A Better History Lesson

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I start walking back to Hotland and the castle. It doesn't take me very long, River Person is there to give me a ride and I found a few short-cuts.

I walk out of the stage where I fought MTT and approach the elevator at the end of the hall. With a click of the button, I'm on the next floor and everything is... it's all in a monotone grey color. The only thing in any different shade is the Save Star a few yards away. Why does this make me feel so sad? I wonder as I walk over to the Star and save. I turn the corner and I'm met with a bunch of old grey ruins... They look like they could hold everyone in the Underground and then some. But now they're all abandoned and lifeless. Great, now I'm even more sad. I continue walking until the end of the hall where there's another right turn.

After a few more steps, I come upon this old house and... It almost looks exactly like Toriel's. I finally feel some sort of music emanating from this place. It feels like an old home, like something out of a childhood backstory. Everything is a-oh-good and peaceful. I walk in and it's still monotone but the yellow flowers lining the halls make it a little more comforting. I walk into what appears to be the living/dinning room, it still looks exactly like Toriel's house. The only differences appear to be the different books on the shelf and a potted yellow flower on the table. 

2 Frogits hop up to me, they start to talk. They tell a story.

"A long time ago, a human fell into the RUINS." Frogit 1 says.

"Injured by it's fall, the human called out for help." Frogit 2 says. Then they both leave.

I look around for a little and walk into the kitchen. There, I find a yellow key on the counter. And then 2 Whimsilotes fly up to me.

"ASRIEL, the king's son, heard the human's call."

"He brought the human back to the castle."

Monsters were constantly walking up to me and telling me pits and pieces of what I assume is supposed to be a story. After a bit more of this, I think I figured out the story.

Soon, ASRIEL and the human basically became siblings. And the King and Queen treated the human like they were their baby. All the monsters where really happy and hopeful. And then, on a completely random day, the human get super sick. They only had one wish, to see the flowers that grow in their village. But the monsters couldn't do anything to help. The following day, the human died. ASRIEL absorbed the human's SOUL, probably out of grief. And transformed into a monster with crazy strong power. ASRIEL crossed though the barrier because of the human SOUL and he carried the human's dead body with him to the human's home-town. ASRIEL got to the center of the village and set the human's dead body onto a bed of golden flowers there. People where starting to panic because they thought that ASRIEL killed the human, and the powered up form didn't help either. The humans started to attack ASRIEL and all though ASRIEL had the power to kill all those people, he didn't fight back. Holding the human, ASRIEL smiled and walked back home. ASRIEL was super hurt when he got home, he collapsed in the castle and his dust covered the garden. All the monsters fell into despair, the king and queen lost both of their kids in one night. It looks like the humans took everything from them. The king decided to take action and so, every human that falls into the Underground, must die. With enough SOULS, they can shatter the barrier. And they're not far from that goal. Soon... King ASGORE will let them go, give them hope, save them all.   

I enter the first doorway and there are 2 presents. Both have white wrapping paper and red ribbon. Curiosity gets the best of me and I open up both of them. 1 was an old dagger and the other was a heart-shaped locket with the words 'Best Friend Forever' carved into it. I guess I should take the dagger, don't want it falling into bad monster's hands or something stupid. I'll just put the dagger in the very back of my backpack. I leave the and find the second key on a small drawer in the middle of the hall. This time, the 2nd doorway is under renovations and the 3rd is open. Inside, there's a trophy for 'the #1 Nose-Nuzzle champs 98!' that's cute. There's a closet with a Santa outfit inside, a king size bed, and a desk right next to it with a diary saying 'Nice day today!' I walk out of the room and unlock the chain that was blocking off the down-stairs. Walking through the same layout as Toriel's home. And then the last monsters say something really disturbing. 

"You should be smiling, too." A pyrope tells me.

"Aren't you excited?"

"Aren't you happy?"



Please don't take this as a last chapter, I still need to do the role-play date with Alphys and the Amagamations. And, I'm going to write this 'till I'm done because, I don't want to wast what could be a great story. Welp, see ya in the next one! 

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