Amalgamations (p.3)

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[FIGHT]      [<3 ACT]      [ITEM]      [MERCY]

Lemon Bread: Call  Scream  Unhug  *Hum  Flex  Cry

I start humming the tune Shyren sang back in Waterfall and Lemon Bread started to shake, I don't know if that's a good or bad thing though.

"Welcome to my special hell." What sounds like a million voices say in unison. I don't know it that was Lemon Bread talking or... insanity. But it was scary none the less.

Then, Lemon Bread melts and the walls suddenly have huge spiky teeth! But there is a gap in the top row, a little safe spot to doge. With a little running, flipping, and ducking. I doge every attack. [hp 20/20]

[FIGHT]      [<3 ACT]      [ITEM]      [MERCY]

Lemon Bread: Call  Scream  *Unhug  Hum  Flex  Cry

I wonder what this option does, after picking it... nothing happened. Well then again, it does say 'unhug' how do you unhug something you're not hugging?

"But nobody came."

OK! New attack! Oh no! Replace the wall teeth with... stationary floating knives. And add to the equation little shadukan blasts constantly changing from orange to blue and back again. It was sudden and I got hit with one of the knives. [hp 12/20]

[FIGHT]      [ACT]      [<3 ITEM]      [MERCY]

Bag: Pie(1)  Nice Cream(2)  Glameburger(2)  *Junk Food(3)

OK, back to full health, what happens next? Back to the wall teeth! I do a little bit better this time, no damage taken. [hp 20/20]

[FIGHT]      [<3 ACT]      [ITEM]      [MERCY]

Lemon Bread: Call  Scream  Unhug  Hum  *Flex  Cry

I shrug off the embarrassment and flex my muscles, Lemon Bread looks like they're having a nostalgia feeling and scoots back a little bit.

"I've felt this before."

This time the holes in the teeth were much more closer and I dodged it easily. [hp 20/ 20]

[FIGHT]      [ACT]      [ITEM]      [<3 MERCY]

Run  *Spare


You got 0 EXP and 0 gold.


I walk over to the other of the machine, there is a panel on the wall, it reads DT EXTRACTION MACHINE STATUS: INACTIVE so this thing is what's used to get Determination? Interesting.

I walk back to the side of the room I entered, I walk back into the hallway to see what was up with that door just a little bit away from the entrance. Walking in, It's a fairly long room that ends with a shower, Odd. But that's not it, NOPE! It looks like there's another Amalgamate n the shower. I approach it cautiously. The closer I am, the more the Amalgamate shakes and bobs its head. How good is that water to make them do that? I can't help but wonder. I'm eventually close enough to push back the curtain to reveal... the shower's completely empty. Well, the only thing in there is a green key. I grab it, put it on the key chain, and leave the room.

Going back to the DT Extractor, I turn right (up) into the room next to the extractor. There's an old TV backed up against the middle of the wall with shelves of VHS tapes on both sides of it. On the very right side of the wall is another lock. A few feet in front of it is another note. And on the very left side of the wall is a panel. I check the letter first, Under... Sheets... and that's all.  I walk up to the lock and insert the Yellow key into the lock. I look at the VHS tapes next.They all look like old cartoons or anime, all organized and alphabetized except for a few stray sticky ones. The VHS player has a few tapes out next to it. They also seem to have some sort of order.

Tape 1:

???-Pssst. Gorey, wake up.

Gorey- Hmm? What is it, dear? ... Uh, and why do you have that video camera?

???-Shush! I want to get your reaction. Gorey, dearest. What is my favorite vegetable?

Gorey- Hmm... Carrots, right?

???- No no no! My FAVORITE vegetable is... eda-MOM-e... Get it???

Gorey- Go back to bed dear.

???- No no!! Not yet! Hee hee hee. Now, if I were a dog, what breed would I be?

Gorey- Hmm... I don't know, honey. What kind of dog would you be?

???- I would be... a MOMERANIAN.

Gorey- Hohoho! You sure are excited to have this child. You know, if you keep making jokes like this... One day, you could be... a famous MOMedian.

???- ...Well, I'm going to bed.

Gorey- Hey! Come on Tori! That one was funny!

Tori- Hahaha, I know. I am just teasing you. Goodnight, dear.

Gorey- Goodnight, honey.

Tori- ...Oh dear, perhaps it is too dark in here for the video to come out...

Wow, Toriel was making joke WAY before she met Sans. So, she was married to Asgore with a kid on the way when this was filmed. The kid is obviously Asriel. But when do they meet the fallen human?

Tape 2:

???- OK, Chara, are you ready? Do your creepy face! AHHHH!! Hehehe. Oh, wait. I had the lens cap on.

Chara- __________

???- What! You're not gonna do it again? Come on, quit tricking me! Haha!

OK, so I guess the kid talking is Asriel since the person he was talking to was Chara. And make things simpler in me, Chara is the fallen human. So, this is after Chara fell into the Underground.

Tape 3: 

Asriel- Howdy, Chara! Smile for the camera! Ha, this time I got YOU! I left the cap on... ON PURPOSE! Now you're smiling for nooooo reason! Hee hee hee.

Chara- __________

Asriel- What, oh, yeah. I remember. When we tried to make butterscotch pie for dad, right? The recipe called for cups of butter... but we accidently put in buttercups instead.

Chara- __________

Asriel- Yeah! Those flowers got him really sick. I felt so bad. We made Mom really upset. I should have laughed it off, like you did but... Um, anyway, where are you going with this?

Chara- __________

Asriel- Huh? Turn off the camera...? OK

So that's how the king got sick. How do you mistake 'cups of butter' with 'buttercups' though? That doesn't really make any sense. But I have a feeling Chara is planing something if they wanted their facts checked. But what? I have all the time in the world, I can listen to more tapes.


OK, another chapter done! School's close to starting so soon it will be back to a normal upload schedule. Welp, see ya in the next one! 

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