36. Off

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"No!" I startled when I heard Jennie's unnie voice shouting from the other side of the room. "Don't touch Lisa." I swipe my tears when I heard her voice again, looking back to see how scared and angry Jennie unnie was. Right in front of her was Soomi, she is standing behind me, how I can't hear anything when she came.

I was so in blue because of what Mingyu told me, he is right, and I am wrong. It hits me, but once again they are right, Mingyu and Rose. I only too scared to admit it. I love Jungkook, but I keep run away from my feeling, as if it was a sin to love him, it's a sin to be happy with him.

"Go away!" she shouted once again make Soomi showing her cold face now. She must be as angry as Jennie now. So, I step between them to calming the situation. I smile as genuine as I can.

"It's okay unnie, she is coming to comfort me." I told her.

"No, I know this scene. This is in my dream days ago. She was holding knife and she stab-" her eyes gone wild when she saw the deep scars on my hand. "Your hand. Oh god, that is not dream right?" she asked gasping to make me worried. No, she never told me about that dream before. "Who are you Soomi?"

"I am Soomi, Min Jisoo. Min Yoongi's oppa little sister." She said calmly but I can tell how nervous she was. Everyone was afraid that Jennie unnie will hate Yoongi oppa if she realized what had happened in here.

"No." Jennie unnie said bewildered look so angry and look at me. "Tell me the truth about my dream." No.

"Unnie, it's only a dream."

"Bullshit Lisa, you promise me! I am not that dumb, okay. Who is she?" now she shouted at me. I shake my head softly gesturing Soomi to go away with my hand, but she stays still on her spot.

"Okay, of course. She stabs me, but it was only because we were argued about something, but I made it. It's not that bad, it's only a fight between teenagers." I try to calm her, but she just laughs in a scary way, sarcasm.

"That scar, after years it still there. How deep it was? And what kind of teenager stabbing her friend because they were only argued."

"I've told you a secret after that happen right? I- I knew I told you something, tell me what it was." How far she knew this all secrets? Someone helps me!

"Jennie!" I look at the door and seeing Yoongi oppa and Jungkook look so shocked calling unnie's name, but she doesn't budge it.

"Tell me Lisa. What was I told you." Deja vu.


"Lier. Tell me, please don't lie to me like everyone did Lisa. I trust you."

"But you told me nothing unnie." My voice cracked, not helping much.

"You hate me, you must tell something bad about me to her." Suddenly Soomi come to my side to shield me from the anger of Jennie unnie with a brave look.

"Why did I hate you?"

"It's a mother nature. We were living as neighbor when we were young, you stole my brother attention and I try to take his attention back." And it works, strangely it works make Jennie unnie less frustrated than before.

"Jennie baby, can we go now? Suji asking about you." Yoongi oppa then interrupted the silence between us and take the attention of Jennie unnie back to him. He smiles and extending his hand, she takes it and walk with him outside. I was sighing so hard until I feel Jungkook hug me.

"Thanks' god."

We were eating the meat with dark atmosphere as Jennie unnie still drowning in her deep thought, everyone is worried about it, everyone. So, we ate in silence, Rose and Jisoo unnie were looking at me wanting an explanation when I type on my phone texting them. They were look so shocked too. So, we only eat in silence. We were doing dishes when Jennie unnie came and sat on the table beside us.

"How do you feel?" Jisoo unnie asked wanting to break the ice.

"Why are you lying to me?" we froze. "All of you treat me like a clown, is it funny to make fun of me for years?"


"I trusted you guys. I only wanted you to tell me the truth, I can collect all the pictures together now. Even though I can't remember it clearly I know that something is off." I am sorry unnie. "Why don't you trust me enough to know all the past of mine, of us? Is it that bad?"

"Unnie, it's not like that. It just we think it's not important anymore." Now Rose talked and tried to reach Jennie's unnie hand, but she can't.

"I want it, no matter it's important or not. I just.... missing my old self." I try to hug her, but she just walked away, far away from me make me feel rejected. "Who's Soomi? What did she do to make me hate her this much."

"Why don't you try to remember it by yourself without blaming other people for pitying you? They are protecting you and you just spitting fire on them. Well, you are welcome, Kim Jennie." I gasp when suddenly Soomi come toward us with anger, challenging Jennie unnie.

"Soomi, you better go now."

"Why Lisa? Why?" she asked me to make me confuse. "Don't you think no matter you shutting your mouth she will find out about everything one day? So, telling her now or tomorrow don't matter right?"

"For god's sake, Soomi."

"Tell me who are you." Jennie unnie ask her again to make Soomi smirk. It's not a good sign.

"You tell me."

"Fuck you, Soomi." And now she cursed. "Lisa, tell me." I shake my head wishing that her craziness will be calmed. "Jisoo? Rose? Someone? Anyone? Won't someone fucking care to tell me the truth?"

"Soomi, let's go!" I saw Mingyu came with the rest of the boy, he extended his hand and hold Soomi's when suddenly Jennie unnie walk quickly grabbing something on the table toward Soomi. But poor her, Mingyu already take Soomi from her original position.

"Don't you dare to run away before you tell me what you have done."

"Jennie unnie, please calm down." I tell her among the crowd when we saw her holding the knife on her hand. Yoongi oppa was yelling her name, Suji standing behind him with a scared look. No, this is not what I wanted to be happen. I was looking at Suji worriedly when I feel one hand grabbing mine and suddenly cold metal meet my neck, make everyone gasping in shock.

"Lisa!" I look at Jungkook who watch us in horror. He was about to jump when Namjoon oppa hold him along with Jin oppa. "Don't hurt her, if you hurt her, I will make sure to kill you."

"I won't hurt her if you tell me what's going on? Who I am? Who's that Soomi?" her hand is so cold, she is trembling, I can hear her heartbeat. Pounding harder and harder.

"Unnie, please. You are only mad. We can talk ah~" shit, it's sting. She is really really making my neck bleeding.


"Mommy, don't hurt barbie."

"Don't mommy me. I am not your mommy." She hissed Suji with his words, make the little girl crying out loud after that. How could she.

"Jennie~" I shout on her grabbing her hand to make me able to look at her eyes, I don't even care if it makes the wound goes deeper. I wanted to see her eyes when she said that words. "You promised me to not hurt your family."

"If you tell me the truth." I cried when I feel the pain got sharper and sharper that's the time, I heard that voice, that voice which is make me happy and sad at the same time.

"Jennie, I'll tell you the truth." No, please. Not now. "I don't care if anyone got hurt, but not with my bride."

"No." I said softly feeling the sticky thing arrived at my hand slowly, so cold.

"Come with me, I know what you wanted to know. Come." With that Jennie unnie gladly left me on the floor and walk out with him outside. I saw how hurt Yoongi's oppa expression was, hugging his little princess who is broken. I am sorry, I am sorry I can't protect you guys.

"Barbie." I lost my sanity as the voice of someone I love being a lullaby, I love his voice, so sweet and sad at the same time. Just like our love.

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