To Hang With a Ghost

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"well... i'm going to head home now... oh... um... feel free to 'come with' if you want... but no pressure... i understand if you're busy... it's fine... no worries... just thought i'd offer." Napstablook said shyly and left. I guess I could go over. I've got all the time I need to get out of  the underground. I follow him up threw the hallway. In the next room I saw 3 different hallways, Napsta floating in the middle of the room, and a Save Star. Napsta turned around to face me.

"hey........ my house is up here... in case you want to see... or in case... you don't." he said and left threw the hall in the middle. I look down the hall but before I follow I save the world.  You feel a calming tranquility. You are filled with DETERMINATION. Then I head down the hall Napsta went down.

 In the next room I see 2 houses. The one on the left was a dull grey and blue. The one on the right was pink and red. So Napsta has neighbors, so why does he seem so lonely? I wonder as I walk into the house on the left. I walk into the house and I see Napsta at the computer, which was put in the upper right hand corner, a fridge in the upper left hand corner, a TV in between them, and 3 albums along the wall of the door. (I think you know what Napstablook's house looks like) Napsta looks away from the computer and looks at me.

"oh... you really came... sorry, i... wasn't expecting that. it's not much but, make yourself at home." He says. I look at the albums along the wall. all of them had identical names just with different numbers at the end. Spooktunes, CloudDay Music, and Spook Wave. I was tempted to listen to them but I had a big question on my mind.

"You have a neighbor?" I ask.

"oh... actually, that house is  empty."

"Did anyone live there?"

"well... my cousin... he use to live there."

"Why did he leave?"

"he... he wanted to fulfill his dream... of becoming a famous star... and he actually succeed in doing it."

"And... he just left you behind?"

"um... i guess so... but i'm okay with it... almost everyone leaves me."

"Maybe you could pay him a visit."

"yeah... i guess i could." 

I look over a Napsta and he had a small smile on his face. I look over at the albums again.

"Hey, do you mind if I listen to one of these?"

"i don't mind." I started to listen to the music. CloudDay Music as OK but I felt a little chil go down my back listening  to it. Then was Spooktunes it was pretty simple but still really good. Finally I listened to Spook Wave, it was so good like something out of a Halloween dance party. I jumped around dancing to it and burned up allot of energy. I head out of the house and saw a small snail farm. Aww... look at them. They're so cute~ <3. Napsta appears next to me.

"welcome.... to the blook family snail farm. you've the first customer in a wile... we lost our usual costomer, now it's just some hairy guy that shows up once a month." I giggle at the thought. I look past him and see snail races. I walk over and Napsta tells me about it. It's called ThunderSnail and you just had to encourage your snail to run and get past the finish line. He and I raced the snails and I won 1/3 apparently, they don't like allot of encouragement. They get to scared to do anything so it just freezes up and hides in it's shell. I decided that my stay was overdue and left.

One thing I didn't notice was that there was a sign in the room with the Save Star in it. The sign said North: Blook Acres  East: Hotland  ???: Temmie Village Temmie Village? OK, now I'm interested. I headed East (Right from a birds eye POV) and saw  a hall leading South and a door to a shop keeper. I look in the shop and I saw a pair of glasses and a torn notebook. I star at them, why do these look so familiar? I think, I couldn't think of a reasonable answer so I just shrug off the question. I get some Sea Tea. ('Cause I love tea!) and leave. I continue East and I see more signs and start to read. 

Hurt, beaten, and fearful for our lives, we surrendered to the humans. Seven of their greatest magicians sealed us underground with a magical spell . Anything can enter threw the seal, but only beings with a powerful SOUL can leave. There is only one way to reverse this spell. If a huge power, equivalent to seven human souls, attacks the barrier... it will be destroyed. But this cursed place has no entrances or exits. There is no way a human could come here. We will remain trapped down here forever.

I look at it. Well someone has their facts wrong! There is an entrance, it's just blocked. I was nearing the end of the hallway and I could see the next room... It was pitch black. Well... OK, there was glow-in-the-dark trees, grass, and mushrooms. But the glow-in-the-dark grass looked more like it was a path and only glowed if you hit the mushrooms. it was to easy, Proof that the next thing is either hard or will take a lot of time. In the next room, there was sign Without candles or magic to guide them home, monsters used crystals to navigate. OK so I hit the lamp and the crystals glow for a short period of time, in that time, I have to find another lamp.


OMG! I'm soooooo sorry I didn't update last weekend! I was pretty busy last weekend and I didn't have time to type! Welp, see ya in the next one!             

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