Best Friends With Undyne (P.2)

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"Comfortable? Let me get you something to drink." she says to me

She walks to the fridge and pulls out a few things. She lays them out on the counter next to the fridge. From what I can tell, there's tea,hot coco, and some other options.

"All set! What would you like?" She asks me.

I try to get out of my seat so I could see the options better, but then there's a flash of blue light and now the table is split in two with a blue spear sticking out of it. I jump back a little and Undyne shouts at me,"HEY!!! DON'T GET UP!! YOU'RE THE GUEST!! SIT DOWN AND ENJOY YOURSELF!!! ...Um, why don't you just use the spear to point to you want? You can use the spear."

I take the spear out of the table and look at the options.

Sugar- Goes in tea

Soda- Sickly yellow liquid 

Coco- Green cylinder

Tea- Blatantly correct choice

I point at the tea, it says 'Blatantly correct choice' which makes me think it's the blatantly correct choice.

"...Tea,huh? Coming right up!" She grabs a kettle from nowhere and fills it with water and places it on the stove to start boiling,"It'll take a moment for the water to boil"

I nod my head and wait, I know how long it can take to make tea. My mom has a cup every afternoon.

"OK, it's all done!" She grabs a mug that was in the sink and fills it with the hot water an the tea bag,"Here we are. Careful, it's hot." She tells me and walks to the other side of the table.

I set down the spear and just hold the mug every few seconds to warm my hands.

"It's not THAT hot!! Just drink it already!" She shouts at me again. I take a sip and... yeah, Undyne. It IS that hot. But good," It's pretty good, right? Nothing but the best for my ABSOLUTELY PRECIOUS FRIEND!! ... Hey... You know... it's kind of strange you chose THAT tea. Golden Flower Tea... That's ASGORE's favorite kind. Actually, now that I think about it... You kind of remind me of him. You're both total WEENIES!! ... sort of. Y'know, I was a pretty hotheaded kid. Once, to prove I was the strongest, I tried to fight ASGORE. Emphasis on TRIED. I couldn't land a single blow on him! And worse, he refused to fight back.! I was so humiliated... Afterwards, he apologized and said something goofy... 'Excuse me, do you want to know how to beat me?' I said yes, and from then on, he trained me. One day, during practice, I finally knocked him down. I felt... bad... But he was beaming! I've never see anyone more proud to get their butt kicked. Anyway, long story short, he kept training me... And now I'm the head of the Royal Guard! So I'm the one who get's to train dorks to fight! ... Like, uh, Papyrus. But, um, to be honest... I don't know if... I can ever let Papyrus into the Royal Guard. Don't tell him I said that! He's just... well... I mean, it's not that he's weak, He's actually pretty freaking tough! It's just that... He's... He's too innocent and nice!!! I mean, look, he was SUPPOSED to capture you... And he ended up being FRIENDS with you instead! I could NEVER send him into battle. He'd get ripped into little smiling shreds. That's part of why... I started teaching him how to cook, you know? So, um, maybe he could do something else with his life.  Oh, sorry I was talking for so long. You're out of tea aren't you? I'll go get you some more." Undyne gets out of her seat and walks over to the kettle before stopping.

"Wait a minuet... Papyrus... His cooking lesson... HE WAS SUPPOSED TO HAVE THAT RIGHT NOW!!! And if HE'S not here to have it... YOU'LL HAVE TO HAVE IT FOR HIM!!!" She shouts and super jumps onto the counter and kicks everything off.

"That's right. NOTHING has brought Papyrus and I closer than cooking! Which meant if I give you his lesson... WE'LL BECOME CLOSER THAN YOU CAN EVER IMAGINE!!! Fuhuhu!!! Afraid?! We're gonna be best friends!!!" She shouts some more.

She then super jumps off the counter and lands next to me, picks me up, and super jumps back to the counter.

"Let's start with the sauce!!" She tells me and stomps her foot on the ground. 2 tomatoes, 1 carrot, and 1 banana fell from the ceiling. I wish I had that kind of power.

"Envision these vegetables as your greatest enemy! Now!! Pound them to dust with your fists!!" She orders. I look at the veggies. Well more like 1 veggie and 3 fruits. I shrug and pet them, smiling while I do. Undyne starts to shout at me again.

"OH MY GOD!! STOP PETTING THE ENEMY!!! I'll show you how it's done! NGAHHHHH!" She shouts as she punches them to a pulp that gets on the walls and on our faces,"Uhh, we'll just scrape this into a bowl later. But for now!" 

She stomps again and a pot and a box of spaghetti fall from the ceiling. She drags me over to the stove.

"We add noodles! Homemade noodles are the best! BUT I JUST BUY STORE-BRAND! THY'RE THE CHEAPEST!!! NGAHHHHHHHHHHH!" She shouts some more," Uh, just put them in the pot." She tells me.

I grab the box and put them in one at a time, playing off of my 'pet the tomato' thing I did earlier.

"Nice??? Alright! Now it's time to stir the pasta! As a general rule of thumb, the more you stir... THE BETTER IT IS! Ready? Let's do it!" She orders.

I grab the wooden stir spoon and mix the pasta around. In a pot not filled with water. I get the feeling something bad is going to happen.

"Stir harder."

I speed up


I speed up more


My arms are tiered.

"Ugh, let me do it." She tells me. I back off and she hits the pot with a spear! Repeatedly! And she just laughs it off. But it was pretty cool.

"Fuhuhuhu! That's the stuff!! Alright, now for the final step: TURN UP THE HEAT! Let the stove-top symbolize your passion! Let your hopes and dreams turn into burning fire! READY? Don't hold anything back!!!" She tells me.

I turn on the stove and just turn it to the highest temp on there. The flames are starting to cover the bottom of the pot.


The flames are at a half way up the sides of the pot


The pot is pretty much engulfed in flames. 


The pot is pretty much nonexistant at this point

"Wait wait, that's too-"

The stove explodes. I open my eyes to see that Unyne's house is burning!

"Man, no wonder Papyrus sucks at cooking." She pauses to stair at the pot," So, what's next? Scrapbooking? Friendship bracelets? ......Oh, who am I kidding. I really screwed this up didn't I? I can't force you to like me, human. Some people just don't get along with each other. I understand if you feel that way about me. And if we can't be friends... That's okay. Because... if we're not friends... IT MEANS I CAN DESTROY YOU WITHOUT ANY REGRET!" She yells and starts to attack.

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