Temmies and Undyne

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I got back to that glow-in-the -dark puzzle. I must have took a wrong turn because I found Temmie Village. IT WAS SO CUUUUUUTE! These little cat-dog things were in blue sweaters and they all had improper grammar, it was so cute!

"Hio! I'm TEMMIE! This is my frend TEMMIE!" said one of them as I walked by.

"Hio! I'm TEMMIE and don't forget my frend..."

"Hi, I'm Bob."

I started to laugh at this. Only one of them has proper grammar. I look in the center of the village, there was a Save Star and a box. I walk over to the star. You feel... something. It fills you with DETEMMIENATION. I laugh at the pun, there just isn't enough sugar in the world that could compare to this place. I walk into the only store in the village. It was called the Tem Shop. I just... OMG *Fan-girling intensifies* I walk in and was greeted by a temmie that wore a yellow and blue striped shirt.

"Hio! An welcome to...da TEM SHOP!" He says excitedly. I look at what he's selling, there was Temmie flakes, Temmie flakes, Temmie flakes, and... money for college? Hm... it's nice that he's trying to get higher education.

"Um... can I donate some money to help you pay for college?" I ask him

"Humin donate muns so Tem can go to coolleg? How NOICE of you humin!" He showts happily as I put 50g on the counter and leave.I head out of Temmie Village. I need to get to Hotland. After a little git of walking in the dark, I finally found my way out of the room.  

After a couple of steps, it gets pitch black. I could only see a few inches in front of my face. Then I fell, face first, into water. It was at my knees. Like back in the Trash Zone. Once I get out of the pool and take a few more steps, I see an echo flower. As I approached it, it said  B e h i n d  Y o u 

And ,as if by magic, I could see the hole room. And I could see... A patch of seaweed, and the fish in shinning armor, Undyne. She started to walk toward me and started to monologue, but it gave me some very well needed info.

"Seven. Seven human souls. With the power of seven human souls, our king... King ASGORE Dreemur... will become a god. With that power, ASGORE can finally shatter the barrier. He will finally take the surface back from humanity... And give them back the pain and suffering that we have endured... Understand, human? This is your only chance at redemption. Give up you soul... Or I'll TEAR IT FROM YOUR BODY!"

And with that said, Undyne got into a charging stance and a magic spear appeared in her hands. As she started to charge, Monster Kid jumped out of the seaweed shouting.

"Undyne!!! I'll help you fight!!!" M.K. shouted and Undyne stopped in her tracks as soon as he jumped out. M.K stopped and look at Undyne then me. After looking at the both of us for a second he said," Yo!!!!! You did it!!! Undyne is RIGHT in front of you!!! You've got front row seats to her fight."

He then looked at the spear and then looked back at me,"... Wait...Who's she fighting???" He asked. Then, Undyne grabbed his cheek and dragged him away,"H-Hey! You're not gonna tell my parents about this, are you?" He asked as he was getting dragged away. 

I look around, there was no secret door behind the seaweed patch. I look over at the pool of water and noticed that there was a hallway leading north. How do I still have a sense of direction in here? I wonder as I walk threw, hearing a passing conversation. It was about a wish that someone made wanting to see the surface and the stars. There was another sign at the end of the hallway.

The Angel... The one who has seen the Surface... They will return and the underground will go empty.

Huh, I remember the old turtle talking about a prophesy about an angel coming from the surface and save all of the underground or something like that. It... could be  me. I'm the last soul to fall down here. I'm the last thing needed to brake the barrier. Ha, the moment someone thinks they're the person in a prophesy, they're proven wrong. It happens in the movies. I think as I turn the corner at the end of the hall. I see a bridge that went from the edge of this cliff I was on to the cliff on the other side. It was ,like, 30 ft apart. (I don't know distance.) It must've took magic to build this. And there's no support for construction equipment. Do they even have construction equipment? I think as I walk across the bridge. As I get near the end of the bridge I hear a familiar voice.

"Yo!" I turn and see ,yup, M.K.

"Yo, I know I'm not supposed to be here but... I wanna ask you something... Man, I've never had to ask anyone this before um...Yo... you're human, right?", I stay silent but I nod my head," Haha. Man! I knew it! ... Well, I know it now. I mean... Undyne told me ,um, 'Stay away from that human' So, like, um... I guess that makes us enemies or something. But I kinda stink at that. Haha. Yo, say something mean so I can hate you? Please?"

What he said shocked me a little. I tried to think of something mean to say, but my mind when blank so I just shook my head.

"Yo? What? So I have to do it? Here goes nothing... Yo, I... I hate your guts... Man I'm... I'm such a turd. I'm...I'm gonna go home now."

He turned around and started to walk. About halfway to the other end of the bridge, M.k slipped on something and fell off the bridge. But he was able to grab on to the rock in the middle and dangle there.

"Yo! H-Help! I tripped!" He shouted. And that's when things went from bad to worse. Undyne showed up. And with the way she was standing, she seemed to think 'let him fall and fight me of save him and get killed' OK, I gotta act quick. I run over to were M.K was hanging and lie on my stomach. I anchored my feet in the ground as best as I could and reached for the collar of his shirt and pulled him up that way. Once he was over the bridge, I let go of his shirt. He smiled at me then looked over at Undyne. He stud in front of me.

"Y... y... yo... dude... If... if y-you wanna hurt my friend... You're gonna have to get threw me, first." He said with all the confidence he could muster. Undyne... Undyne just walked away. So, she wont hurt another monster? That's odd. I think to myself after M.K leaves.


So I know that this chapter is longer that I usually do. But there was so much stuff I wanted to happen in this chapter that I made it longer. No shame in that, it' a longer chapter more people would be happy. Welp, see ya in the next one!

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