Chapter 4

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Looking down, I almost start to cry. My eyes water, though. The salty tears welled up in my eyes.

It was gray, granite. Inscribed in perfect cursive letters is my brother's name, Erik Cross.

It's been two years, but I still am sad as ever about it.

I set down the small bouquet of flowers. There red and orange roses, his two favorite colors. I stay and watch his tombstone for a couple of minutes. Smiling sadly, I turn around to leave.

But, before I leave I survey the area. It's a habit. Trees, tall, big, with a wonderful color of green. Benches, brown, contrasting the green. Other tombstones, of course. They dot around the place, in no particular order. And there is also stepping stones. Stepping stones. One of the only things that make me happy here. I don't know why, but they do. I guess it seems to interpret my life. Walking along, not really knowing when I will fall.

Taking in the area one more time, I leave. Back to the world. Back to having responsibilities. Back to.... Everything.

Sighing, I leave the Cemetery. Away from what felt like home. Why does it feel like home?

~*-*~ Two Hours Later ~*-*~

Upon arriving home, I place my bag near the door. I live in my own apartment now, because I can't bear still living with my parents. Not with all the memories of my brother.

The rooms were small, well it is an apartment after all. You can't really expect anything else. The kitchen is small, only an island and some cabinets and drawers. It overlooks my living room too. The living room has a TV on a stand, which is on a table that holds movies and games. There were a leather couch and two chairs facing the TV.

"Home sweet home," I sighed. Gosh.... This place is comfy. Well, isn't that what a house feels like?

Going to my room, I set my things on my bed. Looking above the headboard of the bed I read my favorite quote of all time.

"The worst thing you write is better the best thing you did not write." ~Unknown

Sigh, that quote is amazing. It was one of the things that got me past my brother's death. Why I choose that quote? Well, I love to write. I want to write a book and get it published someday. Writing was something I turned to my brother died and was something that comforted me. It felt that I'm in another world, one where I can forget my brother died. One that I'm not Lina Cross. One that I'm not in this world of misery. Oh, I wish....

~*-*~ Later that day ~*-*~

I went into my room and started writing in my journal. I started to journal my day after my brother died. It just became a habit. I sat down and started writing...

April 5th, 2019

Entry #730

The weirdest thing happened today. I went to see my brother's grave, like always. It has been a little over two years since he died. Two years, two months, and three days to be exact.
I then went home and did my usual stuff. It was around lunchtime when I realized I needed to go out and get food. So, I went out and got food. I got cheese, grapes, and rye bread. That's what I wanted for lunch anyway. With the bags in my hand, I walked out. That's when I saw it.
(guess what Lina saw (; )
That's when I saw a mugger come up to this old lady. He asked for her purse. The old lady just stared at him with the most straight face ever. Then she started to beat him up. An old lady! That's crazy. She didn't even call the police or anything! It was insane. Well, I think she called the police later.
But, anyway, that was the highlight of the day... Until next time....

- Lina

Finishing writing the small entry, I closed the notebook. There was nothing else to write.
It was almost dark, so I should have some dinner and go to sleep... Walking to the kitchen, I open the fridge. There were some pasta and fruit in there. There was also some vegetables. After contemplating what to eat, I took the pasta and the vegetables out.

Grabbing a plate from a cabinet, I put the pasta on the plate and heated it up in the microwave. I already cooked it a few days ago. I just need to heat it up before it's ready to eat. Putting it in for 15 seconds, I get a spoon from the silverware drawer.

Beeep! Beeeep!

That was the pasta. Opening the microwave, I grab the plate of pasta and scoop some of the vegetables on the plate too. Putting the spoon in the sink, grabbing a fork, and placing the container of vegetables back in the fridge, I take the plate of food and walk to the small table next to the kitchen. This is going to be a long night....

So, yea... Another chapter of my Loki Fanfic! I hope you enjoy! (BTW thanks to @EvelynTheMovieAddict for the Old Lady short. She's amazing, go follow her.)

~ Luna

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