Must Keep Running!

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I smile as M.K leaves. Achievement Unlocked- Monster Saver. I think as I continue on, after a little bit of walking, I feel the temperature rise a little. I look North (up from a birds eye POV) And see a mini mountain. OK, now I know something is gonna happen. The chill atmosphere was replaced with suspense. I look at the top of the mini mountain and saw a familiar silhouette of a person in armor. How'd you get here already? I just saw you leave.

"Seven." Said the female voice of the worrier fish," Seven human souls, and King ASGORE will become a god. Six. That is how many have collected thus far. Understand? Through your seventh and final soul, this world will be transformed. First, however, as is customary for those who make it this far... I shall tell you the tragic tale of our people. It all started long ago................ No, you know what?....SCREW IT! WHY SHOULD I TELL YOU THAT STORY IF YOU'RE ABOUT TO DIE?!?! NGAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" She shouts then takes off her helmet. She glares at me from behind her back, reveling a a yellow eye that seemed to spark like in those cartoons when someone is determined to do something.

"You!!!! You're standing in the way of everyone's hopes and dreams! Alphys's history books made me think humans were cool... With their giant robots and flowery swordswomen. BUT YOU!? You're just a coward! Hiding be hind that kid so you could run away from me again! And let's not forget your wimpy goody-two-shoes shtick! Ohh! I'm making such a difference by hugging random strangers!" She said very badly mimicking my voice. (Don't actually hug random people. Unless it's Fandom Apocalypse Day),"You know what would be more valuable to everyone? IF YOU WERE DEAD! That's right, human! Your continued existence is a crime! Your life is all that stands between us and our freedom! Right now, I can feel everyone's hearts pounding together! Everyone's been waiting their whole lives for this moment! But we're not nervous at all. When everyone puts their harts together, they can't lose! Now, human! Let's end this, right here, right now. I'll show you how determined monsters can be! Step foward when you are ready. Fuhuhuhu!"

After she finished her monologue, a Save Star appeared. I walked over to it quickly, The wild is howling, you are filled with DETERMINATION. I look back at her and take a deep breath. Let's do this. I walk back over to were I was standing during her monologue, and took a step forward.

"That's it, then...! There is no more running away! HERE I COME!" She shouts and jumps down from the mountain and attacks me.


At that moment, Undyne swipes her spear at my soul and it turned green. 

[FIGHT]      [<3 ACT]      [ITEM]      [MERCY] 


*Check  Plead  Challenge

UNDYNE  7 ATK  0 DEF. The heroine that NEVER gives up.

"As long as you're GREEN you CAN'T ESCAPE! Unless you learn to face danger head-on... You wont last a SECOND against ME!" She shouts and brakes the spear she was holding in half and tosses one of the haves to me. Then starts to throw spears at me while dancing. She started slow and I was able to block all of them with spear half. [hp 20/20]

This process continues on until my soul is no-longer green.

[FIGHT]      [ACT]      [ITEM]      [<3 MERCY]

Spare  *Run


I run under the ark/hallway that was in the mini mountain. Undyne chases after me. She caut me and battled me again. I just stalled until I wasn't green, and ran. This went on for about 3 more times. Then ,in the middle of running, I get a call. I look at the number and... it was Papyrus! Undyne literally stops in her tracks and lets me take the call.

"Yo! This (Y/N)." I say chilly into the phone.


"Wait, Paps, Wait!" I say into the phone, but Paps hung up. I sigh before realizing that Undyne was behind me and we resumed chasing me. I ran past a sign that said WELCOME TO HOTLAND on it. I run a little bit more and see Sans asleep at his century station... that still had snow on its roof. It's magic, it doesn't need to be explained. I think as I run past. Undyne actually stoped to wake Sans up. That gave me enough time to run past this big bridge. I stop and hear her heavily armored footsteps slow down. I look behind me and see Undyne.

"Armor.....So.....Hot....But I can't.... Give up...." She mumbles. After a few more steps she collapses due to fatigue. I look around and I see a convenient water cooler a few steps away. I walk over and pour a cup and walk over to Undyne. I didn't know how I could get her to drink it, so I just poured it on her face. After a few moments, Undyne got up, looked around, and walked away. I smiled and turned around. I saw a huge lab, a pair of guards blocking a path, and a Save Star. I walked to the Save Star Seeing such a unanimous lab loom above you, fills you with DETERMINATION


So there you go! Your chapter for the week! I hope you like it! Welp, see ya in the next one!              

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