Amalgamations (part 2)

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______ drew near!

[FIGHT]      [<3 ACT]      [ITEM]      [MERCY]

______ A:  *Check  STAT  ITEM  CELL

No data available. Is all that little voice that I think is in my heat tells me. Great, now what to do? The ______ start shout TV static and error noises at me before they disappear and cover the floor in dots. Those dots soon explode into... what look like distorted faces. But it felt like a DDR game and I got out, no damage dealt. [hp 20/20] 

[FIGHT]      [<3 ACT]      [ITEM]     [MERCY]

______ A: Check  STAT  ITEM  *CELL

I pull out my cellphone and hear voices coming out of the speakers.

"Come join the fun." They say.

But they're still attacking me? This confusion causes me to fumble a little and I take a little damage. [hp 17/20]

[FIGHT]      [ACT]      [ITEM]      [<3 MERCY]

______ A: *Spare

I don't know what to do... I don't think any of the options will do anything.

"Become one of us!"

"It's a real get together!"

"Come join the fun!" They say. 

Still attacking and I'm still dodging. [hp 17/20]

[FIGHT]      [<3 ACT]      [ITEM]      [MERCY]

Memoryhead A: Check  Join  *Refuse 

So they're called Memoryheads? And they want me to... become one of them? I don't know if that's possible nor do I want to find out.

"That's a shame."

"Become one of us!" They still say. 

But after that one attack, they've seemed to loose interest in me and have started to leave.

[FIGHT]      [ACT]      [ITEM]      [<3 MERCY]

*Memoryhead A

*Memoryhead B

*Memoryhead C


You earned 0 EXP and 0 gold


 Well that was scare. What kind of horror movie did I just walk into? Seariously, this is the second... third time this has happened! Flowey, W.D. Gaster, and now this. I look back at the sink and see... a red key where the Memoryheads were. I pick it up and put it on my key chain. I walk down the doorway that was next to the sinks, there was a note on the ground and... what looks like a lock on the wall. I don't really know. Taking a look at the note, it's also old and messed up.

Sink... dropped it...

And that's all. It was probably a reminder from Alphys on where the key was dropped so she could go get it later. Cool. Turning my attention from the note to the lock, I stick the red key in and turn it. I'm guessing something changed because, you don't just put keys and locks on walls for no reason. I walk out of the room and start heading back to the Save Star. I really don't want to go through that whole fight again. I get into the save room and the door... The door with those four locks... one of them is glowing. A red light is shining through the upper ring lock on the door. I guess that's what the key did. I shrug it off and head into the upper left-hand hallway. And there were more tablets on the walls. Yay! More of Alphys' backstory!


Nothing is happening. I don't know what to do. I'll just keep injecting everything with 'determination.' I want this to work.


One of the bodies opened it's eyes.

What? That's it? That's all you have to say? I have a really bad feeling that the Determination is what caused the Memoryheads to become Memoryheads. If Alphys put monsters in these labs for experimentation and left this lab with those in here... Something must have happened to get from pint A to point B. Geez, to many questions given and not enough answers provided.

I walk out of the hallway and into a room full of beds... Wow... this looks really comfortable... Awesome, my legs are tiiiiiiiiired! I plop down on the nearest bed and just kind lay there. Thinking about thinking about things and staring out into space. After a bit, this... Amalgamation appeared at the foot of the bed. As soon as it started to reach out it's arm, I tensed up. It inched closer and closer but I didn't notice it until it was about... like, 5 inches? But the only reason I wasn't freaking out was because it was 5 inches near my feet, closer to the blanket actually. The Amalgamation quickly grabbed the blanket and pulled it up to tuck me in. It even pat me on the head! Awww, so sweet! Geez, this just made my day! The Amalgamation soon disapeared and I soon got out of the bed.

I walk around the room until I see something under the sheets of this random bed, turns out it was a key! A yellow one.

After looking around the room, there is another Save Star in the corner. A doorway next to the star and a tablet next to that.


Everyone that had fallen down...... has woken up. They're all walking around and talking like nothing is wrong. I thought they were goners...? 

I walk down the doorway and it leads in two different directions. I guess I'll go left first. Turning, I find more tablets on the walls. Yay! learning!


Seems like this research was a dead end... But at least we got a happy ending out of it...? I sent the SOULS and the vessel back to ASGORE. And I called all the families and told them everyone's alive. I'll send everyone back tomorrow. :)



...Odd, what happened to make Alphys say that and only that? I walk out of the hall and into this open room with this... I dunno... A huge skull??? Machine?? A combination of the two? Whatever it was, it was hanging from the ceiling. There was 2 doors, one to the right of me, and one on the other side of the skull. There was also this narrow walkway but a Save Star is blocking it. Why would there be one here? I walk up to it and touch it, to try and save. But then it goes from yellow to white with a smile. And then it melts... and turns into another Amalgamate. Oh no.


Wow, this whole chapter took me... 3 days to write? Well, with a lot of breaks in between but this is stupid. Sorry for not updating Sunday, but I'll post this now. Hopefully this detour will have 1-2 more parts in it and then it's back to the main story. Welp, see ya in the next one!  

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