35. Believe

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"Good morning wife." I smile to find that smile the first thing in the morning. The sunshine that makes my day. I smile back when he gives me long kiss on my forehead. He sure knows what I like the most, that simple kiss that always make me comfortable rather than kiss on the other part of my body. Cause it feels genuine, more romantic, showing me that he loves me not my body.

"Good morning to you too, husband." I said playfully hugging him tight. I was waiting for him to wake up from the bed but he stay still sniffing my hair like a child. I look up at him make him looking back at me.

"What?" he asked still playing with my hair.

"Won't you wake up now?" I said sitting and facing him with a serious expression. But he simply rolling his body and whining like a kid. "Get your pretty ass to go to work, go go." I smack his booty make him groan and sit up beside me, eyes half open.

"I hate work." He said pouting but still stand-up walking to my side when I made my way to the bathroom.

"No, you are showering in your own room. Okay boy." I put my index finger on his forehead when he ready to enter the bathroom with me.

"But I want to shower with you." he pout make me pinch his cheeks.

"Nope, I won't fall into your trap. Now, go. Hush hush."

"I won't touch you, come on. Beside you are my wife. Gzzzz."

"No is a no, jeon jungkook." I sternly told him. "Beside, you need to take your stuff in your room right."

"I will move everything in my drawer to here so I don't have to go here and there everyday." He said annoyed.

"You can't." I said perfectly make him go silent. He look at me in the eye when I bit my lips to prevent the tears to not come out. Why should I feel so sad in this beautiful morning. No Lisa, you should be happy and enjoying the time with him before it too late.

"Why can't I?" I try to smile but it come out so weird. So I look down to my bare foot, can't make contact when I answer him.

"He will come." It hurts, indeed it hurts. "And I should go for real this time."


"I thought you tell me that it was postponed Lisa." I ask her widened eyes watching the invitation on my hand, not fully believe it.

"It is Rose." She said weakly. I can see that she is not that happy for the wedding too. Even I wonder why she insisted to be married with Mino if she looks so hesitant.

"Just in a month?" I ask her again but softer now.

"32 days." She corrected me while playing with the paper that I used to work. We were in my office, when she came and give me this stupid invitation.

"You look not so happy you know, Lisa." I said while put the invitation back on the table and watch her carefully.

"I can't pretend anymore, I am just tired." She said somehow make me sad too.

"Why don't you tell him to fuck off?" she looked at me furrowed her brows when I said that.

"I thought an angel won't curse." She said make me smile, at least she try to brightened the atmosphere. "And no I can't. You know Mino was always there when I felt down. Even maybe he is the reason why you are still seeing me alive today."

"You don't tell me that?" I asked her not fully to believe that she is arrived at that stage of frustration. She is not the type who will end the life easily, I feel bad that I can't be there, that I can't comfort her that time. Why can't I try harder to found her? She nodded while smiling bitterly drinking a can of beer that she asked my secretary.

"I am not that strong, Rose. I owe him a lifetime. If it's not because of him I won't see how happy you are, how happy jisoo unnie, and also jennie unnie." She throws the can to the trash bin perfectly make me want to clap my hand of course if we are not in this heavy conversation. "And beside he needs someone by his side, with what I can pay him back if it's not with my presence there."

"But it's not the only way, Lisa. You know you don't love him, you love jungkook. The spark in your eyes never change, and now I can see perfectly that it become stronger. You just will hurt your own hurt an the heart of the one you love."

"You don't understand Rose. Our heart was already broken long time ago. There is nothing to do to make it work again. So, instead of only thinking about this broken heart, I will gladly save the work one of Mino."

"No, how can you think that yours is not working. If it's not working, you won't feel anything toward Jungkook. You love him, you only hate and scared to admit it, you scared to feel it. You are too focused to save someone else while you break Jungkook's heart and yours. You think that you two deserves to get punished for the rest of your life. Tell me if I were wrong." I screamed on her face angrily. She looked at me utterly shock of how I talk to her. Yeah, I know her and everyone might think that I am that angel who will say something nice and pure, but no, I also a human. I can't stand her punishing them self like this.

"You told us to not blame anyone but you blame yourself for everything." I said now softly back sitting on my chair fanning my face with my hand, it's so hot an tiring to get angry. "do you thing Mino will be happy if he knows that you marry him only for paying all the kindness of him but love? No, Lisa. No one will like it. You can bare the pain for today, but what will happen the next 10 years? You will trap yourself in a cage with your unwanted childrens, it's not a life."

"I am okay with it, Rose."

"And how about jungkook?" I wish it hits her heart when he sifted on her chair, playing with her nails, she is nervous and confused now. "You said Soomi already have Mingyu with her. So you will left jungkook with who? You might get used to Mino and may be taste a happiness even if it's only for a short time but what's with jungkook? What's left for him? Is it a curse to love you, Lisa?" An there the tears flowing from her beautiful eyes.

"I love him, Rose."


"Do you take something from my bag?" I ask him when we have breakfast with Yeri in the cafe near our house. Our relationship goes well even after that morning, despite of how sweeter he changed so far. He treats me like a queen and it makes me melting more. But just this morning I found out that something is missing from my bag. And the only suspect I had in here is him. Only him.

"Nope." He answered fast and bite his waffle while giving me an innocent look. But I won't fall.

"I saw you rummaging my handbag last night." He almost spill his waffle when he cough make Yeri panicked giving him water and helping him to lightly punching his back. Well, he fall to my trap.

"I swear I am not. I only wanted to find your hand phone in there."

"Don't play with me Mr. Jeon, that's important for me." I tell him glaring but I chocked on my brownies when Yeri innocently asking something to us with her confused look.

"What kind of thing, unnie?" I was hesitate to answer at first but she might feel like an outsider if I am not giving hima decent answer.

"Pills." I shortly answered, I can see how Jungkook is smirking from his seat, looking down to his food to avoid my glare.

"What kind of pill?" she asked again make me cursing on myself. Now, what can I say again to her?

"Something like vitamin." I tell her.

"Are you sure? It's weird." She said while tilting her head to one side watching me with her puppy eyes. "I just found pills this morning in the trash bin near the kitchen, but it's not vitamin."

"Tell me what kind of pills were that Yeri darling?" Jungkook just provoking this little girl, teasing me more when I feel hot feeling creeping to my face. I am embarrassed.

"Birth control pills. Is it yours unnie?"


"I don't know that you are being a doctor." I said to make situation more vivid when we are busy with the sausages that we grilled. Jisoo unnie held the party, not really know for what, but Tae oppa tell me that it's what the baby inside her womb wanted, and he should do that. Or not she will be crying like a 5.

"Yeah, because you never interested to me." He shortly answered make me worried that I make him sad, so I look at his face. But nope, he is smiling, teasing me with that smirk.

"Mingyu, I never know anything from everyone around here because-"

"You run away?" he cuts my words. It hurts my pride, but yeah, he is right, I run away. I nodded bitterly smiling to him.

"And now I hate you for your ability to read someone's mind." I jokingly pouting harshly putting another sausages on the grilled stuff in front of us.

"Well, be ready you young girl." He said while putting his hand beside his head, gesturing that he will be going to read my mind. I punch his bicep lightly, laughing at his silliness. "You are glowing because you are in love. I can tell." I smile at him. Everyone knows that. "But deep down there, the darkness eats you alive. And it's not healthy."

"Impressive." I commented not really surprised because he is a psychiatric now.

"I am being serious, Lisa. Your eyes just like Soomi's eyes the first time I met her in the hospital."

"I am not same with her."

"Yes you are."

"Stop it or I will hate you, Mingyu."

"Hate me if you wanted to, but I should tell you the truth here. You need help, stop being stupid and trying to save someone, faking that smile and just spilled out everything. You need to breath and you need to be free Lisa." Wrong button Mingyu. "I can help y-"

"Who do you think you are to said that kind of thing to me?" I spitted out the fire full of anger on him. But I lowered my voice because I am not that stupid to make scene on Jisoo's unnie party. "You don't know anything and please focusing on your patient because I am not the one of yours." I was stepped away from him but he take my hand stopped me.

"That's what exactly Soomi said to me."

"I am not her. I am fucking me."

"You are worse. You are more broken than her, I know."

"Stop it, Mingyu. Left me alone." I yanked his hand and walking away not knowing where my feet bring me. I just don't want to hear another lectures. I know that I am wrong, I know.


"They are fighting." Soomi said emotionless to me when we clean the plate together. We just spent the time in silence while observing our lover being cheesy to one another. But to see that they are fighting somehow make me worried.

"I am not blind." I tell her still looking straight to them in front of us. They are far enough that we can't hear what they argued of.

"I bet he just try to make her realized how stupid she was."

"She is not stupid, your lover is." I said annoyed but she only snorted and chuckled.

"She is too naive. She can't realized what she need, what she wanted."

"And do you?" she suddenly looked at me in the eye with her clear eyes.

"She needs you; she wanted you. But she can't admit it. Everyone knows that. And you do." She said straight to the point make me breathless, everyone know that. "Or you are the same with her thinking that you do not deserve her love?" she is right. That's what I feel. She is too perfect for me, but I want her, I need her. "You two are naive. You need to wake up like me."

"How to wake up, Mochi?" I asked her, for the first time calling her with that name again after such a long time.

"Forgive yourself. Love yourself." I am speechless now watching Lisa carefully when she yanked Mingyu's hand and walking away. I put the plate and about to run to her when Soomi's hand catch mine. "Give her space."

"She might need me." I insist but her stern look make me go back to my position.

"I give my blessed to you and her." She said make me look at her again.


"You are not deaf, Kookie."


"For what?"

"Killing her. I killed her." That's a long pause, this heart still remember the pain from my youth. From my first love, my poor Park Sewon. "But it's not all my fault, you were the one who make me so needy of you. You make me think that I could be with you forever, can depend on you for everything, and you will not replace me with anyone. And I was wrong."

I bit my lips can't talk; the memories started to replay in my mind. I will never leave you, till my last breath. That's my fault.

"I am not that woman that you love when I..." she paused and then smiled looking at Mingyu. "I was too blind and greedy and jealous. I think that if I kill her you will comeback to me. But again, I was wrong. I lied for the rest of my life, I hate my self for that. I blame myself for everything, I blame you too. I make Yoongi oppa suffered. I destroy my family. But that man in front of us, he make me forgive myself. Because there is nothing to do for punishing myself and you. There will be no happy ending for a hate."

"Thanks to him." I spoke.

"No, poor him." I was little bit shocked when she said that. "Now I am craving for him, needy for him. I think I can't live without his support."

"He loves you."

"No one knows what he exactly feel to me. Is it love or just a protective feeling just like you gave to me. But this is how my disorder healed, because I can depend on someone else more than to you. I don't know what will happen to him if he change his mind and heart one day, I might kill him-"

"My god Soomi." I gasp.

"I know, I know Jungkook. I am crazy. And that Mino man is not better than me."

"What do you mean?" I asked her curious.

"We knew each other, I am scared of him. We were in the same hospital, he had this mental disorder too, even worse than me. If I was there to help myself to be cured. But he were there to killed someone that make him killed his only lover." God. She must be lying. "One of our fellow inside that mental rehabilitation. And because of his money, he can get out of that scary place. I know that she knows that he had that mental disorder too, but she believed that he already changed but no. Nothing will change us, just like me and Mingyu, if Lisa looked away from him there is a possibility that Mino will be targeting you and even worse her."

"You must be kidding. He looks nice for her."

"He burns his lover alive inside her house because she cheated with his own friend. And now I am confused between letting her go with that monster without make you in danger or ask you to save her but risking the two of your live for that."

"He will be coming very soon."

"Shit, I will tell her the truth now." She walked away but stopped and looked at me. "Give us space, don't go with me."


"Believe me, Kookie."

From : Lisa

Rose, I will tell Mino what I feel.
I wish he understand and let me go.
And thank you sister.
I love you.

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