Chapter 3

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We ran into the sunset. Away from the village. Off to the beyond. Riding next to my brother and his friends, we leave. Off to fight the frost giants.

What happened? I'm not sure exactly... I turned... blue..... It was only on my hand and only for a couple of seconds. But, it was enough for me to notice.

Right after we got back to Asgard and got our wounds tended, I went straight to my quarters. I need some time to think. I think about what happened during the battle.

What is it?

How did I get it?

Is it a curse?

If so, it goes back to the question of how I got it.

Did I get it from the frost giants?

If so, why? And how?

Questions filled my head, and I don't know how to answer them. Should I answer them? Or should I ignore it? But, is it a sign? If so, does ignoring it a bad decision?

More questions keep rolling through my head, and all I can think about is should I learn more about it, or ignore it?

A few hours later I make up my mind. I get up, off my bed and leave my quarters.

I go straight to Odin's relic room. Upon arriving, I head down to the Casket of Ancient Winters. Looking at it, I wonder if it's a good idea and if it'll work. Hesitating for a moment longer, I pick it up.

Staring at it for a moment longer, I look over at my hand. I keep doing it, wishing it to work.

"Stop!" a voice called out, breaking the silence. Wait, I know that voice. It's Odin! Eyes going wide, I stare at the Casket for a moment longer. Not because I don't want to face Odin, but because my hands are starting to turn blue!

My mind leaps to conclusions, which then leads to more questions. But, out of all of them, one stands out.

Am I cursed?

Pondering this question, I wonder if Odin might know the answer. Asgardians did go to war with the Frost Giants before. He also lead it, so maybe he has an answer for this.

"Am I cursed?" I ask, hoping Odin would give a straight answer.

"No," he replies, having pity in his voice.

Wait, if I'm not cursed than what am I?

Setting down the Casket, I ask the question I have been wondering.

"What am I?" I hear my voice say, in a questioning voice.

"Your my son," Odin replies. It wasn't the answer I was looking for.

Finally deciding to turn around I ask another question.

"What more than that?"

Thinking about the new information I got, my mind comes to a conclusion. It's a terrible conclusion, but nothing else makes sense.

"The casket wasn't the only thing you took from Jotunheim that day, was it?" I ask him, hoping the conclusion I came to was wrong.

"No," Odin replies. "The aftermath of the battle I went into the temple and found a baby. Small, for a giants offspring. Abandoned, suffering, left to die." He adds.

"Laufey's son," Odin states, a split second later.

"Laufey's son?" I repeat in a questioning voice. Can I really be a Laufeyson?

"Yes," Odin says, answering my question. When he answers my question, I realize he isn't lying. But, why would he do this? Why?

"Why?" I ask in an almost demanding voice. "You were knee-deep in Jotun blood. Why would you take me?"

"You were an innocent child." Odin simply states. No, that wasn't all of it. I just knew it. There had to be a purpose.

"You took me for a purpose, what was it?" I ask, hoping he wouldn't side-step the question with a simple, vague answer.

When he didn't reply I screamed, "Tell me!"

"I thought we could unite our kingdoms one day, bring about an alliance, bring about permanent peace. Through you. But those plans no longer matter." Odin stated, after a moment.

Wait, what? So, he thought I could be a bridge to permanent peace with Frost Giants and Asgardians. So many more thoughts swirled in my head, asking questions. Wondering answers. I don't know if I should or want to answer them.

"So I'm no more than another stolen relic, locked up here until you might have use for me," I state, summing up all that he has told me. I can't even believe he wouldn't tell me, tell me of my true origin. Would he have ever told me? Or was that a secret he wanted to keep?

While I was thinking Odin said something else, "Why do you twist my words?" I barely heard it over my thoughts.

"You could have told me what I was from the beginning! Why didn't you?" I question, it was the only question that I can, want, to ask.

"You are my son. I only wanted to protect you from the truth," Was all that Odin said. So simple, but at the same time so precise. Gosh, I hate when he does this.

"Because I- I- I am the monster parents tell their children at night?" I ask, piecing all the pieces together now.

"Don't-" Odin says, softly. I could barely hear him.

"It all makes sense now. Why you favored Thor all these years!" The pieces are placed, like a puzzle fitting together. Anger was boiling, just about at the top. All the information Odin gave me, with all unanswered questions and all the answered ones, everything.

I was angry. Angry at myself, angry at Thor, and angry at Odin. I am so angry, and the pot is just about to overflow. Just about to let all of my anger out.

"No matter how much you claim to love me, you could never..."

The pot is full and is just about to spill. All the anger, all the hate, everything. It's all about to spill, to escape.

"...have a Frost Giant sitting on the Throne of Asgard," I yell.

I was right next to Odin now, but he was sitting down, almost laying down. I didn't even think of why that is because all I can think about is how much I hate him right now.

It took me a moment until I realized what was happening. Wait, was he trying to tell me this, or did it happen unexpectedly? I remember his mouth moving, but I don't remember what he was trying to say.

Then a question he never thought to ask, considering the circumstances, came into his mind. 'Should I help him?' Should I or shouldn't I? I'm not quite sure, but it'll have to be quick.

Making up my mind I call out, "Guards! Guards, please help!"

The guards came and took Odin out of the Relic room.

~*-*~ A few hours later ~*-*~

In my room, I wonder what to do. I feel lost, hopeless, and don't know what to do. Then an idea dawned on me. Yes, it's reckless and yes, it might not solve my problem, but it might, at least, by me some time. Time to think and time to unburden myself from this.

It took me a few hours to get ready, thankfully no one came looking for me. I finished polishing my plan, and triple checked everything. I was ready to go.

Leaving my room, I set off to the Bifrost. Using some magic, I hide the belongings I am carrying, and myself. There's a hologram in my room so no one will know I left. I pass everyone on the way, and no one knows where I am. Well, hopefully, no one.

Upon arriving the Bifrost, I make sure Heimdall isn't around. Sadly, he is. What should I do? I can't just go waltzing in and opening the Bifrost. I need a distraction.

Looking around the room, my eyes land on a glass bottle. Yes, it isn't much but it'll have to do. Racing over to the nearest box, I hide behind it. Yes, I am invisible, but I don't want to take any chances. The bottle is.... A little less than halfway across the room.

Looking back over at Heimdall, I notice he isn't facing me. Good. Crouching, I silently move over to the bottle.

15 feet.

10 feet.

9 feet.

I'm so close.

8 feet.

7 feet.

6 feet.

I move my hand towards it.

5 feet.

And, there! I have the bottle, hopefully, this works. Turning around, I search for Heimdall. Still in the same spot. Moving over to the Bifrost, I stand next to it. Thinking the plan over, I make sure I remember everything. I hope this works. Hesitating a split second later, I throw the bottle. It goes right out the door but making enough noise for the Gate Keeper to notice. He moves over to the noise, far enough for me to leave. Taking the sword, I turn it. Heimdall hasn't noticed, good. Putting my hands on the hilt of the sword, I think of the place I want to do. In a flash of light, I am off. Off to Midgard, or as some people call it Earth. 

I hope you enjoy! 


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