W.D Who?

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I was half way threw the glow-in-the-dark puzzle when I remembered that I forgot something back at the skele-bro's house. Shoop! I leave the puzzle room and try to find a way to Snowdin, 'till I remember that I fell into this Trash Zone. Great, how am I gonna get to Snowdin now? After a little bit of exploring, I found a river. And on the river was a bout being driven by a mysterious cloaked figure. I'll just call her the river person. 

"Tra la la. Were would you like to go?" the River Person asked.

"Um... can you take me to Snowdin?"

"3G please"

I pay the River Person and get on the boat. Then, the boat started to move at a very fast pace. I just sit down and dabble my feet in the water when the River Person said something odd.

"Tra la la. Beware the man who speaks in hands."

What? Who is this 'man who speaks in hands'? I thought. But when I tried to ask the River Person she didn't respond. Eventually, we got to Snowdin and I got off the boat. The River Person left and I felt a change in weight in my purse. I check and I found that I had 3 extra G. OK,  totally magic. I head over to the bro's house and knock on the door. I could hear Paps and Sans talking threw the door.


"why can't you do it?"


"c'mon paps, i'm sure you can spare a second of your time to get the door."


I giggle at their conversation. Their antics never seem to get old. Paps opens the door and ,I swear, his eyes sparkled as soon as he saw me.

"HUMAN! WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE!?" He shouts as he picks me up in a super tight hug. Sans looks over at the door and sees me and Paps hugging and lazily joins the hug fest. 

"Sorry, I just left something here. I'm back to pick it up is all." I explain as we all stop hugging.

"heh. cool hoodie kid." Sans said.

"I know. Thank you." I say back to him as I start looking around. Finally, I found my missing MP3 and leave. 

I look over to where that river was but the River Person was no longer there. Well, I'm OK with taking the long way to Hotland. I walk back to the entrance of Waterfall. Sans is back at that century station taking a nap. Then... there was a grey door. It wasn't there before and it doesn't look like it's apart of the surrounding area. I did the thing out of a horror movie, and approached it. I touch the door knob and it opened without me needing to turn it. Movie trope #2. I think as I walk into the room. It was complete and utter darkness. It looked like TV static. The only clear thing I could see was an out line of a black figure. I approached him with caution when he turned around and looked at me. Both of us not making any more movements. Movie trope #3. After some time of not doing anything I try to talk. 

"Um... M-My name is (Y/N), what's y-yours?" I ask a little nervous. He starts to walk towards me. As he got closer I could see his facial features better.

He was a skeleton with 2 cracks in his skull, one on his left eye going up to the top of his head and the other on his right eye going down to his mouth. He had a creepy smile on his face. I could also see that he didn't have any arms but had magic floating hands that had holes in the center of them and his body was all melted and he didn't really have legs. But he walked as if he did have a pair under his black lab coat. Movie trope #4. I look behind me and see that the grey door was being closed with a slam. Movie trope #5. Man I am on a roll. I look back at the Mystery figure and he was right in front of my face. The sudden jump scare made my squeak and jump back a little. Movie trope #6. He starts to talk in this almost undecipherable speech and his hands moved making symbols that ,I guess, are the words he was talking.

"Um... Sorry, but I don't understand." I tell him. He stops talking in that weird voice and replaces it with words that were spoken before, all chopped up and strung together with other words to make a sentence.

"Once, I made a mistake. There was no flaws, but somehow, I was wrong. It was a stupid mistake. I NEVER make stupid mistakes." He said and started to attack me.


[FIGHT]       [ACT]      [ITEMS]       [<3 MERCY]

*Spare  Run

He stars to attack me with black goo and bones. I am able to doge the bones but the goop seemed to have a mind of it's own. It would boomerang back and hit me in the head or divide itself on 2 and get me on both sides. How can I doge something that I can't even dance to? [Hp 15/20]

[FIGHT]      [ACT]      [ITEMS]      [<3 MERCY]

Spare  *Run

I don't think he'll take my mercy and I can't spend a lot longer agents his attacks. I'm starting to think the only other way out is if I run out that grey door. I could kill him, but with what? I left the stick, toy knife, and boxing gloves in the boxes and besides, I don't have the heart to kill.


I turn around and start to run as fast as humanly possible. I could hear him chasing after me, I AM SO SCARED! AND THE ADRENALIN IS DEFIANTLY KICKING IN! Movie trope #7. I reach the door and start to fiddle with the door knob, like I can't get my grip on it. Movie trump #8. Once I finally open the door I rush out and slam it behind me. I push myself up agents the wall so he couldn't open it. I stayed like that for a good 2 minutes, I close my eyes and try to calm myself down. I open one eye and Sans is suddenly in front of me. I let out another squeak and jump a little.

"whoa kid, calm down. it's just me."

"Don't ever do that again! I'm having a panic attack, I don't need any more jump scares!" I say fairly loudly at him.

"okay, but what gave you the panic attack in the first place?"

"Um... do you know anything about a melted figure in a black lab coat? With two scars on his face that look like this?" I use my fingers to show the cracks. Sans pupils disappear for a second before he blinks and they reappear.

"it's not important, don't worry about it kid."

"Based on your reaction, it is important. Tell me."

"it's classified stuff kiddo. you don't need to know."

"Can you at least give me a name?"

" sigh... his name is w.d gaster"

He turns to leave, clearly not in a good mood. But before he does, I grab his sleeve. He turns around with a face that asks 'what?'. I wrap my arms around him in a hug, after a few seconds he hugs back and we stand there for 2 seconds exactly, because any longer and it would be turned into shipping fuel. And I continue on with my adventure to get back to that glow-in-the-dark puzzle.


This is a Halloween special even though Halloween is tomorrow. I might as well type it up today since tomorrow is school and after that is trick-or-treating so I won't have mush time to type. I hope you liked the chapter, I tried to add the right amount of spook and comedy to lighten the mood. And I hope you liked your 2 seconds worth of shipping fuel. Welp, see ya in the next one!       

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