Just make sure to take care of my unnie and Suji. Okay oppa, I think I should hang up. Jungkook will kill me if I stay longer." I joke make him chuckled.

"Okay, send my greeting for him and have a nice honeymoon." He teased make me chuckled.

"You wish bro."


"I don't take it why we should be in this situation." He said while we arrived at our table of the resto. We just finish with our order, but Jungkook won't let the problem of Yoongi oppa and Jennie unnie faded away.

"Because they are our family."

"Who's family again?"

"He is your childhood friend; Jennie was the sister of your first love, and you love Yoongi's sister to dead too."

"I only love you." I rolled my eyes nodding my head slightly mocking him.

"Yes yes, say what you wanted to say." He is about to argue again when the waitress come with bunch of delicious meal and smile. I smile back at him when he pours the wine for me. "Thanks." I said softly and I can see how dangerous Jungkook's gaze darted on him and me, he can't be funnier than this. I can only chuckle when he takes the bottle of wine and pour it with his own hand.

"I don't like if you are flirting with other man." He said scoffing after the waitress disappear. I smile and pinch his cheek playfully.

"Can you be easy baby. I just said thanks. That's all." I said while feeding him with my fork instantly make him smiling ear to ear after hearing me calling him with a baby.

"I'll forgive you for this time." He said pouting his lips and make the sounds of kissing with that make us chuckled. He was eating peacefully along with me when he suddenly breaks the silence. "I was wondering about something." I placed my fork on the plate as I put my attention to him asking him to go on. "Visiting Busan after this."

"Won't you pass out after this? I mean, we already did this over a week. You just have to make other excuse for grandpa." I tell him make him suddenly wearing his smirking smile while showing his phone.

"Honestly I already had his permission babe." He told me make me chuckled. "We will have good vacation in my hometown about 3 days." I nodded while smiling.

"Whatever is that I know I can't say no."

"Thank you, barbie. I love you." He was about to kiss my hand when my phone on my left-hand ringing showing the name of someone which is make me frown. What is wrong.

"Excuse me." I tell Jungkook and then grab my phone ready to walk away to the rest room when he took my wrist.

"Can you ignore it until we finish the meal babe?" I bit my lips as I watch my phone again, should I go with his suggestion or just take the call. I am afraid something bad happen outside there while I am here being selfish.

"Just a minute, Kookie. I'll make sure about it." But he scoffed make me sigh and gave in when I sat back on my chair. He looks at me confused. "Happy now?" I ask him to make him smile eagerly nodding his head like a child. The atmosphere turn to be peaceful and I enjoy the feeling of his hand holding mine while we chit chatting about what to do in Busan after tomorrow's flight, about what kind of flower we will buy for dad and his mom. But it won't stay longer when my phone keeps ringing make me worried.

"I am sorry." I told him and he sternly look at me.

"Answer it in here. I won't say anything." He said make me gulped and answer the call.

"Mino, what's going on?" I immediately asked the man on the other line once I answered the call.

"Took you so long, Liz. I was worried."

"What you brought this time?" I anticipate something bad, but I wish it's not about mom, or my new little brother.

"I have bad news." I grip the edge of the table as I stiffened watching at Jungkook's eyes. I am ready to tear up. "Kesha is dead." Even thought that was not bad news from my family but damn it, it hurts me. Kesha was the wedding dress maker of mine. She is my best friend in Swiss, I know that she is little bit sick when I was back in here to Seoul, but how can I never have news about her. And now Mino just tell me that she is dead already? I gasp and cover my mouth with my hand.

"What's going on? Why don't you tell me earlier? Just why? Oh god." I cursed mentally as I stand up.

"Calm yourself, Liz. I was tried to call you when she was being hospitalized but Yeri told me that you are out for some business trip. Kesha must know that you are busy, and she wanted me to keep silence because no one knows everything turn out like this." I hold up my tears as the worried look of Jungkook waiting for my explanation in front of me.

"I will be there. Please wait until I arrived. I can't bid my farewell for her nicely when she was alive. I can't just be in here now." I press the ended button and then take my belonging with me facing the worried Jungkook in front of me.

"What's going on, Barbie?" he asked half trembled as he saw me putting my bag on my shoulder.

"I need to go back."


"Home." I answer him shortly.


"Swiss." He is frozen on his spot as I said that words. "I should go Jungkook, something bad happen and I can't just stay here. I am sorry." I tell him placing my hand on his shoulder.

"I will go with you."

"No." I snap on him quickly. "Just handle what you should handle. Do whatever I wanted you to do, you said you will do it after this holiday." But he shakes his head.

"This holiday is still not over yet, and you will leave me like this? It's not what I want." He half shouted as I close my eyes trying to restrain my anger toward him, can't he just understand me?

"For god's sake, Jungkook. I have something important to do. I need to go."

"Please stay, and at least after we visit Busan like what we talked lately. Barbie, look at me, can't you stay with me longer?" I sigh and face palming myself.

"I know that this will be coming, I told you to not being attach by that childish feeling. We are just temporary. And now I have to go, with or without your permission." I walk past him while he shouted make me startled and stop my step.

"Stay!" I bit my lips as I heard the desperation in his tone. "Stay with me, please. Because if you go, I might would hate you to my bone." He threatened me make me chuckled dryly. How I wish you hated me since the day one, love.

"Sorry." I muttered loud enough for him to hear and walking again.

"So, this is the end for us huh? For such a strong and wonderful love, we've been built?" I can hear his voice clearly while I walk. "Thanks' that you fight your tooth and nail for me." I hold my chest as it feels tightened. "I wish I could unlove me."


I was trying to call her again but even until the 9th call, she just won't picked up. So, I sat back on the chair facing the picture of smiling Kesha in front of me. Her mom just won't stop crying, I felt bad too. Kesha is the best friend of Lisa; she helps me so much to give me courage to propose to Lisa. She will make everything clear between me and Lisa every time we argued and had misunderstanding. She also offered us to make our wedding dress and suit, but 3 weeks ago she fainted in her boutique. She said she is fine until we found out that she had cancer in her head.

Once she asked me to call Lisa because she wanted to talk to her friend so bad. So, I call her phone, but she didn't pick up and I call Jeon's family phone and her stepsister answer me. She is busy. I can tell that Kesha was disappointed and sad, but she smiles and said that everything going to be alright, that she will meet with Lisa again when she got home. But she will never wake up anymore, leaving the un finish wedding dress of Lisa on the mannequin.

I feel sad that we have to lost her, and we also have to postpone the wedding because of the wedding dress. Kesha makes sure that she hands the project to her junior since she knows she have no time left. She even said sorry to me. What has hurt me that, she can't see Lisa for the last time. I am mad to Lisa; she forgets about all of us here for her friend out there in Seoul. I snapped out from my though when my phone ringing, Lisa called me.


"I will take the fastest flight, please let me see her for the last time-"

"No. You won't go back here." Silences enveloping the atmosphere after I said that words. "I am in the middle of her funeral; you won't make it in time." Then I heard sobs from her which is make my anger faded. "Lisa, we are all sad. But you have to be strong now. She is already rest in peace."

"I am just mad to myself." She said in the middle of her sob, and I agree with her. "I should've call her often, I never- I never think that she will go like this."

"No one know Liz. So be careful of everything you did. I won't confront anything you do there, since I am nothing, I only your fiancé. I just wanted to tell you that you also have family in here. Your only mother, your father and your new brother. Have you ever thought about them for once?" I tell him softly.

"I am sorry, Mino. I know that was wrong. I'll be home tonight." She responded.

"Don't come home until you finish everything out there. Whatever you do there, you should finish it. And coming back here as the whole Lisa, as the whole mine. I don't want you to ever look back after the time you comeback. Got it?" I asked him, it took 2 minutes until she responded.

"Is everything okay with mom?" I hum as the responses.

"Our wedding might postpone as well to show our condolence for Kesha." She hummed back at me. "I know where you are, with who and doing what." And I can hear her gasp clearly. "I trust you, Liz. I give you that freedom until the time you should come back to me. Until then, I can only say that I will be waiting for you here. Bye. Liz, miss you."

"Sorry, Mino."


A pang hit my heart as he said that he knows that I was playing with the fire over here. It hurt me more when he said that he trusts me. I know that I will never deserve someone like him. The understanding Mino who will wait for me. Me myself even won't stay if I was on his place. But suddenly I felt the urge to look after Jungkook, does he okay there?

I rushed toward the resto we currently eat dinner wishing that he won't go somewhere. And there he was, look so lost watching the ring on his finger while a woman drooling over him, sat beside him. I sigh in relieved when I saw him didn't pay attention at how the woman stare at him full of lust. With that I smile and walk toward our table making the woman look at me confuse.

"Miss, can I have time to talk with my man?" I still manage to sound polite toward her, with a thin smile. By hearing my voice, he jerked his head and look me in the eye.

"You are back." He said softly, weakly with a weak smile with the stain of tears on his cheeks as I smile bitterly toward him, I am sorry for hurting you Jungkook. I nodded in response and look at the woman once again make her uncomfortable and she stand up walking away with her disappointment face.

"I am back." Then I take a sit beside him, watching at how many bottles of liquor he already drank, his cheeks become red, he is drunk. "For you." I then intertwined our hand make him chuckled lightly. Man, he is drunk.

"I thought that you really dump me." He then said make me feel the sadness again and again. "But you are back. You are back, my barbie is back."


PS : hi, I am sorry for being a passive writer this day. I just wanted to focus on my job before I resign. But I will make sure that I will post often in January next year. Until that day, please be patient.  Thank you.

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