Best Friends With Undyne(Final)

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"I've been defeated... My house is in shambles... I even failed to befriend you. That's it. I don't care if you're my guest anymore. One final rematch! All out on both sides!!! IT'S THE ONLY WAY I CAN REGAIN MY LOST PRIDE!!! NOW COME ON! HIT ME WITH ALL YOU'VE GOT! NGAHHHH!!!" Undyne shouts at me. 

We both stand there for a few seconds. I guess I'm supposed to make the first moves. But I don't wanna hurt Undyne. But if I don't, who knows how long this house with stand until collapsing. If I can even breath to get to that point. This is crazy! OK, the best way to get out of this with minimal damage... I could always fake a hit... That could work... 

[FIGHT]      [<3 ACT]      [ITEM]      [MERCY]

Undyne: Check  Fake attack*

I fake throw a punch at her and I think it was at ,like, one damage. It was kinda funny. But after the punch was thrown...

"What. That's the best you can manage? Even attacking at full force... you just can't muster any intent to hurt me, huh? ... Heh, you know what?" She says and drops her spear," I don't actually want to hurt you either. At first, I hated your stupid saccharine schtick, but... The way you hit me right now, it... reminded me of someone I used to train with. Now I know you aren't just some wimpy looser. You're a wimpy looser with a big heart!" Undyne says and flashes a toothy smile.

I smile back, weakly. Geeze, all this smoke makes me feel like I'm gonna pass out. But Undyne keeps talking,"You're just like him...... Listen, Human. It seems like you and ASGORE are fated to fight. But knowing him... He probably doesn't want to. Talk to him. I'm sure you can persuade him to let you go home. Eventually, some mean human will fall down here... And I'll take THEIR soul instead. That makes sense ,right? Fuhuhuhu. Oh, and if you DO hurt ASGORE, I'll take the human souls... cross the barrier... And beat the hell out of you! That's what friends are for, right?" She asks and smiles again. Or at least i think she does, I passed out at this point with all the smoke.

~~~Reality Check~~~

I wake up and... I think I'm at the skelebro's house. I'm not really sure. I sit up and I'm struck with a wave a dizziness and realization that I'm supper parched. Just the Paps and Undyne walk into the room from the kitchen.

"OH GOODIE! THE HUMAN IS AWAKE!!" Paps shouts and hugs me.

"Yay! I'm a living!" I say, a little raspy voice but it makes sense,"Why am I at your house?" I then ask.

"You pasted out over at my house, punk. So I carried you over here." Undyne answers.

"OK. Can I get a glass of water of something? I'm thirsty." I say and Paps rushes into the kitchen shout 'I GOT IT!'. Leaving Undyne and me in the room alone with nothing to talk about. You can imagine how awkward that is.  

"So why didn't you leave me in the fire? I thought you hated me." I start.

"Well... I used to anyways We're friends now and... I had to." She tries to explain.

"Well, I'm glad you did. I gotta get to ASGORE and destroy the barrier." I say and lay back.

"Oh, if you kill him. I swear." She threatens

"I'm not gonna kill the king. I'm gonna figure out a way to brake the barrier and get everyone out alive so everyone can live on the surface happily." I tell her.


"'Cause that's what friends do, right?" I ask her and Paps comes back with the glass of water,"Awesome, thanks Paps." I say and down it.

I get off the couch and head for the door.


"I need to get to Hotland, I'm close to meeting ASGORE and the Barrier." I say as I walk out of the house and close the door behind me. Walking to the Save Star in the middle of town I quickly save the world before walking over to the River Person.

"Where to?"

"Hotland please." 


Sorry it's taking forever and a half to get these chapters posted. Are you guys even interested about what'sin this book? It's getting less and less reads... I'm starting to think I should end it. I don't know what to do. Should I continue? Answer in the comments please. Welp, See you in the next one. I hope.

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